
Dimensional Overhaul

What was the gods' best creation? Was it man? Could it be the stars that we all gaze upon? Planets that hold life? Or probably the various dimensions that hold all? The answer is simple, the universe! The same universe that comprises all these wonderful creations. The food we eat, the people we look up to, and the mountains which stretch beyond the clouds are all part of one universe. And among the variety of races, one stood among them all. A race yielding the strongest type of magic, black magic. They were the Genois race. The fact that they were the strongest clouded their minds, why not unify the universe? They thought. During their rein, they forcibly made other races kneel before them and those who resisted were killed. Upon a mountain of bloodshed, a single man rose to the task of defeating the Genois race. Some called him a 'reaper', others 'a savior' while others squandered his name calling him a murderer. The single man possessed a special type of visual prowess known as Tsujigens. The five Tsujigens: Tsujigen of force, Tsujigen of space, Tsujigen of time, Tsujigen of power, and the Tsujigen illusion made him an unstoppable force. With this power, he wiped out the Genois race leaving none. Blessing other races with freedom. He was hailed as a god! Mysterious as a ghost! Yet still a lone man. Alas, not even his mortal body could handle his power causing him to erode. Before his death, he shared his Tsujigens for the next generation in hopes of his resurrection. In the present, a boy awoke in an unfamiliar world, with no memories of the past, and is left with a symbolic tattoo on his arm which possesses odd powers. In a universe where magic is the norm, Kevin travels to different worlds, unique in their way, to reclaim his lost memories.

DymenS · Fantasy
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98 Chs


Waking up the next day, Kevin was as fit as a fiddle feeling no remnants of his previous injuries.

' I feel so energetic,' Kevin thought while performing a couple of stretches.

Kicking, punching, squatting and even flips were all performed on him to test his body. He was in quite a joyous mood although it was not seen on his face. Not only did he survive the encounter with the yeti beast but was now also successfully healed.

'Who is this doctor Lilith spoke of?' Kevin questioned himself immaturely wondering whether the doctor implanted a miracle drug into his food.

'Maybe he can also cure my memory loss?' Kevin pondered while performing a handstand.

Suddenly, without knocking, a nurse entered the room bearing witness to Kevin making a fool out of himself.

"Oh my!" She blurted out quickly leaving a pair of new clothes on a table and then escaping the scene. Oddly before she left, her cheeks were as red as a tomato.

'What a weirdo!' Kevin thought inwardly. Although it was weird for a patient to be doing handstands, it was nothing to run from.

Kevin was only able to catch a glimpse of her face before she escaped. She had blue hair descending till it reached her shoulders, blue eyes, black nails, and wore a jacket.

'She ran faster than me without magic,' Kevin giggled to himself. While standing straight. Even though he did not know what magic was, he at least had the basic idea of it being some type of power-up.

From the wooden window, a cold breeze blew against him making him shiver. It was almost as if his clothes were non-existent.

'Guess I better change,'.

Kevin tried to remove his clothes but instead of touching the fabric, he felt his skin. In confusion, he looked down at himself wondering why his clothes were feeling odd.

"AAAAAAH!" Kevin shrieked in the realization that he was butt naked.

'So this whole time I was naked..... the wait was I naked when I had the conversation with Lilith?' Kevin wondered trying his best to dismiss such thoughts while wearing the brought-in clothes.

A few minutes after changing, Kevin once again receives a visit from the nurse bearing apologies. It was quite perplexing for her to see Kevin's spear hero in all its glamour, but now that he was neatly dressed she was levelheaded. However, Kevin initiated a drama show by kneeling on one leg.

"I am truly sorry, due to my ignorance, you bore witness to the true might of my John Christopher Benjamin IV!" Kevin genuinely pleaded for forgiveness with a blank face. In the spur of the moment, he unknowingly made a complete sentence devoid of any mistakes. At an incredible rate, he was getting more familiar with talking.

"It is quite okay. I should be the one apologizing for not knocking and stealing glimpses of your John Christopher Benjamin IV," she returned the apology even unintentionally ratting herself out.

"It appears as though you are okay," an old voice said opening the door.

There was an awkward silence when the person arrived. He had blue hair similar to the nurse's but was rather old and had many wrinkles exhibiting themselves on his face. Kevin stared at him blankly expecting him to talk while the nurse began to sweat buckets for reasons unknown to Kevin.

'Are they related?' Kevin thought, seeing as both of them have the same hair color.

'Oh shit! I hope he did not hear our conversation,' the nurse thought, worriedly with a blank smile. Disrupting the awkward moment, she decided to initiate an introduction.

"I believe this is the first time your meeting honey...I mean the doctor," she said nervously, almost as if she was just caught cheating.

"Honey?" Kevin stated in confusion, the man looked old enough to be her dad yet she said 'honey' implying a lover relationship.

Ahem! The doctor cleared his throat, "My name is Graham. And yes I am the village doctor who healed your wounds. As to why you were in your birthday suit, that is because my magic can only be effective when one is naked,".

'Magic can heal? That would have been helpful in the fight,' Kevin thought.

"Ummm, I have memory loss can u cure it?" Kevin asked before adding "Or maybe tell me if I am a resident of this village?".

"Lilith did mention that but sorry to say I cannot and you are not a resident. As a doctor, I have a file on everyone and you are not among," Graham stated.

"Well, thank you for healing me anyways,".

"You are welcome. Thank Lilith for paying..... or else I would have left you for dead if it was not for the situation," the doctor said, whispering the last parts to himself.

"You have recovered, so you are free to leave," Graham said as he took his leave followed by the nurse.

Releasing a sigh, Kevin fell to the bed where the fox had just woken up from its slumber. Wearing a pair of slippers left for him, he left the clinic to view the outside world.

Seeing the so-called 'Haku village' in person, he was stunned by its beauty. Although it was quite big, most buildings were comprised of wood materials, and the streets were paved beautifully with concrete. At the village's center laid a fountain glistening in gold, it was hard to refer to this site as a village it was more suitable to call it a miniature city.

Looking around, he noticed a familiar figure walking towards the East. Her white long hair danced through the cold breeze with her red eyes that shone like the sun.

"Lilith!" Kevin called out as he ran towards her. In a village.... not a city filled with strangers, Kevin decided to stick with the person he knew most, even if he had known the person for merely five minutes.

"Oh? Mr virgin are you out?" Lilith asked knowing the wonders Graham could perform.

"Do... not call me that," Kevin replied instantly with a tinge of annoyance.

"Hey, the fox is with you!" she exclaimed petting the fox gently. "You know you should probably give it a name!".

'A name huh? Chirpy cause it chirps?'Kevin inwardly thought.

Almost as if she could read his thoughts, a disgusted expression was weaved on her face as she said "For your sake, I hope u were not going to name it Chirpy,".

"No, no I was not," Kevin said while laughing nervously obviously lying.

"How about Kirby?" Lilith suggested.

Even Kevin had to admit for a bimbo, her naming skills were top-notch.

Kevin decided to follow Lilith on her journey, mainly to ask one question that has been on his mind for a while.

"What is magic?".

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