
Diary of a girl next door

Sasha Holton is a 16 year old girl , living with her strange grandmother who is a complete mystery to her despite living under the same roof, and an Uncle with a terrible secret. She is in love with a boy next door or course but the boy happens to be 19 and engaged to his high school sweetheart already. Her parents are not in the picture and life is tough, till her uncle's friend Jared moves in with them.

ReneeLyle · Teen
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Diary of a girl next door

Hello dear, stupid diary...

I wanna DIE! Writing a diary is the last thing I wanted to do with everything that is going on in my life. I should be doing whatever I can to get out of this house and get away from this STUPID town! But I am a 16 years old with just 200 dollars in my wallet and no job. Life truly sucks!

Grandmama took my phone away. There is nothing else to keep me occupied here in my room. This is the only reason I even picked up this 365 page, red leather bound monstrosity. I really hate my uncle Harry and grandmama and I WISH THEY WERE DEAD!

GOODBYE DIARY! WISH YOU DIE TOO! (In metaphorical way of course...)

-Sasha Holton

(6th February 2018)