

Born with a silver spoon only for that to get snatched from him, Denwen is forced to face the harsh reality of life as even with a talentless body he discovers something no one could fathom allowing him rise through the ranks quicker than anyone else. Betrayal, heartbreak and other soul crushing experiences chisels Denwen into a seasoned warrior as he stands above all others

Praiz_Official · Fantasy
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61 Chs

"I don't think I am ever going to skip a day at this rate"

"HOW DID YOU THAT?" both kids blurted out in shock

"Wait you guys don't know about mana control" the man asked in return as it was common knowledge even kids knew

"Well, I have seen some adults use mana control to lift things up and drop them" Roy answered

"I also have, but I just haven't seen one use it for well...that" Denwen responded as he pointed at the floating plates that were still washing themselves.

"Really, well if your mana is refined enough, you can do this" he explained

"Well, I thought it's only those who have awoken that can begin to dream of refining their mana" Denwen asked

"Well, you are not entirely wrong, as there are various mana refinement skills that if a body that hasn't awoken yet should use would cause the origin of said origin to implode"

At this point, the boys had been captivated by the explanations, "you see the body is like a filtration tank, the bigger it is the more mana it can contain and the better the filter bed. Your body can only make use of a certain level of filter bed on each rank as if you try to force a bigger filter bed when your tank is still small, it shatters" he said as he slammed his staff on the ground. "So when you awaken or breakthrough, you will require a better mana refinement skill to aid your origin as the better the refinement technique the faster your breakthrough. For instance, a stage one mana refinement technique would help you from the early stages to the late stages of stage one and if your talent is good enough, it would give you a boost to breakthrough to stage two. If you were to continue using that same technique it would take you ten times the time it was suppose to take you to breakthrough to stage three than if you had used a stage two mana refinement technique" he spoke as he lifted up a finger

"But there is a way the strongest use to get around this limitation, and that is to build a very strong foundation of beginning to gather mana in your body"

"But, I was told that when you breakthrough mana automatically gets into your body like a container under the sea that was sealed and had a crack on it" Roy asked

"Well you are not entirely wrong, but what happens when a channel is created from within the container" the man asked as he looked at the two of them

"It flows in gently" Denwen responded understanding the illustration

"That's it, the moment you try attempting to gather mana before your breakthrough, you are taking the first step of building the pathways that would have been forced open by mana once you awaken. This reenforces your origin to be able to withstand higher quantity or mana as well as a better quality of mana as any refinement technique you use would have an effect of double purification making you twice as strong". He said as he stood up to leave.

"Wait where are you going" Denwen asked

"To rest of course, I need lots of it, and oh you guys should scram before I wake up" he said as he proceeded to walk through his door

"What should we call you" Denwen when tried to follow him


The door slammed in the face of the young boy

"Kop" a muffled voice came through the door as the man has already shut the door

"Old man Kop it is" Denwen retorted back but there was no response.


"What do you think about all he said" Roy asked

"Well I don't know but I am going to wait here till he gets back so I can ask him to teach me" Denwen asked

"Really?" Roy asked surprised but then he realized how he met Denwen "I suppose you have no where to return to that's why you got a lot of time on your hands"

"Wait, so you are not joining me to wait"

"Nope, not at all, it's already been two days, I am sure my old man is worried sick about me already, I don't even know how to explain this injury to him" he said as he touched his head.

"Did you just say two days" Denwen asked as he couldn't relate

"Yup I had to stay to make sure you survived even though I am going to get an earful back home" Roy stood up as he picked up his jacket and straightened his shirt "don't miss me much when I'm gone" he said wink a wink

"you wish" Denwen said as he pouted

"Don't worry I will be coming over to visit, that's if you remain here"

"How are you even going to get home?"

"Don't worry, the village we left if just downhill from here you can actually see it from here through the window" Roy said as he began to run

"Bye, you bum"

"Hey…" Denwen wanted to reply but saw that he had already ran past where he could hear what he said so he decided against it.


Looking around the house was quite silent, as he had nowhere to go to, Roy speaking of his dad had caused his own dad to flash across his mind 'I have to get stronger by all means' he thought.

"TASKS" he called out as a familiar screen appeared in his view

*1/3 tasks completed

**1 km run daily*

*10 pushups daily*

*Lift 5kg of weights 10 times*


*50 exp*

*First time completion reward- 100exp*

*1 free stat point*


*Well at this point any consequence would straight up lead to your death and that isn't good for me*

"I guess I would just do the remaining tasks for now and see what rewards I will get" he got up and took off his bandages. "Looks like I will have to complete the task before the screen reloads" he thought as he noticed that the tasks still showed daily even though two whole days had passed.

He got up and began to do the push up

"1, 2, 3….." he continued even though at six he was shaking like a leaf that was dried up on a tree in a stormy night. "Looks like the stamina paid off" he said as he laid down exhausted. He couldn't stop mid-way because he knew he would have to start afresh.


He heard a familiar notification "I don't think I am ever going to skip a day at this rate" he said as he smiled once he saw the bonus reward come in.

Next chapter title


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