

Born with a silver spoon only for that to get snatched from him, Denwen is forced to face the harsh reality of life as even with a talentless body he discovers something no one could fathom allowing him rise through the ranks quicker than anyone else. Betrayal, heartbreak and other soul crushing experiences chisels Denwen into a seasoned warrior as he stands above all others

Praiz_Official · Fantasy
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61 Chs

How did you do that

"That's enough kid" a man who was dressed shabbily with a red stripped hat and looked to be in his fifties tapped on the thug's shoulders. The thug looked him up and down and didn't feel a single bit of aura coming off the man which either meant he was weak or way stronger than him. But seeing his non-muscular and slim body frame he thought he was the former.

"Get your hands off me geezer" the thug said as he tried to shrug off the hand, but he felt it was so firm that he couldn't move him.

"Hey, old man, do you need to be thought a lesson though" the bigger thug came out to speak as he tried to punch the man. "I fail to see how that's possible" the man said as he step aside letting the man hit his partner sending him flying. Enraged the man threw out another punch but the man just used hand to parry it away, grabbing the hand he delivered a solid punch to his guts sending his body flying in the air


He used the same arm to slam him on the ground cracking the surface. Seeing their strongest being defeated like nothing the third thug had his legs shaking

"You forced our hands" the thug said in a shaky voice as his hand began to glow red, just as he had formed a tennis sized ball of flame, the strange man turned and looked at him sternly, the look alone sent shivers down the thug's spine as the flames dissipated. He began sweating profusely as he couldn't move as long as the man stared at him.

"Hmmm, could you do me a favor and carry your two buddies out of here" the man said as he closed his eyes causing the pressure to disappear as it was already affecting the people around.

"Of course, I was about to do that" the thug said as he picked up his comrades and carried them out of the restaurant.


"Who is he"

"I don't know, I usual see him come around here for a drink for years now but he looked nothing special"

"Nothing special, what he just did now was only something someone at stage four or higher could do"

"Well, at least he got those bastards out"

The crowd which was still in awe of everything that had just happened as there was pin drop silence.

"Do any of you know where these kids are from" he said as he looked at the passed-out body of Denwen and Roy. Denwen had passed out the moment he gave up thinking that was it.

"Anyone" the man said as he looked around, "what a drag" the man said scratching his head

"I have seen the one there around sometimes, he looks like someone that come from the upper part of the town the second not so much" a lady replied. "Great, so you can take him back"

Roy sighed

"No sir, I don't know where he stays" the woman straight up disagreed.

"Well, I can't just leave them here" the man said as he picked up Denwen and Roy placing them under his armpits as he picked up his walking stick from the door and left.

"Is that anyway to help out the injured" the people in the restaurant screamed internally.


"Huh, where am I?" Denwen said as he sat up. Looking down at his body, he saw that he was wrapped like a mummy in bandages. Opening the door, he was met with a scent that wafted into his nose.

"Is that food" he blurted out as he ran to the table where he saw Roy seated already with his eyes shut, he noticed that he had a bandage on his head with blood stains still present knowing that it was still healing.

"Ah you are up already" The man said as he turned around while holding a plate of food that looked so good 'hmm' the man said as he looked at Denwen's body and noticed that the wounds had already been healed 'this kid' he just smiled when he saw it

"Here you go, Roy here has already eaten" the man spoke as he sat on a stool. Denwen looked at Roy noticing that he was straight up avoiding looking at him but he didn't mind as his immediate problem was his stomach. Taking up a full spoon of the food that looked like a porridge he closed his eyes to chew and savor the taste


He spat it out almost immediately "what is this"

"Hahahahaha" Roy blurted out in laughter as he fell to the floor

"You traitor, you knew" Denwen said as he shouted at Roy

"You should have seen your face, Hahahaha" Roy continued to laugh.

"Eat it" The man said with a smile

"How do you cook in such a way that the smell and the taste are so abstract" Denwen said as he pushed the plate away. Pushing the plate back towards the boy with his walking stick "the body doesn't need food that only pacifies the tongue, you need food that can strengthen the body , think of it as a medication" the man said "now eat"


A strange pressure perfused through the room causing Denwen to start eating as tears left his eyes, "you too young man" he said as he looked at Roy who immediately brought out his plate from under the table.

Seeing this, Denwen smiled as though he had just won a lottery but he couldn't laugh, so he was crying and smiling at the same time.


*Your body has just ingested a body enhancing potion +1 Strength, +1 Regeneration

Seeing this message Denwen smiled as this turned out to be more of a blessing than a curse.


"Well, I don't know your name yet young man" the man said as he used a skill to pick up the plates causing them to float in the air to the kitchen and begun to wash themselves.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT" both boys blurted out.

Next Chapter's Title

"I don't think I am ever going to skip a day at this rate"

Praiz_Officialcreators' thoughts