

Born with a silver spoon only for that to get snatched from him, Denwen is forced to face the harsh reality of life as even with a talentless body he discovers something no one could fathom allowing him rise through the ranks quicker than anyone else. Betrayal, heartbreak and other soul crushing experiences chisels Denwen into a seasoned warrior as he stands above all others

Praiz_Official · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs


"I don't think I am ever going to skip a day at this rate" he smiled and shook his head after reading through the reward

*You've been granted an extra stat in speed

The message read, this caused his to smile because he knew he was already fast a statement old man El' told him before that for an unranked or an unawakened he was pretty fast as it would only take an awakened person to catch him once he gained his stride. He then ran from the wall of the house to a nearby tree that was close by about 200 meters and got there in less than ten seconds, "I wonder how I would fare against an awakened" he wondered as he called out for the menu

*Title: N/A

*Race: Human

*Level: 1

*Exp: 100/500

*Energy 50/100

*Strength: 3

*Speed: 4

*Stamina: 7

*Dexterity: 0

*Intelligence: 1

Regeneration: 2

*Charm: 10

*Origin: Unranked

*Talent: Not accessible

Skills: null

"WOAH, this is awesome, but I don't think these first-time rewards given for individual tasks would continue if not I don't even need the whole tasks to be broken" Denwen thought aloud, 'Well then let's finish up this last task' he went into the house and started to pick up things and surprisingly a scale appeared in his vision to show him the weight of the object he was picking up. He picked up many things but nothing was exactly five kilograms so he entered the kitchen and saw a rock that old man Kop used to hold up a cylinder, probably a gas cylinder but he didn't care as he rolled down the cylinder since it was heavy. As soon as he picked up the stone the scale turned green as it read 5kg. He then raised the stone to his chest level and began to count. As usual this wasn't an easy task for a seven-year-old child to lift up a five-kilogram worth or weight and do 10 reps with it.


'This kid sure is interesting' Old man Kop said as he watched Denwen do his task, first he noticed the insane regeneration of the kid that seemed as though he had the regeneration skill of an awakened and this was prior to his own awakening. Now he had seen him exhibit a speed on par with a weak ranked Stage one mage or swords man. And those exercises he was doing at such a young age what kind of physique would he have the moment he awakens. He knew that a monster the world has never seen before except one perhaps might just have been born. 'But I would love to watch more to see whether or not I should take the decision' he thought of something while looking out the window.



*Congratulations you have just concluded your first set of tasks, your body is on it's way to becoming strong enough to truly contain my power

"The system left quite a lot of words for me to read though, just gimme my rewards" he muttered as he stared at the text and soon after the rewards came pouring in;

*3/3 tasks completed

**1 km run daily*

*10 pushups daily*

*Lift 5kg of weights 10 times*


*50 exp*

*First time completion reward- 100exp*

*1 free stat point*


*Well at this point any consequence would straight up lead to your death and that isn't good for me*

'Well, I think I deserve all that, the system did say something about achievements' he thought about it causing the achievement screen to unlock, I can't wait to get to level five to see just what sort of skill that I will get' he thought as he knew he was going to get access to something really important. The importance of skills had been drilled into him by his homeroom teacher and old man El', that no matter how strong a mage or swordsman was if he had no skill, he could still be defeated by a lower ranked mage without one. So, he knew that this was a very big opportunity that he couldn't missed, hopefully it is an attack-based skill, that way I will be unmatched, so he thought.


"You sure do know how to bother us" A woman said as she hugged her son "look at what happened to you" she said as she tried touching the bandage on his head causing him to flinch

"And where did you say you got this injury from Roy?" A man with blonde hair asked

"I just fell father, it's nothing serious" Roy said with a shaky voice

"Do you hear yourself" his father's voice went up a bit "Take a good look at yourself, is that the sort of injury one would get just by falling down"

"No sir, but it actually is" Roy said still looking away. He knew what his father was capable of doing especially as the duke of this city so he was careful if not that village could seize to exist if the perpetrators were not found.

"Sigh, you just keep giving me headache you know that right?" his father said as he rubbed his forehead

"The changes in the kingdom are just so vast now, if you can't keep up you would be swallowed by it, apparently, we are all to start grooming ourselves for possible dangers from invaders and the new emperor has instated a mandatory course of outer planetary exploration in all academies. Those who excel in it would be the first among the new generation to join the exploration as well." he said

"Dad what do you mean" sensing his father was driving at a point and not just spouting some random bullshit.

"The royal course of outer planetary exploration is now open to all as it not only allows the royals gain access to resources outside this planet, and only the strong are going to be in it to participate as well" he then turned and looked at his son "I want you to grow unrivaled among your peers by any means possible and become the one the lead this new era we are heading into right now.

Next title

"The chosen"

We just past the chapter 20 benchmark that I gave myself, let's get to 50 shall we

Praiz_Officialcreators' thoughts