
Demon Lord Cipher - Spear of Hell

A story of a man wrongly killed and corrupted by hell.

TheFlame · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Onyx

I woke up and as if on queue the man who knocked me out started to speak.

"You're really unlucky buddy, what did you do to end up in hell anyways?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Buddy you may not know this but everyone who ends up here is dead and evil."

"I... can't… deny that I'm dead, but I'm certainly not evil."

"Sure ya can swear up and down your not but your soul was transported to the onyx not the diamond."

"What does that even mean, the onyx and diamond?"

"Listen kid, you were in a red ocean and a wall was between you and freedom. You ended up coming out where my team, who mines the onyx for souls, was located."

"You mine souls, and why are you telling me all of this?"

"Well I guess I'm telling ya because you're gonna be sold soon and you deserve to know what happened to ya."

"Sold... like... a slave."

"Almost exactly, see the higher ups are concerned about you since the child came out of the stone with ya, any ways shut up we're almost there and try your best to not piss anyone off otherwise you'll be obliterated."


"Yes, obliterated."

"Oh I forgot to ask, what's your name kid."

"My names Arthur Ito."

"Arthur Ito, huh, a peculiar name, I'll remember it."

I Arthur Ito, have now realized my situation. I am a person from earth who died. My soul was sent to the onyx. This apparently means I did something bad, like negative karma or something. I never did anything though I was always a well behaved man and child. Maybe the stone messed up somehow. How could it mess up, it's the afterlife Arthur pull yourself together, I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid.

"We're here kid get up, It's time for you to shine."

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