
Demon Lord Cipher - Spear of Hell

A story of a man wrongly killed and corrupted by hell.

TheFlame · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Hell Miners

I felt warm and cold at first, then I felt a flip. My body instead of sinking started to rise. Eventually I hit a wall, It felt like concrete. I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was red, then I saw people. People from my plane's cabin. They were trying to break through the concrete like wall. We were drowning in this red water, so there was a sense of urgency to break through. I saw the kid who warned everyone, and if grown men are having a hard time breaking through, then this kid will probably drown.

I swam over to him, grabbed him, and started punching the wall copying what most others were doing. The kid was starting to faint so I gathered all my strength and hit the wall as hard as I could. A large crack formed in the wall, the other passengers were starting to get through. A large metal spike slammed into the crack from the other side. Me and the kid were forced out by the rushing water. I stood up almost instantly, looked around, and noticed it was a hell-scape, red dirt and clay for miles without end. There were large men slamming people down onto the ground. One of the men rushed at me and tackled me straight down.

"I got a bite!" He yelled

He tied my hands and feet together.

"There's a child too, damn I'm lucky today!" He said Excitedly

Another man replied "Wow a child, how often does that happen?"

"Not often at all, I wonder what he did to get here, and nobody think about taking him for yourself, He's mine!"

The child was tied up quickly "Leave me alone!!!!!!" the child screamed

"You keep squalling like that and I'll cut out your tongue."

He then said to me "I hope you're quality goods asshole." before kicking me square in the chin and knocking me out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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