
Dead Dreams

During the year 2037, on the day of the 'September Eclipse' 7% of the population reportedly passed out at the same time. A month after that mysterious creatures started to appear. Elicit and her friends try to survive in this unusual world as the government opts to kill them. Are they in danger or are they the danger?

Ludicrous_life · Urban
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6 Chs

CHAPTER2 - What is this place

"Don't worry about it it's been 3 years already, shouldn't we be more worried about Ryan?" says Rein.

"Ya your right, but she still worries me....Anyway is Ryan upstairs?" askes Lukas.



"HEY YOu KnoW alReady he alWays sticks to her side like gluee-" Rein begins to spit out excuses like a certain local rapper.

Haa should I go looking for them or should I just take a nap on the floor because I can already feel the headache coming.




"Hey shouldn't we be going back? Rein is probably looking for us again." I say, as we make our way through the rail tracks. Carefully trying to balance on the metal beams.


"You really think Rein is going to waste his time looking for us? He's probably glad he can manage the bar in peace." She answers me without looking back.

"hmm that's true." I reply in a regular manner.

"Anyway I think It's just up ahead." she turns her body excitedly towards me pointing a little ahead below the bridge where we were. She was wearing a pink beanie, her hair was a little past her shoulder now. This reminds me she always tries to act happy around me even after all this time....I wish she would open up to others more.

"What's up ahead?" I ask finally. She dragged me along to find some place even she doesn't even know the name of. Well I didn't really mean dragged along, I just didn't want her to leave me alone so as always i clung along to her whenever i can. But I'm sure she doesn't mind me. I think It also gives her some relief to be with me because of my powers. I don't yet know why though.

We took a few unexpected turns from a creepy alley way to get to this bridge. This place looks desolate. We live in the capital but this part looks old compared to the rest. Even the railways are covered in vines along with the walls of the bridge. We often come across places that still use and hold old stuff from the 2000s. After going down and a few yards along the stream she pushed ahead a wall of vines, there was a rusty glass window on what looks like big metal door behind it.

"Told you I'll find it this time haha," she laughed confidently trying to push the door to open. But the door didn't budge. "A little help maybe?" She looks at me.

After a few attempts of running straight into the door, it finally opened. I mean to be exact, the door broke and we both fell forward…I find myself in really unique situations ever since I've met her. I can also say I've only started to live and feel safe. She can ask me to jump off a bridge and I would not question it. Oh I think I've been rambling again.

We dust ourselves up. Hmm?

"Is this a bus?" I ask?

"It's a train, dumbass. Wait there." She tells me as she walks to the end of the train. It was already getting dark so this place had a really creepy vibe to it. I think she switched something on. Just like that the whole compartment was lit in a dim red light. Some of the windows were broken but the metal seats were still in good condition, the middle part of the train seemed to have been cleaned and there was some tires and boxes that seemed newly brought.


"See I told you you'd like this place." She smiled and sat on the makeshift hammock.

"This is where you've been?"

"Half the time ya. It's really peaceful down here." she said.

"But this place is dangerous right??? Like it's so dark you can't see anything outside the window." I told her as I casually sat on the large tire in the middle, Where did she even get this from?

"Hmm don't worry, nobody comes down here." She shrugs her shoulders.

"I wasn't talking about people..."

"....I know...BUT you can't really avoid them anywhere sooo might as well have some peace while you can haha." She casually says swinging the hammock back and forth.

"Well if you've been here so many times how did you get lost last time hmm~?" I tease her.

"Shut up" She looks at me annoyed. "I just took a wrong turn last time."


Thanks for reading <3

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