
Dead Dreams

During the year 2037, on the day of the 'September Eclipse' 7% of the population reportedly passed out at the same time. A month after that mysterious creatures started to appear. Elicit and her friends try to survive in this unusual world as the government opts to kill them. Are they in danger or are they the danger?

Ludicrous_life · Urban
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6 Chs

CHAPTER1: The kid got lucky


7th floor apartment DF ,a middle aged drunk man hits a boy who falls on the floor. "You little shit, doing nothing all day." The man kicks the child in the stomach cough "WHAT?! you think I'm worthless too? Looking at Me like I'm a jobless bum"


"Ugh who the hell??" Man opens the door, a guy with a cap "Sir, we are here for this months electricity bill." "Ah shit," looking at the boy, "...Where did that woman put the cash this time? Wait here." The man goes into the other room.

The boy on the floor who's one eye is covered with hair looks at the door and slowly gets up. He looks as if nobody took care of him in a long time, his light brown hair is cut uneven, bangs are poking his eyes, wearing a crumpled full sleeve shirt and shorts. He sees the man coming out of the room and makes a run through the main gate bumping the bill guy.

The man shouts "HEY get back here!" He handed the money to the bill guy and goes to the elevator. The boy heads for the stairs .He hastily runs down the stairs of the 7th floor. The man gets out of the elevator and catches up to the kid and manages to grab his arm. "Where do you think your going huh?" The boy bites his hand and sprints through the main gate. "Fuck... GET BACK HERE!!" He yells. The boy without turning Back keeps running through the busy streets.

[THIS EVENT IS TAKING PLACE 38 DAYS AFTER THE FIRST ECLIPSE, not everyone's creatures had come out yet]

The boy hastily runs into a man around 25~27 years of age and falls down. He screams the moment he falls down and some thing described as a black shadow very quickly spreads and disappears around him. The man he bumped into,"Wha-?!the hell was that??"

People around him start talking ,"Did u see that??""Something went by my legs." "Did someone screams? "What was that?", people's muffled voices continue. The boy looks up at the stranger's face looking down on him. "Hey kid are you okay?"

The boy doesn't hear anything, he looks dazed. As the stranger comes forward offering to help the boy get up, his mind overlaps the scene with his drunk father coming to hit him, he whispers "get away" with a shaky voice. The man asks "What was that?". The boy yells "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" The stranger jumps from his sudden outburst.

The man's hand which he had offered to help slowly starts to crumble to black dust . Seeing his Hand disappear he freaks out, "Huh?!? Wha..WHAT'S HAPPENING??! AHHH!"

People around him watched as he slowly became nothing. It was silent for a moment as if everyone forgot to breath, but the moment felt like forever to others.

A boy in uniform panics, people started screaming in confusion and were trying to run to safety. Someone's leg bumps into the boy, the boy forced on the ground stares at the hard pavement seething. People around him starts to crumble. The black dust gradually increases. It was chaos everywhere. The closest people crumbled in an instant.

This took place in the main road of NAL district, main square. As people crumbled, it naturally started to become quiet with the final muffled screams happening far away. Some of the black dust gets blown by the wind.

The boy noticed some one coming towards him, there was no sound of footsteps. That person stopped at the boy's right, he looks up at the person with his right eye, the other covered with his uneven bangs. It was a girl, her hair was dyed half ash and light pink. She looks down on him for a moment and proceeds to gets down to the boys level to casually say "Will you tell me why?" The girl's deep feminine voice so clearly heard that it bizarrely echoed. The boy instinctively snaps his around as it was TOO QUIET. His pupils shook at the strange sight. The pavement around them had turned black with dust that made everything look cursed, as if the scene came out of a fantasy horror book.

He realizes that no one...absolutely no one was around them. The busy and always noisy streets of Nal district were nowhere to be found. He stares at the girl and after a while his expression changes to a panicked one seemingly realizing he's most likely the one who caused all this. With a somewhat shaky voice he asks "h-how did you come here?" The girl seems confused for a split second and tilts her head to the side, "how you ask? because I'm the same as you." "What...?" "What's your name kid?" the girl asked and after a few seconds of pause he replies,

"Ryan, my name is Ryan Nar"

"Do you have a home Ryan?", she asks again.

"…no", he answers after a long pause.

"Ok Ryan, would you like to come with me?" The girl stands up and holds up her hand towards him and smiles.

"...are you going to kill me?" the boys eyes darken as he asks.

"I'm not the government."

The boy accepts her hand. Smiling at him she yells, "Run Ryan!!" Holding the boys hand they run towards a nearby ally. They were lucky that cctv is hard to come by after the war.


3 years later

A bustling bar, the clinking of beer glasses, the voices of students having fun and the never ending music never missing the beat.

The door flings open as a guy in his mid 20s walks in, heading straight to the counter, "business is going pretty well today, anything unusual?" Casually says the guy. "Surprisingly it's been very quiet this week" the bartender also matching his cool.

"Really? Then where's ____"


"Don't tell me she's running around again?" Asks the guy groaning as if sick of everything.

"Maybe maybe not?" The bartender shrugs his shoulders.

"You're supposed to keep an eye on her Rein!" The guy calmly says.

" I was! Then she tricked me and left in the middle of rush hour." Rein defends himself " AND where have you been this week Lucas? You know she doesn't like to stay indoors for a long time."

"Give me a break"

I apologise if the beginning turned out childish, I wrote this part a long time ago.

Ludicrous_lifecreators' thoughts