
Dead Dreams

During the year 2037, on the day of the 'September Eclipse' 7% of the population reportedly passed out at the same time. A month after that mysterious creatures started to appear. Elicit and her friends try to survive in this unusual world as the government opts to kill them. Are they in danger or are they the danger?

Ludicrous_life · Urban
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6 Chs

CHAPTER3- Monsters and Ladders




"Lucas If you don't fucking stop that RIGHT NOW," Rein finally snapped.

It has been only half an hour since their last conversation where Lucas decided he was too lazy to go out and look for the little devils incarnates. Next thing you know, this guy was too lazy to go to the sofa upstairs for a nap too. So he's been bumming around sitting there at the counter chair right in Rein's face. That wouldn't be a problem if only he had been a little normal. But nope. He's been constantly fidgeting, tapping on the counter or glasses on the side, when I took the glasses away he kept whining and then again continued to tap on the counter for the last 10 minutes. 

"Honestly I expected too much no one in this damn nice looking house is chill." Rein wallows in his apparent misery for no reason at all.

"Hey hey I didn't even do anythi-" Lucas shut his mouth pretty quick since he caught a quick glance at Rein's shadow, that almost looked like black smoke.

"Lucas...If you're that worried go out and look for them." Rein smiles and says calmly but people around them can almost see fire burning behind Rein. A customer who was sitting with his back faced to them whispers on the side to his buddy, 'hey Isn't it suddenly a little hot in here?,' His friend who's casually witnessing Reins fury was already sweating but seemingly familiar with the situation replied, 'ya they probably turned up the heater too much.'

Lucas retorted quickly "Whattt I'm not worried at all, besides I have no idea where they might be."

"Uh huh sure." Rein rolled his eyes and started brewing a coffee.

This place is called the Melona bar but It runs as a coffee shop known as RuRu cafe until the evening. It has a very rustic tavern vibes but some parts has classic dark Medieval castle decorations. Everyone agreed on the tavern aesthetic but a certain someone was obsessed with medieval royal books so now here we are. With oddly placed royal decorations and that one single big ass 'modern painting' in the corner. I swear every person who walks in here thinks of something along the lines of 'tf is that shit.' Needless to say some of us have spent no less effort trying to get rid of that diabolical piece of 'art' off that wall but mysteriously failed every time.

"Hm? Oh right this thing exists," Lucas says as he reaches for the small bell on the counter and starts ringing it . 

And again he does not stop ringing that old thing. 


Either Lucas straight up ignored him or poor Lucas was so busy ringing that small bell that he didn't notice Rein calling him. 

"That's It, get the fuck out right now Lucas." Rein finally snapped.

"Huh? wait- " 

Rein casually grabs him by the collar and leaves him outside the bar on the side of the road. Seeing Lucas sitting outside on the road confused two of the customers laugh, 'I told you he's going to get kicked out again heh,' 'yes yes but this time he managed to piss of Rein in less than an hour that's a new record.' 'that's true well I think I know the reason this time though haha,' 'hm? Hey that's obvious!' 





"Hey that's cheating?!" Ryan yells.

"No Its not, you're just mad I'm winning again."

As Lucas was busy getting kicked out- Ryan and Ellicit were busy going through a bunch of board games, currently they were playing monsters and ladders on the floor, It was the normal snakes and ladders but Ellicit made a few changes to match the current times. 

"Where did you even get all these from?"

"Oh you know the usual, I stole them obviously." Ellicit shrugs her shoulders seemingly so proud that her nose is in the air right now. 

"You stole a Hammock ???" 

"That's the best thing I ever did." She tells me.

"How did he not notice all this time??" I ask genuinely curious. 

"That's a mystery to me too, I guess we will never know." 

I'll try to be more regular with the updates from now on,

I'm thinking about making this story into a comic in the future.

Thanks for reading.

Ludicrous_lifecreators' thoughts