

Welcome to Cyberxia! This a place where you survive or die. Killed or be killed, Grab your backpack and explore the dark side of this futuristic city.

kidd17 · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 8: Yumeko Takeshi (Part 1)

I took a deep breath and looking myself in the mirror. "Jynx." An android female figure, wearing a white t-shirt with black strip, approaching me. "Check my bank account."

"You have ⁜ 100.89 Quad in your bank account. According to IRS rules, law enforcement with more than 100 Tn. money in their bank, should resigned and enjoy the happier life." I sighed after she give me an information to her.

I should get rid of the money as soon as possible. I turned on the notification and accessing black alley money changer through my glasses. "Do I have message for today?" Jynx followed me to the downstair.

I moved several Jack's memorabilia to my apartment. He kept the old earth furniture for himself, huh. I haven't checked the warehouse that he left before the disappearance.

"You have 8 messages from Lynx, 19 missed calls from Cecilia, and 100 bank transaction from Kenneth O'Kenna. Red Sentinel Bank sends you some promotion, do you want to check it, Ms. Turner?" I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes.

That company already have what they want in this world. Even they create a 'planet' called Gnao-LE 1. What is wrong with people nowadays. I took a deep breath, sighed. What should I do to avoid my resignation?

I rubbed my face roughly and sighed. I snapped my finger and looking at Jynx. I took a sip and smiled. "Hey, can you purchased Bitcoin, Ethereum, RedCoin, C-Coin, and Litecoin. Buy 20 Quad for each the coins worth and put all Kenneth's transaction into the KiloChain?"

Jynx nodding her head and standing there and doing all transaction. All this hologram, shows me all the transaction I made.

[Red Sentinel Bank: Please collect your Prestige rewards in our nearby bank before we send it to your bank account (:]

I'm chuckling and shook my head. Linda... I know it's your shift. "Transaction complete. Do you want me to create another shell company account?" I'm glancing at her as I grabbed my garage key and jacket. It's already winter.

I should prepare for the worst. "Weather today." Jynx following me to the garage with her straight face.

"Snow storms will occur anytime from now. Street will slippery and temperature will dropped to -10 until -21 Celcius degree. I recommended you using a public transportation to avoiding engine broke." I gave her my garage car and sighed.

"Please check available drone." Jynx nodding her head. For several minutes, I'm standing waiting for Jynx to response to my request.

"No available drone. Please, consider or choose between taxi or subway." I'm scratching my hair and sighed. I guess, I can't rely on AI for now.

Jynx walking to get back inside, she leaving alone standing here under my garage. I took a deep breath and searching Red Sentinel Bank nearby my location.







[You already collected your rewards. ⁜ 800 Bn already send to your bank account.]

I should purchased another cryptocurrency or... stock market. I'm sweeping the monitor to the left. "Are you... the woman, who came with my step-daughter in that party right?"

My focus got distract by a voice from behind me. I furrowed my brow and nodding my head. "My name is..." I can't gave her my real name. "...Kendra. Kendra Po."

She furrowed her brow as she observed me from the head to toe. I hope she's not a gangster leader, or something like that. "What are you doing in here?"

I can't said to collect my prestige rewards. I took a deep breath and sighed. "I..."

"Excuse me, Ms. Po. Please come with me." Lynx comes to her rescue. I should admit that she's beautiful and elegant if she wears that uniform. Mrs. Yumeko furrowed her brow as she stared at me.

I'm nodding my head following Linda to the vault. So, this is the vault they like to talked about. "Lexa, are you..."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. They can hear our conversation because this vault full of boxes and some stack of RedCoins and L-Coin. We tries to lowering our voice as low as possible, but still.

Talking inside this vault will result in echoing our voice. "Your vault on number 115600." I'm nodding my head and sighed. I'm following Linda to my locker.

I saw several important people already there. Some of them here to pick, collect, or saved their valuable items. My heart keep beating fast as I get near to my locker. Why they decide to open an locker for me!? I'm just a law enforcement.

Linda swiped the card, and now here we are, We're already inside the most secure vault in the world. "Your bank account already exceeds the limit set by the IRS, we decide to... move your money to a safer place."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "I'm an law enforcement, but why they decide to..."

She wears her gloves on and take out stacks by stacks of C-Coins and RedCoins into the the table. My jaw dropped and covers my mouth. "You should resigned, Alexa." I took a deep breath and sighed. If I carried this coins inside my car, it will become an attraction for them.

I'm an law enforcement, and a human. I still love my souls. The old people in the earth said, YOLO! You only live once!

I still want to live. "How... I carrying all of these money!?" I take a seat and sighed. "This... is ridiculous!" I moved the coins to another piles and sighed.

"Can I open new account under new name?" She shook her head. Let's see if her works hour already done it will be easier for me. "Okay... just put it into my bank account." She nodding her head and typing something in her tab.

[⁜ 400 Quad already sent to your account. Please report to the IRS immediately.]

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "What if I'm purchasing this bank stock market?" She shook he head.

We're leaving this vault after she closed my locker. Now, I should waiting the cooling down for 3 days. Argh! What should I do with the money!? All the bank employee we passed bow their head and looked down at me.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. Mrs. Yumeko approach me and shaking my hand. "Right now, you are...."

Yeah, yeah, yeah... since she doesn't want searching inside the database. I should try to looking for her to myself. "Thanks for the... um... the appreciation, but... I need to go to somewhere."

[Yumeko Takeshi sends her contact info via your QR Code.]

I'm nodding my head. I'm rashly leave the bank and get inside of the taxi. "Black alley, please." He nodding his head as he starts the engine on. No matter what happened, I should launder this money.

No matter what happened, I shouldn't lose my job. I'm biting my thumb as looking outside the window from this car thinking what I should do with that amount of the money.