

Welcome to Cyberxia! This a place where you survive or die. Killed or be killed, Grab your backpack and explore the dark side of this futuristic city.

kidd17 · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 9: Yumeko Takeshi (Part 2)

I'm tapping my finger and waiting for the Real Estate Agent comeback to their office. Black market's real estate is the only option I have. "Sorry to make you wait for long, Ms. Po. How's your day?" I'm shaking on his hand and cleared my throat.

"Are you sure you want to purchased a barrack?" He asked.

I'm nodding my head and took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm sure. So, what do I need?" He sends me an email contains the contract.

"Every single upgrade you make, we will charge you around 10%. It will increase every level you want to..." I delete the email. His face turns to pale after I showed my badge.

"I'm a Red Sentinel's Army, and we can trade for cheap." He nodding his head. I put back my badge and sits on the desk. "I'm not willing to purchase your building, Mr. Philips. New Jersey made you forgot it's not UK, right?" His henchmen punched him in the face and forced him to kneel in front of me.

"You..." I smirked, and sits on the table. "Let's we make a deal!" Look at this crook! He doesn't work smart and even his accent was fake.

"A deal? Like in the contract earlier?" I raised my eyebrow. Mr. Philip glare at me with his nose bleeding like a river. I tapped his shoulder as a smirk draw on my face.

I took out my gun and pointing on his chin. "If..."

[Objective: Kill Mr. Louis Philip.]

I put my gun back and smirked. "I will takeover this business... for free." Mr. Philips shook his head.

"I won't let you..." I punched his face with my gun as a knuckle. I'm look a like them now. I took a deep breath and sighed. I raised my eyebrow and lift his head with the tip of my gun.

I'm smiling in front of his face and kissed his cheek. "You look like my father." I shot his on his head and everyone inside this room.

[Mission Failed. Try again? Reason: You are the messiest killer that I've ever seen.]

Kenneth groans as he saw the game told his failed. "Argh! One day, I can beat you." I'm chuckling and chug on my beer. "So, you're plan to retire. I don't know you will retire early and has more money, than me."

He put back the toy gun to it's place and leaned his back. "I earned it legally, Ken of Barbie. I don't have a plan to retire. You know..." I sighed. "Once you retire, will you happy? We get used to do something, right? Catching criminals, arguing with other law enforcement, or hanging around with another officers in the bar. I will miss all of you!"

Kenneth chuckling and look at me as we walk to the counter to exchanging our tickets for a prize. "You right. So, you have a plan?" We take off our AR googles and handing back to the staff there.

"I want to purchase some business. Legally, secure, profitable, and it's match for our problem. You have a guess?" Kenneth handing me a check paper.


Kenneth scratching his hair and looked at me. "Please give me a clue. I have no idea." I rolled my eyes and sighed. Now, I was wondering how you can pass the exam. You bribe them or it's pure lucky.

[You collected ⏔ 0.9 of J-Coins. Please choose the items to exchange the prize. Now your account balance is ⏔100.08 ]

"Everyone knew it bro!" I'm looking at my surrounding and sighed. "I already have a barrack." Kenneth choked on his drink and gasped.

"Are you fucking serious!?" He looking at surrounding us. "We can't and it's illegal to be a leader of a gang, Alexa. How..." Kenneth sighed, rubbed his face roughly. "I-I'm not try to become Mr. Hypocrite and Cynical, but... it will tarnish your reputation as a good hardworking officer."

If you know, Ken. I'm that person who killed that 8 criminals with a cold blooded. This hardworking officer is a serial killer. "How much do you make in an hour? 19 Bn.?" I shook my head.

"1.99 Tn. I allocate the funds to a shell company account. I even bought and hired several people to take care of everything." I said as I keep scanning all the civilians walking passing us.

"You have an insider?" Kenneth ask. We stopped on the ice cream cart and he ordering two chocolate ice cream. The android only nodding his head and scanning our implant to do the transaction.

I'm nodding my head. "One of my CI is an accountant and admin inside Red Sentinel Bank."

I picked the the cup of the ice cream as we walked this side walk enjoying the cold winter breeze. We help NJPD to patrolling the streets. "So, you don't want to lose our privilege too, right?"

I'm laughing and nodding my head. "Yeah." Should I ask him about Yumeko? None of us can scanning her or searching her to without permission from the higher ups, but why we should need permission.

"Do you have something in mind, partner?" We stopped a civilian, who was wearing an googles and he start to searching that people. Kenneth got several firearms, knife, and a brass knuckle inside his pocket.

"This officer O'Kenna with badge number 12120082778. Require a transport." I'm looking at my wrist watch and sighed. This person dumb or what?

"Copy that officer O'Kenna. A transporter will arrived to your location in 12 minutes." The dispatcher also working hard since almost NJPD's officer focused on my murder case.

"Wait here, I will grabbed our car. He seems drunk." I'm nodding my head and looking at this punk.

"Where you looking at, bitch!? You want to mock me as my ex-girlfriend did!?" I can smell strong alcohol smell from his clothes and breath. I'm looking at his pants and sighed.

The NJPD deserve it. At least, this guy already peed himself and a dry puke on his jacket not make we should wash it. I just want to go home as soon as possible.

Yumeko Takeshi can wait. I will do some hacking or searching some information in the back alley.