

Welcome to Cyberxia! This a place where you survive or die. Killed or be killed, Grab your backpack and explore the dark side of this futuristic city.

kidd17 · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 7: Problem

I opened Alex's apartment door, then switched the lamp. "Ugh... the smell!" It's already 7 years after his disappearance. All his belonging still in the place. God, I miss him.

[Kenneth sent you ⁜ 90.09 Tn into your account with a note "I always keep my promise. You already make me rich, Alexa!"]

I took off my glasses and walked to the sink. There's a lot of dirty dishes. Ugh... I closed my nose and picked my phone to call the terminator.

"Alex, are you there?" I'm looking at my back. A woman hold a dog leash, Who is she!? I'm walking approach her and waving my hand in front of her face. She... seems not bother about this.


"You're not Alex?" I furrowed my brow and looking at her back. Oh, she's an AI. 

"Bark! Bark!" I'm looking at the dog and petting him. His tail wiggling as I keep petting him. The dog is the real dog.

What is this!? Does my brother married with his AI, or this an Illegal AI they talked about? Sound of footstep can be heard from the outside this apartment. A woman catching her breath and glared at me. "Xyna? What are you..." she pointing a gun on me. "Who are you and what are you doing inside Alex's apartment!?"

I sighed. "Put your gun down." I showed my badge, and she lowering her gun. I'm wearing my glasses, but I can't scan her.

She grabbed my badge and read. "Oh, you... Alex's sister. What are you doing in his apartment!?" Okay, this is bad. I took a deep breath and walking approaching her. She keep pointing gun at me, her hands are shaking, tears falling from her eyes.

I snatched her gun and my badge. "I'm here to looking a clue about my brother whereabout. I can resigned whenever I want, but I need they tech to track him." She stared to me and sighed.

"You can called me Kat." She said. "That's an..."

"AI. She's 500-SH model version 8 from Red Sentinel Android. Am I right?" She's nodding her head and sighed. I'm scanning her gun and inspect it. This is my brother's belonging. I'm looking at Kat as she help the android walk.

I'm following them to the other room. "You should leave! You..."

"I need to know what happened to all of you." Kat stare into my eyes. "I..." she slammed the door in front of me, sighed.

[Lynx sent you a message.]

I knocked the door again, until someone tapped my shoulder. "Um..." maybe he wants me to leave. "Are you... Alex's Turner relative?" Maybe he the landlords here.

I showed my badge and his face turns into pale. "I-I..." I took a deep breath and put back my badge, tapped my shoulder.

"I want to purchased my brother's room including with the furniture." He running away to the downstair and leave me confused. What's wrong with this place.

[Sentinel Admin: Someone inside this building has a bounty. If you can...]

I turned off all notification and calling the terminator to clean my brother's apartment room and changing everything into the clean one.







I open my car door and turn on the engine. "Welcome, Alexa. Where you want to go?" I'm sitting and open the book that I found in Mr. Pierre's office as I keep open a file from his computer.

"Hexa Ruins, please. Auto-drive mode on." The AI drives the car with medium speed to the destination. I keep looking something related to my next target.

Flashback on

"Are you crazy!?" Linda shook her head and sighed. "She's your step-mother, Linda! I can't..." I scoffed and sighed.

Rubbed my face several times, then glared at her. "She's my step-mother, yes, but she's a criminal. Are you..." She throws me a stack of files. "I printed all the evidence my step-mother's businesses. She should get arrested, Alexa" 

I took a deep breath and sighed. What kind devil are you, Linda? "Alexa..." she hugged me and I response to her hugged. "Please..." she stare into my eyes.

Flashback off

I sighed and straightened my body. Should I killed her mom? "Here's your coffee," she puts my coffee on my table.

"Hey, are you already take your order?" I'm smiling and shook my head. Cecilia take a seat in front of me as I stir the coffee. "Why are you want me to come? There's something you want me to know, or..."

"Can you searching... someone's named in NJPD database for me?" She furrowed her brow.

Cecilia shook her head. "Are you insane, Alexa!? If..." She massaging her temple, sighed. She sits next to me. "Who wants you to lookout anyway?"

Should I tell her? I'm looking at my surrounding and sighed. There's no other choice. "Yumeko Takeshi."

She widens her eyes. "Are you lose your sanity!? I thought..." she groans, slapping my shoulder. "Are you have trouble with her!?"

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Not yet, but..." I took a deep breath.

"No," she stand up and glare at me. "If you want lookout her name, do it by yourself!" She leaves from the cafe.

I support my chin and sighed as I stir the coffee again. I took off my glasses and put it on the table. Now, what I supposed to do? I'm tapping my finger while thinking what I should do next.

I should go to the back alley if I want to search some information. "Hey," I'm looking in front of me and straightened my body. Oh, God.

"C-can you... escort me to my car? M-my car is..." I chug my coffee and nodding my head

"Let's go!" She looks at me as she furrowed her brow. I'm looking at my wrist watch and sighed. They will not start the war if it's still day light. I'm following her and as I observed at my surrounding.

Lot of gangs already prepare themselves to get inside the bar. "Hey, are you not afraid with them?" She asks.

"This is my kind of job. Do you know what I mean, right? It's my job in everyday life." She's nodding her head. I'm looking at the money changer on the corner. It's the day, doesn't it? I should stop by after...

We heard a loud bang sound from the alley. Black thick smoke across the sky. I'm looking at her closing her ears, and her body is trembling.

I pulled her closer and we walking. Her hand gripping my jacket tight. "Are we there yet?" I picked my phone to order a taxi for her. "Alexa!"

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I already order an taxi for you." A yellow with checkered sticker on the door. already arrived in front of us. "Just tell the driver, and I will drive your car home, okay?" She nodding her head and get inside the taxi.

She should meet the therapist. I'm looking at her car and sighed. I forgot to asked her the key.