

Welcome to Cyberxia! This a place where you survive or die. Killed or be killed, Grab your backpack and explore the dark side of this futuristic city.

kidd17 · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 6: Professional At Work (Part 2)

I opened the door and only found out that newbie sleeping. I put my tab, a cup of coffee and cleared my throat.

He opened his eyes and stretching his muscle. "Nice acting... Mr. Burberry." He leaned his back. "According to NJPD's data base, you involved in several burglaries acted. Like in Beverly Hills, Louisville, and other locations."

I showed him a picture of a dead body to him. "Who was he?" He takes a closer look. "I don't know who was him, okay?! My dad is a Burberry!" Okay, here we go again. "I'll make sure..."

"If your dad care about you, he will send his lawyers team to get you out. It's already been three hours you're inside this box." I said. It's everyday my everyday life. Overtime, suspects, and all the bullshit I should care about, it's everyday life.

"Please, answer my goddamn question correctly!" I took a deep breath. "There's a victim name Jason Han. He found dead inside his mansion in Beverly Hills. Guess what now!? The NJPD asking us for help! So, in order to..."

"Alright, Alright!" He sighed, scratching his eyebrow. "I did robbed his house, but I swear to God we leave him alive." I cleared my throat.

I'm straightening my body. "We? There's other people?" He rubbed his face. "Okay, you said earlier... we leave him alive, right? That means you not alone?" He facepalmed. I know you not trying to become a snitch, but this guy was an innocent person.

"I-I mean..." I crossed my hand over my chest, stared at him. "L-listen officer.... I don't..."

"I want let you choose. State Prison, Red Sentinel Prison, or Federal Prison? If I found all the members, sucks for you. Besides, the NJPD will celebrate if we takeover this case." He sighed. Red Sentinel decide to made their own prison for the rich people like him. The higher your prestige was the comfy your cell was.

I'm scanning his ID through his implants that attached to his left hand.


Citizen ID: 9232774387438

First Name: Kevin

Last Name: Burberry


Sex: Male

Bank Account: ⁜ 10.89 Quad


"There's a lot of money inside your bank account, Mr. Burberry. I was wondering if you smuggling a guns, also a drug?" He sighed in defeat. I scrolled through all his record. "You only a Private I. Your wage not as much as your job is. I can..."

"Okay fine!" I'm smirking. "It's all John's fault! He the one who killed that man. I..." He rubbed his face roughly. "I already told him to not killed anyone, and he... said he would call the ambulance, but he didn't! I-I..."

That's enough to put you in prison. I put the paper and a pen in front of him. "You can writing, right?" He nodding his head. "Write your confession and singing don't forget to write your name and signed it."

I sighed as observed him writing his confession. "Do you know what's John last name?" I asked him as I sipped my coffee.

He's glancing on me and keep writing. "John C. Tucker. We called him John Tucker." He answer as keep writing.

I feel hypocrite right now. I served and protect civilian, but I'm the one who likes to killed people. I'm looking at him, he looks young. People with high prestige like him, he will choose to transfer to Red Sentinel's cell.

"I was wondering... how you cannot catch that serial killer? She's more professional than yours, isn't it? I'm arrested only based on the burglary!? There's a lot of burglars out there." He said.

I took a deep breath. "NJPD found your fingers print and that warrant they send to us like... a second after you showed with your friends." He put the pen on the table, scoffed. "You're right, she more professional than us, but one thing you should know."

I took a deep breath and sighed. "No matter how clever a squirrel jumps, it will definitely fall." I get out of the room and give it to Kenneth.

"That was amazing, partner. It's time to call the Officer Duncan and his partner." He wants to gets inside the interrogation room. I hold Kenneth, took a deep breath.

"We should catch that John Tucker. NJPD never gave us credit for everything we've done to them." He nodding his head.

"You're right. They only focused on searching that serial killer. I don't know why they never found her. She's our heroes!" Thanks for the compliment, Ken. At least I'm not feel a bit down.

We walking to the parking lot to pick up the prince.







I took a deep breath and sighed. "He is our suspect!" I'm massaging my temple and rolled my eyes.

"Your... suspect?! We already..." I hold Kenneth and sighed. These three men in front of me can make my head blows up.

I get inside the car and turn on the engine. "You... will bring me to Federal Prison, right?" I'm ignoring him and drive. Leaving Kenneth with Duncan and his partner. "Hahaha... I like you, officer. I like you." Can you shut up!?

[You collected your bounty! ⁜ 190,000,000 already sent to your account! Congratulation, Officer Turner. You reached prestige 9! Grab your prize at nearby Red Sentinel Bank]

"You already collected your bounty. Now, drop me!" He doesn't want to shut up, doesn't he? I stepped on the brake and sighed. I pulled out my gun and shoot him on the leg. "What the fuck is that!?"

I put my gun back on my safety belt and sighed. "It's the rubber bullet. Do you want taste real bullet, sir?" He shook his head and sighed. Transferring criminals to Federal facilities sometimes it's difficult. Since I already collected the bounty, everything will become easier.

None other people will ramming into my car and shot him on the head. I turned on radio from my phone. "Can you... increase the volume, officer? That was my girlfriend, there."

I put my earbud and it's already connected to my phone. "I'm not your driver. Linda is your girlfriend?! Wake up, John. Your not her type." You will out of prison until you dead or they will make you as their prison's rabbit or slave.

[Lynx sent you a voice mail.]

I took a deep breath and take a peek from the rear window. "Hey, John." He hummed. I stepped on my brake, then looking at him. "Do you know... who snitching you, right?" He shook his head.

"Why? Someone snitched me!?" He asked. I took a deep breath and sighed. I shouldn't said this to him, but... I should make diversion for the NJPD not investigate further to my case. "Answer me, bitch! Who is someone snitching on me?!"

I took a deep breath and exhale through my mouth. "I will give you a clue, but first, promise me, you will do what I told you if you don't want to stay for a long years in prison." He did not answer my question, but he keeps glaring at me.

Silent means yes. We did not talking until we arrived at the NJPD. They already alerted with my departure. I get out of my car. "We can takeover from this." I stared at Cecilia, who was approaching me. She's wearing her uniform.

I let him go and walked away to my car. I'm looking at my wrist watch and sighed. My shift is not over yet, maybe... I should helping them to patrolling too? Since they lack of people right now.

Shit. Should I quit my job?! I leaned my back on my car hood as watching the pedestrian walking and some of drones flying to delivering a package. Hah... what a life, doesn't it? "Hey, Alexa!" Cecilia approaching me as she holding a cup of a coffee.

"What? Do you want me to write a report about the case?" Cecilia nodding her head and sighed. NJPD and their ego. I get inside of my car and drive back to my office. This is how the world live now, Alexa. Far from perfect.