

Welcome to Cyberxia! This a place where you survive or die. Killed or be killed, Grab your backpack and explore the dark side of this futuristic city.

kidd17 · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 5: Professional At Work (Part 1)

I leaned my back and sighed. Crime rates inside this nation never decreasing. "Everyone, listen!"

I took a deep breath and try to lit my cigar, but my partner snatch it. "Just listen to the old man, then we go out for smoke."

I sighed. "We will help NJPD to solving their cases since they also..." I rolled my eyes and sighed. Overtime again. Why they did not raise our wage?! "I know we lack of people, but we're law enforcement, and we served and protect!"

"You ready to hunting people?" I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. This job will bored me to death. I'm looking at him and furrowed my brow.


Citizen ID: 9100067687

First Name: Kenneth

Last Name: Carson

Prestige: 9

Sex: Male

Bank Account: ⁜ 900.982 Tn


"Are you... taking a bribe?!" I lowered my voice as Chief Carl gave us speech about patriotism and the reason we should protect the civilians. My conversation with Carson more interesting rather than listening to him and it will make our ears bleed.

"Do you know J.J. O'Kenna? The surfer from Hawaii from the Rodriguez Case?" I'm nodding my head. "He gave me free EXP and 40% of the pool prize after I become his jockey. He takes a bet on cage fighting last night and the amount is 200 Bn. The guy I choose, win. He gave me 40% from the amount of the total prize." I took a deep breath and narrowed my eyes.

"Do you know that cage fighting was illegal for people like us!?" He chuckling and nodding my head. "What if..."

He shushing and look at on our surrounding. "What if what?" Both of us jolted as our chief already on our back, embracing our shoulders. "I think..."

"I... loss 100 C-Coins on this bet." I pretending give him a 100 C-Coins through his QR Code. Our Chief sighed and get back again to his podium and continue his speech. I'm glancing on him and sigh in relief that he doesn't know what we're talked about.

If he knew, we're screwed. "We continue it later. Those old man can't stop talking if we not fully listening to him." I scoffed and shook my head.







I leaned my back and waiting for a call as I'm looking at my computer to checking on another crimes. "Julia Lawrence. Are you familiar with that name?" I put my ears open and keep typing as I recording their conversation.

"I heard she's the new member of that clown?" The clown?! Who are they? She nodding her head, twirl her hair with her finger.

The people with the clown mask? "Alexa, do you know them?" I'm nodding my head.

"Do you mean... the people with the clown mask?" They both nod in sync. My guts tell me the otherwise. No wonder I can't see their information. They must be from a gang, but why I can see Julia's profile? Something was off.

"One of their member was a celebrity. Do you know that!? I heard Julia Lawrence is not her real name, but... I don't know. Most of the gang member from that gang was... important people, like the most of top dog in their field."

No wonder I saw their leaders in that party several days ago. "Do you know... Chucky from Badass gang, Ken?! She..." I'm standing up and walking to the pantry to make myself a cup of coffee. I pick my phone and sighed.

Linda. It's not her not message me in this hour. Where she is? Someone tap my shoulder. "Miss me already, partner?!" I rolled my eyes and grab my cup.

"I thought they brought you to the Federal Prison." He puts his hand inside the his sweater pocket. My division a bit relax here because none of them want to mess with us. Once the case closed it will take awhile for someone commit another one.

"So, do you already dispose the money? It's a lot of money to hide, right?" Kenneth sits on the barstool.

"That's why I need your help. I will send you 10% each transaction." Oh, Kenneth. "How?" I raised my eyebrow and cleared my throat.

"Okay, fine." He cheered and standing. I furrowed my brow and he snatch my cup. "Hey!" This person.

"Let's go! I'll go down, and you'll go down." Okay, dumbass. I'm walking towards my desk to grab my gun's belt and badge. It's important so people not confused with our outfit.







Right now, we're inside the money changing in the back alley. "Okay... can you help me to choose profitable cryptocurrencies, Lexa!?"

I exhale and swipe to the right. "C-Coins drop on red last night, my recommendation, you should trade in RedCoin. Since Red Sentinel's market cap keep increasing." Said the trader. I love how capitalism work these days. Once you make a good reputation, you can do whatever you want including controlling the world you lived in.

I purchase Bitcoin, RedCoin, and Ethereum to trade on his account. "Nice choice! You're a broker, ma'am?" the trader asked.

I shook my head and took a deep breath. "I'm a mogul. I'm here to launder his money." The trader raised both of his hand and walked away to print his wallet address. I'm looking at Kenneth. "Do you need anything else, Ken?!"

Kenneth approaching me and take a peek. "You have L-Coins, right? Why you don't trade yours?" I took a deep breath and looking at him.

"The price is also dropped last night. I keep my faith on C-Coins and L-Coins." I lowered my voice. "I'm waiting on the car." I walked to our duty car. I leaned my back on the hood of the car as I observed the gang in front of me.

"Hey!" I'm approaching them and their face paled. I took a deep breath and pulled my airsoft gun with rubber bullets inside. New policies from the 'government' sometime feel like burdensome law enforcement.

I think, they just bunch of newbies. "Um... yes?" I showed my badge and some of them already run. I hold one of their members and his face turned to pale.

"Where are you going? Do you know, you also have a warn?" I'm pointing my gun on his face. "Get inside to the car, or I shared the video you peeing in your pants, hm?" He nodding his head.