
Custom monster system

I would like to make it clear first that there will be absolutely NO romance in this story so don't ask for it because i will ignore those comments. also the alternate story starts from chapter sixty eight if you just want to skip the old short story. No one ever expects to be reborn with a system despite the many tales of precisely that happening. alex certainly was no exception to this rule despite finding himself reborn into a world with monsters considered gods by some as a lowly gecko with a system. The alternate story starts on chapter 68 in case you wish to skip to the part that is still continuing. (Cover by HoracioGui)

loskro · Video Games
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264 Chs

Domain and aura

Strangely what Alex had expected in the form of the many fusion elements involving the dragon element did not happen. A new trait soon popped up after the dragon element finished growing that surprised Alex , [domain: evolution]. He couldn't feel any real change despite this new trait so he ignored it for a moment to start reigning in his aura that had flattened the plants near him. Beyond that the [tempered] trait changed to [arch tempered] which was basically the same thing only for elder dragons. Ironically the system seemed to have been waiting for him to unlock the [elder dragon trait as he finally learned that he needed to raise three elements to master rank to grow in size again.-

Since he now had the dragon and fire elements there already he just needed another to reach that point as well. It took him a couple of days to bring his new aura under control and he finally figured out what his domain trait was about. All elder dragons apparently had a domain that they embodied in some regard such as teostra that was very much like the fire it controls , violent and uncaring.-

Alex's domain was evolution and the reason he found nothing about it was that it was constantly active and had been slowly influencing his surroundings. This created a small transformation in the plants near him that would have gone totally unnoticed had the leaves not fallen out and regrew into a very different color than before. It was nearly incontrollable for Alex so he could only choose to ignore it and finally head back to astera. The wingdrakes in the air felt his presence and shied away from him instinctively as he flew over the forest.-

The admiral was waiting outside the front gate of astera for alex when he finally got near the town and lowered his altitude to land. "Now that's unexpected , figured you had something important to do but didn't expect to see you reach that point" the man said with a raised eyebrow. 'What are you going on about?' Alex asked confused. The man took a fighting stance and with a grunt of exertion a thin but very much visible blue aura coated his body. He relaxed and the color sank back under his skin and he released a sigh. "I was referring to the stage your aura has reached." he said honestly.

'Hold on I thought only monsters had aura's like mine?' Alex asked very confused. The admiral snort in derision "All things have an aura , but monsters simply have a much easier time accessing and improving it compared to everything else. However there are stages involved in aura that must be noted. What you and I are in currently is known as the manifestation stage and is the second highest stage known. The only recorded case of a stage beyond this involved the ancient hero and as such been named the heroic realm." the man explained seriously.-

"So hurry up and let it out , don't worry about everyone else , once you reached this stage your aura doesn't spread further than a few feet from your body due to the condensation of it." the large man said eagerly. Alex was suspicious that the man may be lying to him just to get a taste of his aura but still did as asked and released his aura. The red and emerald glow returned in full force and a small gust of wind kicked off from around Alex. The admiral seemed totally unaffected by his aura however and none of the other people in the town seemed to feel a thing so the man must have told the truth.-

"I suppose I should have expected this considering what you are but it's still a surprise." the admiral said honestly before motioning for Alex to withdraw his aura. 'What do you mean?' Alex asked confused. "Like most monsters your aura is violent and wild but at the same time due to your nature as a sapient being your personality is honed and calm creating a conflicting feeling from your aura. Like if something were to be both hot and cold at the same time , it's disorienting." the man said with a shrug.-


my patrons can read at least five chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

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