
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 61


[A heavily guarded fenced-off area in the wilderness]

[Nearly a year ago, this place was just a wilderness that no one had entered, until that day a hammer fell from the sky.]

[The center of the base]

[Inside a steeple building equipped with several of the most powerful lightning protection devices, Dr. Selvig, who had just come over from the stopped infinite energy project, was calculating the energy amplitude to stimulate the hammer.]

[He felt that he was right to be recruited by SHIELD. There were so many magical things!]

[As for Thor's hammer, he doesn't believe it.]

[Because in the past three days, he has been stimulated by energy of different frequencies and inspired fire, ice, and an unknown force.]

[It is estimated to be a weapon from an advanced alien civilization.]

[The Cosmic Cube was lost before, but I was not fired. I must not betray the trust of Director Nick Fury this time!]

[Just then, he heard footsteps behind him]

[Selvig found it a bit strange. In order to prevent any small vibrations and energy differences, he was the only one in the laboratory. Everyone else who came in needed to report in advance.]

[He turned around and his pupils suddenly shrank!]

[Since he has come into contact with this hammer, he has naturally seen this person's information]

[Suspected to be Thor!]

["Give in, thank you"]

[Thor smiled and nodded, then held the hammer under Selvig's surprised gaze.]

[He exerted a little force, but it turned out that he couldn't pull it out.]

[He was not surprised at all, because this thing locked the soul breath]

[But that's okay]

[Deep in my heart, this should have been a pure white world, but now the sky is filled with black clouds and red thunder.]

[An unconscious figure was tied to a blackened and withered tree trunk, his head lowered.]

[At this time, a vortex appeared in the sky, and Sol's body suddenly became hazy, and then a golden breath was sucked up by"Four Four Three"]

[real world]

[Thor's hammer suddenly trembled, and then was lifted up in Selvig's shocked eyes!]

[In an instant, the sky surged, and bolts of thunder penetrated all lightning protection devices, shattering the spire and falling on Thor!]

[With the winding of thunder, pieces of divine armor condensed to form Thunder God Armor covering Thor!]

[Alarm bells suddenly sounded in the base!]

[Selvig was about to say something when he saw the other party rising into the sky with a hammer!]

[All this happened in just a few seconds]

[Selvig looked at the empty bottom of the pit, with only one thought left in his heart:]

[I'm really unemployed this time…]

[Kama Taj]

[In the quiet room, Loki seemed to hear thunder. He suddenly opened his eyes and murmured:]

["It's started"]

[After saying that, he fell from the air and left Kama Taj.]

[Nordic, Norway]

[Thor suddenly fell from the sky and landed next to a lake]

[He took a few steps to sit down and put Mjolnir aside. He couldn't help but have a sad look on his face.]

[Seems like he doesn't know what to do]

[Just then there were footsteps behind me]

[Thor turned around, showing a hint of surprise at first, and then smiled bitterly and said:]

["You came…It seems Heimdall told you"]

["But this is normal. You are the God King now. If he doesn't report it, he will be derelict in his duty."]

[Loki walked to Thor calmly, lowered his head and said:]

["I didn't ask him to watch you all the time, but I happened to be in the atrium and sensed your divine power."]

["Now that you can lift Mjolnir again, you should understand my good intentions."]

[Thor nodded, raised his palm, and a wisp of lightning flashed between his fingers, and said with emotion:]

["I used to be too arrogant and too stupid"]

[As he spoke, he showed a tangled expression and hesitated to speak.]

["Do you want me to let Hogan and the other three go?"]

[Loki suddenly said calmly]

[Sol nodded and sighed:]

["In fact, it's not just them who influence me, but on a deeper level, it's me who indulges them."]

["In the end, it's all my problem"]

[Loki suddenly laughed and said:]

["It's good that you can figure it out"]

["But after all, they still offended the majesty of the gods, so they were sent to garrison the most desolate territory."]

[Thor was much more steady and did not force anything. He just sighed and said:]

["very good already"]

[Loki nodded and then asked:]

["Now that you have reawakened your divine power, do you want to return to Asgard now? I asked Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge."]

["No more"]

[Thor shook his head:]

["I haven't decided how to see my mother yet. I want to stay in the atrium for a while first."]

[As he was talking, he suddenly remembered something and said in surprise:]

["By the way, I remembered something"]

["I came to the Atrium hundreds of years ago, but my father called me back not long after. He said that the Supreme Mage in the Atrium didn't like us Asgardians coming."]

["I've been here for a year, why is no one looking for me?"]

[Loki smiled:]

["That was before, now you can stay as long as you want"]

[Sol looked confused:"Why?"]

[After hearing this, Loki snapped his fingers."]

["Suddenly, a portal with green sparks appeared, revealing the quaint buildings behind it.]

["Because I am the Supreme Mage now"]

[As he walked into it, a voice came from behind:]

["Since you don't want to go back to Asgard, there's something you can do for me these days."]

["Of course, this is actually even more lucky. As for how much you can comprehend, it depends on your fate."]

["bring it on"]

[Looking at the back of Kama Taj walking in, Sol's surprised face evoked a strange smile.]

[And in the spiritual world]

[Thor, who woke up at some point, looked at the real scene in the sky and roared hysterically:]


["That's false, Loki!"]

["Come back quickly!"]

[However, no matter how much he shouted, no sound could be heard.]

[Until the end, his expression was filled with only collapse and despair!]


[seven days later]

[Kama Taj, the top of the snow-capped mountains]

[I don't know when this place has been transformed into a huge platform, with a large number of Runes for defense carved on the edge!]

[Loki and Thor stood in the center of the platform, and there was no one else.]

[At this time, Loki looked calm, but Thor was a little excited.]

["By the way, you've been preparing for the past few days, but I'm a little confused about something."]

[Sol scratched his head and said:]

["Why don't we go back to Asgard, where there will definitely be no enemies who would dare to sabotage the promotion."]

["Even if there was, Heimdall would have discovered it in time, unlike now I am the only one guarding it."]

[Loki sat down in the center of the platform, raised his head and said:]

["Why do you think the atrium is called the atrium?"]

[Sol shook his head very honestly.]

[Loki said seriously:]

["Because one of the expressions of the World Tree is the energy field"]

["The atrium is right at the middle intersection of the World Tree, which is the center of the energy field."]

["This is why every time the celestial bodies meet, eight other worlds can be seen in the atrium"]

["In addition, Kama Taj is located at an energy node, so this is the best place to comprehend the world in the Nine Realms, helping to break through the single universe."]

[Sol sneered in his heart, but showed a teachable attitude on the outside:] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

["After returning to Asgard this time, I will read all the books on the Nine Realms."]

[After hearing this, Loki showed a sat

isfied look.]

[The next second you open your fingers, two dark energy entities appear in the green light.]

[Then he looked at Sol and finally gave instructions:]

["I am about to start. This process may be very fast or very slow, but when I break through, you must carefully feel the breath."]

["That would be of great benefit to you"]

["I see!"Saul nodded, with a serious look on his face.]

[Loki stopped talking, let go of his hand, and the two spheres immediately flew upward, floating above his head.]

[The next second he closed his eyes, and as soon as his thoughts moved, strands of pure dark dimension energy poured down, sinking into his body bit by bit.]

[Apart from that, there is no other sign][]

[Time passes little by little]

[Soon the sun set and rose again, and the first ray of golden light from the rising sun fell on Loki at the top of the mountain.]

[In an instant, the icy cold wind that was blowing non-stop suddenly stopped.]

[The world seems to be changing]

[The next second, a mutation occurred]

[The originally blue sky turned into a dark cosmic background at this moment, with brilliant colorful auroras surging!]

[Looking at this scene, the corner of Sol's mouth curled up, and his smile was breathtaking.]

["It's finally time!"]

[But he didn't move]

[At this moment, a little golden spark suddenly appeared, and then suddenly unfolded]

[The next moment, Modu holding a scepter and Wang holding two daggers appeared!]

[The two looked angrily at Loki in the center of the platform, gritted their teeth and said:]

["Say, was it you who killed Master Gu Yi?!"]

["You scumbag, the Supreme Mage used his spiritual body to go to other dimensions to pick tea for you!"]

[Loki slowly opened his eyes, which were filled with various energies like the colorful aurora in the sky.]

[He did not stand up, but frowned and said:]

["What are you talking about? The ancient mage died for the will of imprisoning Dormammu."]

[Mordo stared with scarlet eyes, swung his scepter and pointed at Loki angrily:]

["Even now you are still making excuses!"]

["What is the black sphere above your head? Don't think I can't recognize that it is dark dimension energy!"]

[Loki did not deny this time, but simply said:]

["It's a pity that you two are the only ones who can use Kama Taj better."]

["Since you don't cherish life, don't blame me0...."]

["Thor, kill them."]

[Modu and Wang immediately raised their weapons and prepared to fight.]

[At the same time, I also secretly regretted that I rushed here after seeing that sudden scene.]

[Although there is a message at the back of the screen saying that there will be helpers, no one is seen at all now. If I had known better, I should have brought a few more mystics here!]

[However, when the voice fell, there was no response]

[Mo Du and Wang looked at each other in surprise.]

[Loki remained motionless, just turned his eyes and looked over, saying in a deep voice:]

["What are you doing? Why don't you do it now?"]

[Sol's face was full of shock and he couldn't believe it:]

["Loki, are they telling the truth? ?"]

["You really killed the Sorcerer Supreme. Father said she was the guardian of the atrium! ?"]

[Loki frowned and said sternly:]

["Why are you still so naive, Thor!"]

["Asgard is the Lord of the Nine Realms, and the Middle Court is supposed to be ruled by us. Thousands of years ago, the Northern Europe here was our territory!"]

[Sol seemed not to have heard what was said behind him, and said tremblingly:]

["So, you really killed the Sorcerer Supreme!"]

["You were obviously not like this before!"]

[He suddenly fell into despair, as if some knowledge in his heart was broken!]

[At this time, Modu and Wang finally realized who the helper in the mysterious message was!]

["Well done, Thor, you made the right decision!"]

["Asgard will surely perish in his hands, and only you are worthy of being the God King! If you can't bear it, please leave or close your eyes!"]

[The two of them said each other, as if they were afraid that Thor would change his mind, and immediately attacked Loki with weapons!]

[They have already seen that this evil god-king is obviously unable to take action now due to certain circumstances!]

[Loki glanced at Thor in disappointment, his head lowered and his face full of pain, and then his eyes returned to the two mystics.]

[The next second, just as the weapon was about to fall, the black smoke that originally entered the body formed several ropes, tightly entangled around the two of them!]

["You two are not worthy enough to ruin my ceremony."]

[Feeling that their magic power was stagnant and their bodies were completely imprisoned, Modu and Wang suddenly fell into despair!]

[But just then the mutation occurred again!]

[A black vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, and two women walked out of it!]

[The one with burgundy hair is Wanda]

[The other one, holding a black magic book, was covered in black and purple energy!]

[In the next second, the two of them opened their palms without hesitation and used all their strength. Suddenly two violent magic rays, one black and one red, blasted downwards!]

[At this moment, Loki's expression finally changed!]

[From being calm to being frightened and angry!]

[The next moment, veins popped up on his forehead, and the dark dimension energy crystal above his head accelerated to release black mist!]

[It's just that they are not absorbed, but form a barrier above to resist the continuous magic rays!]

[At this time, the black mist surrounding Modu and Wang began to loosen.]

[It seems that Loki can't do more now]

[As time passed by, the 1.9 shield and maintenance smoke began to tremble!]

[Loki finally couldn't help shouting to Thor:]

["Thor! I'm your brother!"]

["I died here today, how do you explain it to your mother and father!"]

["Asgard will not tolerate you!"]

[Sol trembled when he heard this, and then slowly raised his head the next second, as if he was persuaded!]

[He held Mjolnir and walked towards Modu and Wang step by step, his expression full of pain.]

[And listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Modu and the two became more and more desperate.]

[They wanted to shout out, but unfortunately their mouths were sealed by the black mist]

[Close, getting closer]

[When the footsteps stopped behind them, the two of them were completely in despair!]

[The next moment, two big hands were placed on their shoulders, and suddenly….One point left and right!]

[Thor had a weird and captivating smile on his face, and his eyes with black symbols looked into Loki's eyes!]

[Mordo and Wang were confused and didn't know why Thor didn't kill them, and they couldn't see each other's expressions.]

[But at this moment, an extremely cold and slippery voice that made the soul feel uneasy and trembling suddenly sounded in front of me!]

["You've been promoted well and now you're mine!"]

[For a moment, the symbols in Thor's eyes were reflected in the eyes of Loki who was looking at him!]

[The world changes in an instant!]

[In the pure white spiritual world, a red and black smoke laughed crazily:]

["Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"]

["A puppet in the realm of a single universe!"]

["Thanks to you, Dormammu, the real world is mine!"]

[He has been waiting for this moment!]

[Loki's body and soul have completed the key to being promoted to a single body. After mastering it, he only needs to absorb energy!]

[But at this moment, a voice that was extremely familiar to him besides Loki suddenly sounded:]

["You seem to have thanked me early, Sithorne."]