
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 62

A moment!

Countless people's eyes suddenly widened!

Isn't this voice already dead? ?

And someone had already thought of something, and an indescribable feeling suddenly emerged in his heart, and his scalp felt numb!

In the hell dimension, Mephisto finally showed a pleasant smile:

"I knew it…"

[Pure white spiritual world!]

[The surging black smoke stopped at the moment the sound appeared, turning into a swaying figure, with a pair of red dots exposed in the eyes.]

[It looks down!]

[Loki was sitting cross-legged on the ground, unable to move, just like the outside world, and was still maintaining his promotion path.]

[But next to it, blue mist seeped out from the ground, and then gradually condensed into a woman.]

["Ancient One!"]

[An uncontrollable angry voice came from the black mist, and then the appearance completely dissipated, revealing a man wearing a dark red coat, with white hair and scarlet eyes!]

[It is the God of the Dark Magic Dimension-Sithorn!!!]

[He stared hard at the woman below, gritted his teeth and said:]

["I clearly saw that you were dead, I couldn't be wrong!"]

[Even now he still doesn't want to believe it!]

[Ancient One is like a blue phantom, but extremely solid]

[She smiled gently:]

["Of course he's dead, but how could I possibly deceive someone as cautious as you!"]

[Sithorn heard this answer even more unacceptable!]

[His voice suddenly rose several degrees, and he pointed at the plain-faced Loki below and said in disbelief:]

["As the supreme mage of the earth, you are willing to die for an Asgardian! ?"]

["Is your brain sucked by Dormammu's dark energy? ?"]

[He felt that even if that disgusting guy Agamotto was here, he would definitely not be able to understand why Ancient One did what he did!]

[Upon hearing this, Gu Yi shrugged and said in an indifferent tone:]

["Don't make it sound so scary, I just retired two years early."]

["Oh, you may not understand 07 what retirement is. What I actually mean is that since you have to die in two years, it is better to die now, and I can cheat you big time!"]

[As she spoke, she showed a look of regret and said:]

["It's just that Mephisto guy doesn't know what he's doing. He didn't even smell it this time. If he had known, I would have ridiculed him."]

In hell, the big red-skinned devil heard these words and shouted a few words in hell dialect in a friendly manner.

The specific translation is that this old lady is really not a thing!

Anyway, he felt that Gu Yi was more like a devil than himself

[At this time, Gu Yi sighed again and said:]

["The only pity is that the kid Strange may have to grow up in a different way, but that's not what I have to worry about."]

["Are you right, God King Loki?"]

[As she said this, she turned around and looked]

[Loki's expression finally changed, and he endured the feeling that the corner of his mouth wanted to twitch, and said helplessly:]

["Don't worry, Master Gu Yi doesn't need to remind me again. Since I have promised you, I will do it well."]

["If you feel dissatisfied at that time, you can come back to me at any time"]

[How could Sithorn still not know at this time that he had been completely calculated!]

[The failure of that idiot Dormammu was just an attempt by the two of them to set a trap for themselves!]


[He looked at the two people below with cold eyes:]

["This Asgardian cannot move!"]

["Ancient One, do you think you can crush me to death on your own? You are so naive!!"]

["Many hunters were actually killed by their prey!"]

[Gu Yi smiled:]

["You are right, God King Loki really needs to maintain the key to promotion now and cannot fight"]

["But have you forgotten one thing?"]

[Hearing this, Sithorn instinctively felt uneasy]

[At this time, I heard the other party faintly say:]

["This is the spiritual world, not as materialistic as the real world, this is more idealistic!"]

["so….As a believer in the God of Ice and Fire, it is reasonable for me to receive gifts from the gods, right?"]

[As he finished speaking, the blue ice crystal symbol was reflected in Gu Yi's eyes, and the red dark dimension symbol on his forehead also turned into the Mark of Vulcan!]


[In an instant, the pure white spiritual world undergoes tremendous changes!]

[The earth is covered with countless ice and snow, but brown volcanoes rise from the ground, spewing thick black smoke and hot magma!]

[The sky is even weirder!]

[Among the dark red clouds, countless fire crows flapped their wings up and down!]

[But there were a lot of snowflakes and howling cold wind in mid-air!]

[This should have been a very divisive scene, but at this time there was no disharmony at all!]

[Before that, she had already received the divine gift from Loki in her heart!]

[Sithorn's body swayed and turned into the form of rolling black mist again. Only two scarlet dot-like eyes were exposed, looking down with malice:]

["The meager power inherited from Gaia dares to be called a god!!"]

["I could defeat him back then, let alone you!"]

[Ancient Yi raised the palm of his right hand, and a sticky flame began to slowly wrap around the ice ball:]

["Oh, but the version recorded by Kama Taj seems to be different. It says that you ran away and left the earth."]

[As she said that, she ignored Sithorn in the sky, turned to look at Loki and said in wonder:]

["Ice and fire blend together, and the energy actually complements each other! ?"]

["Gee, God King Loki, your power is really a bit outrageous."]

[At this time, an angry roar came from the sky:]

["Damn you, Ancient One!"]

[In an instant, the black mist spread suddenly, and countless red lightnings fell, covering the two people below.]

["How to say?"Gu Yi said.]

["Ice fortress."Loki said without raising his head.]


[Gu nodded and stamped his foot. A roar suddenly sounded, and layers of blue ice rose up from the ground to form a huge ice fortress!]

[Scarlet lightning fell densely on it, and a violent explosion suddenly occurred, shattering countless ice fragments.]

[But in the end, apart from leaving only scorched black marks, it was not able to break through]

[At this moment, a blue magic circle appeared in the dark red clouds in the sky!]

[The next second, countless flames carrying exploding magic balls rushed towards the black mist!]

[Seeing this, Sithorn did not hesitate to rush towards the ice for

tress below, widening the distance from the fire crows, and at the same time brewing a new attack!]

[However, a very strange scene appeared at this time!]

[He was obviously flying downward, but at this moment his vision blurred! ](To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[For a moment, I didn't know whether it was because the sky and the earth were changing, or because His cognition was interfered with!]

[When Sithorn looked again, he found that he was facing the group of fire crows in the sky, and they had already collided with each other!]

[In an instant, the black mist was submerged by the fire crow!]

[Thousands of exploding magic balls and flames exploded at the same time!]

[At this moment, the sky roared and trembled crazily, forming a sea of fire!][]

[At this time, a furious roar sounded inside]

[The sea of fire seemed to be soaked in ink, turning into a pure black soup-like thing in the blink of an eye, exuding a disgusting smell!]

[The next second, black magic acid rain that can instantly corrode even rocks pours down!]

["North wind. Loki continued]

[Gu nodded, blue ice crystals swirling in his eyes]

[Suddenly, the inner world was quiet at first, and then the howling north wind blew up.]

[The black rain that fell in an instant was all frozen]

[They hit the ice fortress and the ground, leaving behind nothing but black hail, unable to cause any damage!]

[At this time, the volcano roared and began to erupt violently!]

[The magma inside condensed into red and high-temperature sharp arrows and shot towards Sithorn!]

["Huh, do you think I'm a target?"]

[Sithorne transformed into a smaller human form this time, concentrating his mental defense to prevent the weird space changes before!]


[The sharp arrow that was clearly coming from the front suddenly appeared behind!]

[Huh, ridiculous space manipulation, do you really think I will be affected a second time!]

[Sithorn sneered, and a magic barrier instantly appeared behind him, and all the sharp arrows shattered when they hit it.]

[However, those fragments did not fall, but melted into magma in an instant, forming chains that instantly wrapped around Sithorn's body!!]

[The next second, blazing white ionic flames rose up!]

[Suddenly, the sound of water droplets entering the hot oil pan was heard. Sithorn couldn't help showing a look of pain, and black smoke continued to burn on his skin!]

[But just for a second, pus-like black juice flowed out of those burned wounds, and the flames were extinguished in the blink of an eye.]

[Then with a bang, the chain was shattered!]

[Hundreds of dark fragments were corroded with magic symbols, turning into black meteors and hitting the ice fortress below!]

[Bang bang bang bang!]

[The ice cap that cannot be broken by scarlet lightning is torn apart by the constant impact of black meteors!]

["Armor of Vulcan"]

[Loki's voice sounded, and Gu Yi raised his left hand.]

[Suddenly, the ground in front of the two of them was torn apart, and golden magma spewed out, instantly solidifying into a huge golden armor and standing there.]

[Dang, Dang, Dang!]

[A series of impact sounds were heard, but the Vulcan Armor did not move at all and did not cause any damage!]

[Seeing that the attack was easily resolved again, Sithorn snorted coldly!]

[He raised his arms, and a huge black magic circle suddenly appeared!]

[It is covered with dense and twisted magic symbols. Normal people will lose their minds at just one glance. Even powerful mystics will feel dizzy and vomit when they see it!]

[And it did not release any attacks, but continued to expand!]

[This is black magic that pollutes the soul!!]

["Well, I don't need you to tell me what to do. I'm better at this."]

[Gu Pair's eyes suddenly turned as white as energy.]

[With a thought, miniature white magic arrays suddenly appeared in the sky, surrounding the Black Demon 147 array!]

[The next second, white flames burst out from inside]

[When it came into contact with the black magic circle, the latter was like spring snow meeting the blazing sun, and it immediately began to melt rapidly!]

["Emperor Weishan's white magic!!"]

[Sithorn was so angry at this scene that he suddenly seemed to have lost his mind!]

[He lost his human appearance, and his body expanded rapidly and crazily, like a giant made of black mist, with countless scarlet lightnings exploding in his body!]

[However, the clouds in the sky suddenly rolled!]

[Then a huge divine sword burning with flames broke through and slashed towards the black fog giant!]


[A huge claw gripped the sword blade tightly, and the flames and black mist on it kept fighting!]

[At this time, Gu Yi finally raised his right hand]

[It was the power of ice and fire that had been continuously gathered and compressed from the beginning, and now it exuded an aura of destruction!]

[After Loki took a look, he couldn't help but said:]

["Fortunately, this is my power, and even if it explodes in my heart, I can't hurt myself."]

["Otherwise I will fail this time"]

[Gu Yi smiled:]

["Isn't this what you taught me?….Besides, everything is going according to plan, right?"]

[As she spoke, she tossed it gently]

[But this extremely compressed sphere only flew a few meters before it instantly changed its position and appeared in front of the black fog giant.]

[The next second, blue and yellow rays of light intertwined and erupted, drowning the black fog giant!]


[Time and reality in the spiritual world are different]

[Even though countless years have passed inside, it may only be a moment outside]

[And in Sol's spiritual world]

[Even though Sithorne's will has broken away, Thor is still firmly chained to the scorched tree trunk!]

[This is to prevent accidental back-up!]

[Thor looked at the sky in despair at this moment, and looked at the black symbols in Loki's eyes in despair.]

[He was blaming himself, why wasn't he beaten to death by Surtur directly in the Fire Kingdom?]


[At this moment, green flames suddenly burned around the tree stump out of thin air.]

[Thor was awakened for a moment, and his eyes widened when he saw the somewhat familiar flame!]

[The next second, the green fire condensed into a figure like running water.]

["What, are you surprised?"]

[Loki smiled. ]