
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 60

[Kama Taj!]

[The square was filled with mystics and apprentices, with unmistakable nervousness on their faces!]

[Modu and Wang were guarding the temple with the same expressions.]

[Everything today is too much ~ suddenly]

[First the New York Sanctuary was destroyed]

[Then just two minutes later, sanctuaries in Asia were similarly destroyed.]

[In the end, even the dimensional defense of Kama Taj's Sanctuary stopped functioning for no apparent reason!]

[Fortunately, the Supreme Mage took action and restarted the dimensional defense in just a few minutes.]

[However, some dark forces have invaded reality and are still a huge threat!]

[Although the Supreme Mage and the God King of Asgard have already gone to deal with]

[But Modu and Wang, who were left responsible for guarding the temple, were still very anxious.]

[Just then a green portal appeared, revealing the broken ruins of the temple inside.]

[But Modu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene!]

[Because although the scene looks very miserable, there is no scene of the world being corrupted and the dimensional demon successfully invading.]


[But the next second, he saw Loki walking out with a heavy expression!]

[Modu's heart suddenly jumped and he felt uneasy!]


[Or that dark force escaped! ?]

[Wang looked nervous and couldn't wait to ask:]

["God King Loki, have you successfully dealt with the invading force of the black dimension?"]

[He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if that thing ran away or polluted the real world.]

[Loki nodded:]

["Already completely dealt with"]

[The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and Modu felt that he had been overthinking it.]

[But at this moment, Luo said in a low voice:]

["Casillas sacrificed the lives of all the dark believers, causing the gap between dimensions to be too big, and the dark energy invading the real world to be too much."]

["There was no other way, the ancient mage had no choice but to use himself as a container, absorbing all the power with Dormammu's will into his body, and finally…."]

[He sighed and said in the trembling eyes of the two people:]

["The Supreme Mage sacrificed himself to protect the world"]

[The two people's faces turned pale, they couldn't believe that Gu Yi died like this.]

[But with the successful invasion of the dark dimension, this seems to be something that is not surprising.]

[I can even say that I am lucky to have succeeded.]

["Thanks God King Loki for the help"]

[Mo Du bowed, suppressed his sadness, and said:]

["I don't know if Master Gu Yi said anything when he said goodbye."]

[Loki nodded:]

["Yes, she temporarily gave Kama Taj to me for shelter"]

["I will not return to Asgard until the next suitable Sorcerer Supreme comes along."]

["During this period, you don't have to worry about the safety of the real dimension."]

[Modu was silent for a moment, but Wang didn't feel anything. He was very grateful and said:]

["Then the God King will be tired from the trouble."]

[Loki glanced at Modu and felt a strange feeling in his heart.]

[He felt that although this man was sad about the death of Ancient One, he was depressed because he was saying that he had no choice in the position of Supreme Mage.]

[But he didn't care about such trivial matters, so he ordered:]

["The New York Temple was only damaged internally and was relatively easy to repair."]

["As for the Xiangjiang side, it needs to be rebuilt. Remember to find a few mages who can cover up memories to handle the official investigators."]

["yes."The two nodded in response.]

[quiet room]

[Loki took out two dark energy balls, glanced at them briefly, then put them away and closed his eyes.]

[same moment]

[land of nothingness]

[Hela is no longer wearing the clothes of the goddess of death, she is now wearing a red jacket and leather pants, and there is even an energy gun hanging on her waist.]

[In just less than a year, she has already taken her place in the void, becoming the leader of a large team of marauders.]

[There are not only hundreds of subordinates of various races, but also a small starship and four escort spacecraft.]

[In the bedroom, Hela suddenly opened her eyes]

[She heard someone calling her through the dimensional fragments]

[So fast?]

[Although Hela was confused, the green vortex opened immediately with a thought.]

[This is how Odin told her to open it]

[However, when she entered that familiar world, she discovered that the person standing there was Loki.]

[Hela walked forward, and her clothes changed back to those of the goddess of death.]

["What's up?"She said coldly]

[Loki rarely showed a hint of embarrassment and said:]

["that….I want the other 20%"]

[Odin Shenmian had previously told him about Hela's whereabouts and reasons.]

[However, Hela was a little surprised when she heard this:]

["Are you about to break through so soon? But I just got some useful information and am catching a kid."]

["That prey may have something to do with this"]

[Loki didn't hide it:]

["A breakthrough is indeed coming, but I want the remaining 20% of the permissions to be used for other purposes."]

[The dimensional journey gave him a deeper understanding of the world. He no longer needed this method to break through a single body normally. He only needed to use enough energy to impact.]

[He wants this piece of dimension fragment now for other purposes.]

[When Hela heard this, she was suddenly shocked and said in disbelief:]

["Have you become stronger again?"]

[Loki nodded, not denying]

[Hela did not feel the shock, but her eyes were full of joy. She licked her lips:]

["To be honest, I'm starting to look forward to how far you can go."]

[Maybe one day Asgard can rule the entire galaxy.]

[But she didn't say this.]

["Have you solved the energy problem?"]

[Hela is not stupid, and she also realized this.]

[Loki didn't hide it:]

["By chance, I found an opportunity to trick Dormammu and get a lot of dark energy from him."]

[Hela's eyes suddenly changed and she stared at this younger brother with strange eyes.]

[After a while, the corner of his mouth twitched and he said:]

["I wonder how Odin will have the nerve to criticize me next time. Obviously you are the craziest one in our family!"]

[Of course she knows who Dormammu is]

[That is the Dimension Demon, the Lord of the Dark Dimension!!]

[In comparison, my previous wars were like children's play house.]

["It's not as scary as you think."Loki smiled and did not explain any more details.]

[Okay, you force yourself to be reasonable, who can live longer than you?...Hela thought for a while and then said:]

["Then do I still need to find that prey?"]

[Loki nodded:]

["I still need it. Even if I am promoted to a single target, I still need a lot of energy to replenish myself."]

["That would be a good food"]

[That guy actually left seeds that devoured the energy of the planet in the Nine Realms, and he had no intention of letting it go!]

["Okay, I guess I should find it soon, and then this will be my gift"]

[Hela didn't feel there was anything wrong with wor

king for Loki at this time.]

[Tajima���She sneered again:]

["But if it fails, don't blame me for going back to rule Asgard"]

[Loki blinked.]

[It was obviously a concern and a blessing, but when it came to her mouth, it turned into a threat.]

[Is this sister so arrogant? Why didn't I notice it before?]

[So, he also sneered:]

["By the way, I forgot to tell you something. I am now the God King of Asgard."](To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

["Forget it this time. Next time we meet, as the goddess of death, you must remember to call me God King Loki. Don't forget it."]

[Hela was stunned immediately]

[She knew that with Loki's talent and strength, he would definitely become the God King.]

[But is this too soon?]

["Humph, let's talk next time!"][]

[Hela snorted and opened her arms directly]

[Suddenly, a large amount of green divine power appeared in the void.]

[The next second a green vortex appeared, she shook her head and went straight back to the land of nothingness.]

[Can't help but be funny…Loki shook his head, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.]

[Suddenly, a mixture of red and blue appeared in the remaining void, and then these divine powers began to erode the divine power covering the dark green little by little.]

[Now is the handover of authority, he doesn't need to spend as long as before]

[He estimated that he would be able to completely control this dimension fragment in just a few days.]

[The next second, a green vortex appeared and he returned to the real world]


[new york, late night���]

[In the monitoring room, three people silently monitor the picture]

[At this moment, the look in Wanda's eyes suddenly disappeared and she stood up from the chair.]

[The other two people raised their heads in confusion, but after their eyes met, they immediately bled from their orifices and died!]

[All the instruments in the monitoring room exploded with sparks at this moment, and all circuits and storage were burned out.]

[Wanda opened the door and walked out expressionlessly.]

[underground clinic]

[Sol was already asleep and didn't even hear the sound of the door opening outside.]

[Suddenly, he felt someone was filming him]

[Sol woke up in an instant, thinking that a patient was coming to take revenge on him.]

[After all, sometimes he does treat wounds a little roughly.]

[However, after seeing the person clearly, he felt relieved again and breathed a sigh of relief:]

["Jenny, what are you doing here at this late hour?"]

[But as soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned]

[This place is so messy, he always locks several doors when sleeping, how did Jenny get in! ?]

[Sol suddenly showed a shy smile and said coyly:]

["Jenny, actually…Actually, I have something to say to you these days"]

["I like that one…."]

[A moment!]

[Thor was like a leopard, punching the woman in the face without holding back at all!]

[Although he is now a mortal, with his current physical fitness, this punch can break the facial bones!]

[However, a white palm easily received the punch]

[Thor's face changed wildly, and he felt as if his fist was tightly grasped by a pair of pliers!]

[This is definitely not the power that humans should have!]

[He stared at the woman and shouted angrily:]

["who are you! ?"]

[He couldn't think of any enemies he had!]

[Wanda showed her sharp white teeth and a weird and scary smile:]

["who I am?"]

["Thor Odinson, of course I am your benefactor, I am here to take you out of the sea of misery."]

[The moment his real name was called out, Thor suddenly felt a creepy feeling in his heart!]

[This was worse than he thought before!]

[He didn't hesitate to punch away with the other hand, but at this moment, red energy appeared strangely on his fist, making him unable to move!]

[Wanda thought to herself:]

["In fact, I want to go slower. After all, you have the blood of the ancient gods. You may be damaged if you treat it roughly. This is not in line with my plan."]

["But your brother's behavior is really unexpected"]

[Sol's expression changed drastically at this moment!!]

[He originally thought that the other party was targeting him, but he didn't expect that it was targeting Loki!]

[He suddenly fell into madness, his eyes were bloodshot and he roared:]

["what are you up to! What are you going to do to my brother!"]

[The corner of Wanda's mouth raised a penetrating arc:]

["In comparison, your brother is a better container. I have no choice but to give up on you."]

[After the words fell, Thor fell into a violent struggle, and his brain was completely swallowed up by anger!]

[He is already a cripple, how can he kill Loki again!]

[Then you really become a sinner of Asgard!]

[When Wanda saw this, she looked satisfied:]

["It's so easy to manipulate emotions!"]

[For a moment, the black symbols under her eyes clearly appeared in her pupils, and then reflected in Thor's angry eyes.]


[Wanda suddenly collapsed to the ground, while Sol walked down from the bed with a calm expression.]

[He lowered his head and glanced at Wanda. This was also a prey that he couldn't give up.]

[And you can use it right away]

[Thor flicked his finger, and suddenly a black and red black magic symbol sank into the opponent's brain.]

["Go ahead, you should know where that is"]

[Wanda stood up, nodded, and left the room]

[Sol closed his eyes, and then showed a proud smile:]

["It's just as I suspected, it's just sealing the divine power, not depriving it of it"]

["He wouldn't have been able to do this without inheriting the power of Gaia"]

[The next second, in the inner world, traces of black smoke began to spread on the sealing runes.]

[After about a few breaths, Thor raised his palm, and a trace of thunder suddenly appeared on it.]

[But his face showed dissatisfaction:]

["What a waste. You can only use so much of the power of thunder. No wonder you were exiled by that brother of yours."]

[Shaking his head, Thor snapped his fingers.]

[Suddenly, the magic circle dissipated out of sight.]

[This is just to prevent the gatekeeper from watching Thor.]

[Even if it weren't for those eyes, his first target would be the sleeping Odin]

[The next second, when the magic circle disappeared, Thor's expression showed a trace of innocence and excitement, as if he had regained his divine power.]

[Then he left here and walked outside New York]

[Now, he wants to get his Mjolnir back. ]