
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 17

[Loki stepped forward and took Mjolnir's grip with both hands.]

[For a moment, a familiar feeling came to my heart]

[That's the breath of the world tree]

[It turns out that Mjolnir's grip is made from branches of the World Tree…..Loki's thoughts changed without any entanglements. He took a deep breath and began to exert force.]

[Thor's hammer remains motionless]

[Loki felt as if he was lifting the entire Asgard. It was impossible to lift the hammer with strength alone!]

[Seeing this scene, Sol, who was still a little nervous, immediately relaxed.]

[He laughed and said:]

["It seems that Mjolnir did not acknowledge you, brother"]

["Sure enough, only a brave warrior like me is the most suitable for it!"]

[After saying that, Sol felt that maybe he was a little arrogant, and his tone changed to comfort him:]

["But don't be discouraged, Loki, it's just inappropriate and not recognized."]

[However, after he finished speaking, he saw that Loki had not let go of his hand at all.]

[Still want to try it?]

[Thor smiled. He was happy to see his brother deflate.]

[But then he saw Loki turning his head]

[Not only did his face show no emotions of shock, but he looked calm.]

[The next second, Loki's tone revealed a hint of arrogance that he had never seen before:]



[Loki shook his head and said calmly:]

["You confused Thor"]

["A weapon has no right to choose its owner, my will is above all else!"]

[Sol was stunned for a moment when he heard this.]

[But there was a hint of appreciation in Odin's eyes, but he immediately hid it.]

[At this time, a divine power entangled with red and ice blue spread out from Loki's hands and wrapped around Mjolnir!]

[For a moment, Thor saw the hammer that originally seemed to be embedded in the stone tremble slightly, and his heart could not help but beat faster.]


[I must have seen it wrong!]

[Loki didn't pay attention to Thor's expression. At this time, his vision had completely changed!]

[He saw a silver wall!]

[It was engraved with dense Runes, arranged in a wonderful combination!]

[He can see through most of the effects at a glance!]

[Flying, summoning, locking, gain, suppression, armor breaking, magic breaking, power conversion….Divine blessing!]

[Loki saw so many effects and had to admire the dwarf king!]

[Although the template is most likely made by Odin, it is exaggerated that the other party can forge so many runes into Uru alloy.]

[Soon, Sol discovered the key to so-called 'recognition'!]

[But that's not the Rune, but a spell cast by Odin!]

[However, this does not trouble him]

[He has seen almost all the magic in Asgard]

[With this magic in front of him, as long as Odin doesn't actively stop him from 'outside the door' and directly refuses, then he can unlock the door!]

[He opened his eyes, looked at Odin and said:]

["Father, is that okay?"]

[Thor was confused, but Odin nodded.]

[Seeing this, Loki closed his eyes again and began to use his divine power to construct the key to this spell.'!]

Kama Taj.

The Mage King and Baron Mordo looked at each other, both feeling that Loki was unlikely to succeed.

Odin's spell is actually, to put it bluntly, something similar to magic.

And if Loki wants to unl

ock it, it is equivalent to having a magic door, and he can go through it without destroying it!

Can this be done? able!

They believe that Ancient One can definitely do it!

But that was the Supreme Mage who had survived for who knows how long!

The understanding and control of magic is something they can't even look up to.

In comparison.

Although Loki has lived for 800 years, he is obviously still very young!

[Loki's idea is simple]

[He doesn't need to go through, what he has to do is to let the door open by itself!]

[Like he said, he was going to make a key!]

[Its name is – Deception!]

[Loki didn't use his divine power first, but used his spiritual power to construct a special Rune!]

[Tens of seconds passed, and hundreds of special runes enveloped the spell!]

[As Loki thought, they began to combine continuously!]

[Suddenly, various false personalities based on Saul were created, and they began to continuously release their own emotions and characteristics!]

[One impact, two impacts….In the blink of an eye, the spell struck thousands of times!]

[Until next time!]

[A suitable key opens that door!]

[At this moment, Loki, who had been waiting, unleashed his divine power without hesitation and squeezed in very roughly!]

[At the same time, in reality]

[Thor watched Mjolnir tremble violently, as if he had suffered something bad.]

[But the next second, his hammer stopped moving.]

[His heart tightened, and the inexplicable feeling seemed to get worse.]

[At this time]

[Loki opened his eyes and raised Mjolnir with one hand!]

[Frost and flames surrounded each other, seeming to announce that it had a new owner. ]

Thor in the light curtain was dumbfounded.

Sol outside the light curtain was also dumbfounded.

Even Hela in Dimension Fragments was dumbfounded.

Not only that, at this time the three of them had an unspeakable uncomfortable feeling.

Kama Taj.

The Mage King and Modu looked at each other again.

This time they saw the wonder in each other's eyes, and the sudden realization that they could still do this.

In front of the two of them, Gu Yi unconsciously showed a smile, his eyes full of admiration.

This is a sign of flexible thinking and not being bound by rules!

She hadn't seen such a talented youngster in many years.

But there is still a future, the time is coming soon

[In the treasure house]

[Odin nodded, smiled and praised:]

["Well done Loki, even I wouldn't have thought of this."]

[He almost never praises others. This sentence is already a very high praise.]

[Sol was still dumbfounded at this time.]

[He still couldn't figure out how Loki lifted Mjolnir, and the process made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable.]

[At this moment, he saw Loki hand the hammer to extinguish the flames in front of him]

["Here you go, Sol"]

["Oh, thank you"]

["You're welcome"]

[Thor took the hammer and was suddenly stunned.]

[its not right!]

[Isn't this my hammer? What am I thanking for?]

[Loki couldn't hear this.]

[In fact, this hammer has left a mark after it was forcibly taken over by his divine power. He can summon it at any time if he wants to use it.]

[But he would not say these words, lest Sol suffer even more. ]