
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 18

[At this time Loki glanced at Odin again]

[Actually, there was one more thing that he didn't say.]

[In Mjolnir, in addition to seeing the marks left by Thor and Odin, there was another]

[That's an unknown divine mark]

[This shows that this hammer once had another owner, and he was also an Asgardian god!]

[But in the entire history of Asgard, there is no record of a god holding Mjolnir. There must be a secret in this]

[But Odin didn't say anything, and he wouldn't ask. ]

In the dimension fragment, Hela sneered disdainfully.

It seems that the same thing happened to me in the other world. use! abandon! cover!

Sure enough, no matter who Odin is, he is a complete hypocrite.

But she was in no hurry.

As long as the two light curtains continue to play along with time, everyone can see what kind of villain the so-called Father of the Gods is.

[Odin didn't seem to notice Loki's gaze, and turned around and walked deeper into the treasure house of Asgard.]

["Loki, I also chose the most suitable artifact for you, you will like it"]

[As he walked, there was a kind of emotion in his voice.]

[Thor hung Mjolnir on his waist with a trace of curiosity in his eyes.]

[Same goes for Loki]

[The treasure house of Asgard is a forbidden area. Except for Odin and the golden armored guards, they have never entered.]

[After walking for a few minutes, the three of them walked into another corridor and stopped in front of a burning altar.]

[Sol glanced inside and said with a surprised look on his face:]

["Is this a magic flame?"]

[He saw that the flames in the altar were burning out of thin air, with nothing inside. ]

In the Kingdom of Fire, an earth-shattering roar sounded, making countless flame creatures tremble!

And the roar also sounded in the chat room!

Surtur: Damn Odin, that's my eternal fire!!

Ronan the Accuser: Stupid giant, can't you see that's not our world!

Surtur: That's my divine fire too!

Ronan: I understand. It seems that your fire was also taken away by Odin.

Surtur: No!

Peter Parker: One thing to say, I can tell from several universes away that this sentence is not very powerful.

Surtur: Well, I'll get it back one day, and then.

Tony: Then bring Ragnarok.

Surtur: Of course, you are right, Midgard Boy!

Outside the light curtain, Tony was speechless.

Is this guy's brain probably taken away by Odin? Can't he hear that he is mocking him?

["This is the eternal fire"]

[Odin looked at the flames and said meaningfully:]

["It is the core of the fire giant Surtur"]

["However, although the power is indeed very powerful, the user will gradually be assimilated into a flame creature and become���Stupid, I only have the same idea in my mind of destroying Asgard as Surtur."]

[After hearing this, Sol couldn't help but take a step back.]

[The name of this flame sounds good, but why is it so evil?]

["Then you still give it to Loki?"Saul said puzzledly.]

[Odin shook his head and did not answer, but looked at Loki and said:]

["Feel it?"]

[Loki nodded]

[In his powerful spiritual perception, there is something else in the eternal fire]

[Sol was confused when he heard this.]

[At this time Odin said concisely and comprehensively:]

["go ahead"]

[Loki nodded again and walked to the edge of the flames]


The next second, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, then slowly stretched out his hand]

[The moment it touched the eternal fire, the latter suddenly exploded, trying to burn the insects that dared to touch it to ashes.]

[But at this time, Loki's hand surged with red divine flames, completely ignoring the damage of the eternal fire.]

[Then his whole arm went into the flames]

[After a few seconds, he suddenly paused, as if he touched something]

["found it"]

[Loki's voice fell, and then under Thor's shocked eyes, he slowly pulled out a golden long sword from the flames!]

[When it was lifted, a fierce golden flame suddenly burned!]

[Sol looked surprised]

[If it can be preserved in the eternal fire, it must be a sword!]

[And he just felt Mjolnir trembling, as if he felt threatened!]

[Then Loki lowered his arm]

[He could also feel that this sword was extremely powerful, and it was completely different from the feeling when holding Mjolnir.]

["What is it called? Father King, was it also forged by the Dwarf King?"Saul said curiously.]

[Odin shook his head and said solemnly:]


["This sword is the weapon of the Fire Giant. It is called…"]

["Flame Demonic Sword Levardin!!"]

In the chat room, Surtur's roar sounded again.

In an instant, almost everyone understood that the flame giant's sword was probably taken away by Odin just like in the light curtain.

Outside the light curtain, the Mage King showed sympathy.

This The Fire Giant is really miserable.

The fire is gone, the sword is gone, and he still wants to destroy Asgard.

Sure enough, his brain was really taken away by Odin

[At this time, Thor finally remembered who the Fire Giant was.]

[Isn't that Surtur, who was prophesied to destroy Asgard and bring about Ragnarok?]

[He suddenly felt a little puzzled and said:]

["Father, since you took away his flame and sword, why didn't you kill him?"]

[It is said that one of his goals after becoming a god is to kill the flame giant and take his head back as a trophy.]

[Let the nine realms see what will happen if they try to destroy Asgard!]

[But now it seems that my father has already dealt with it]

[Just why leave the other party alive?]

[Odin shook his head and said:]

["Because it's meaningless"]

["Why?"Saul looked puzzled.]

["That's not what you should know right now."Odin had no intention of explaining at all.]

[Thor was even more confused when he heard this, but Loki was thoughtful.]

[He glanced at the eternal flame and seemed to be thinking about something]

[Odin noticed this and suddenly said:]

["Loki, this sword can destroy a continent if used to the extreme. You should use it with caution in the future."]

["As for the more specific abilities, I don't know. You can explore it yourself in the future."]

["I will, Father."Loki said solemnly]

["That's good. Now let's go to the next treasure. There's no need to waste time here."]

[As he spoke, Odin took the lead and walked in the other direction. ]

Outside the light curtain.

Looking at this scene, Hela frowned slightly.

This Odin is obviously hiding something, and he is even afraid of Loki thinking too much.

This is so strange!

It's also unreasonable!

After thinking about it, she chose to speak directly in the chat room.