
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 16


[The whole space trembled heavily!]

[I saw countless flames erupting behind Loki, and then rising into the sky!]

[In the world of doomsday winter, the thousand-meter-high golden temple wakes up like a prehistoric volcano!]

[The terrifying flames broke through the gap in the dome, forming a red pillar of fire that penetrated the sky!]


[Another violent tremor!]

[That was the shield formed by the runes being hit!]

[The rune defense of the divine realm was triggered at this moment, and appeared densely in the sky.]

[The pillar of flame was blocked and spread in all directions!]

[Looking from the ground, the sky turned completely red, like the end of hell.]

[There are even more red stars lighting up one after another! ]

On the planet Saka.

Valkyrie's scalp feels numb!

She knows what it is!

The runes, which were made of magical materials by the dwarves, are undergoing high temperatures and are about to melt.

But what a high temperature! ?

[At this moment, golden thunder surged from Odin's left eye in the temple.]

[The runes that were about to be ignited were immediately covered with a layer of golden divine power, and then all the runes disappeared again.]

[this moment!]

[The entire sky of Asgard turned into a sea of fire, with countless fire crows walking through it!]

[The earth is still a frozen world, and a terrifying low-temperature storm is sweeping everything!]

[But what is incomprehensible is that!]

[Not only were the ice and fire not canceled out at this moment, but they were torn apart into a more terrifying extreme! ]

Outside the light curtain.

Countless people looked at the sky with blank faces.

Whether you admit it or not, the scene before you is like a mythical world coming to life!

To them, this is God.

In the land of void.

I don't know how many Lokis trembled as they looked at the scene that they didn't even dare to dream about.

Loki….How could it get to this point?

And does he really deserve to be called Loki?….

The end of time.

The person left behind, Kang Xianshi, showed a hint of surprise, and then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

This Loki may be more in line with his goals….

Within the seal of the dimension fragments.

Hela was silent at this moment.

She is free to mock the Loki and Thor of her world as trash.

But the Loki in front of him not only awakened the dual priesthood, but even the visions he displayed were even more exaggerated and terrifying!

This is simply not what I could compare to at the beginning.

As long as the other party doesn't seek death or fall into depravity in the future.

When you completely control these two priesthoods, even if you stand on Asgard, you can't defeat the other party!


Hela looked gloomy and drove this crazy idea out of her mind!

She, the goddess of death, the true master of the divine realm, no god can defeat her!

No matter Odin or Loki!

[Inside the temple!]

[At this moment, everyone except Odin and Frigga felt a terrible pressure!]

[It was as if the soul was about to be frozen by the cold, but the body seemed to be ignited by the heat!]

[That tearing feeling is so devastating!]

[Fortunately, Loki discovered this situation in time]

[He can completely control the single ice phenomenon, but when coupled with a fire phenomenon, he is slightly unable to control it.]

[With a thought, all the divine power returned to his body.]

[The entire Asgard suddenly melted, the sea of fire was extinguished, and returned to its previous appearance.]

[But at this moment, everyone's e

yes have changed]

[Dual priesthood!]

[The last time it appeared was five thousand years ago!]

[And that man has become the father of the gods, it is Odin!]

[It possesses unparalleled power and even created the Rune Rune, leading Asgard to unprecedented glory!]

[Now, another dual priest appears!]

[The Asgardians spontaneously knelt down on one knee, looking up at Loki in the air with extremely fanatical eyes, shouting his name!]

[Those lords, whether they were loyal or caring, knelt down on one knee under the general situation.]

[If there are no surprises, this will be their future new owner!]

[However, Loki just looked at all this with calm eyes, as if it had nothing to do with him.]

[On the other hand, Sol stood in the center. He was usually carefree, but his eyes were a little embarrassed at this moment.]

[As the eldest prince, he has awakened his priesthood]

[But today's protagonist seems to be only one person]

[But he immediately put aside this discomfort and became happy for Loki.]

[Soon, the ceremony was over]

[In the proclamation of Odin, the Father of the Gods!]

[Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder!]

[And Loki is the God of Fire and Ice!!!]

[The Immortal Palace will also hold a celebration for three days and three nights, and there will be rare and top-notch food and wine.]

[Even rewards with various treasures!]

[Of course, those things are just ordinary gadgets]

[At this time in the true treasure house of Asgard]

[Odin leads Thor and Loki step by step towards the depths]

[Soon after, the three of them came to a stone seat]

[A silver-white hammer engraved with mysterious patterns was placed on it]


[Odin first made a sigh of relief, and then said:]

["Or you can call it Thor's Hammer"]

["It is made of Uru alloy and is an artifact forged by the Dwarf King himself in the core of the Death Star. Only those who are worthy of it are qualified to lift it."]

["You try it, Sol"]

[Thor was impatient for a long time. After hearing Odin's words, he immediately stepped forward and held it with both hands.]

[As he began to exert his strength, streaks of thunder suddenly spread from Mjolnir.]

[But it didn't move, as if it was welded to a stone base]

[Thor groaned, his eyes became solemn, the muscles of his arms bulged high, and with the belief that he would not give up until he lifted up, he squeezed all his strength!]

[The next second, thunder exploded from the hammer, and he lifted it up!]

[For a moment, Thor felt that the hammer became very light, which meant that he had gained Mjolnir's recognition.]

["Haha, I knew I could do it!"]

["Of course Mjolnir must be paired with Thor.,"]

[Thor laughed loudly and brought Mjolnir closer to his eyes to take a closer look. The more he looked at it, the more fond he became.]

[Just then, he seemed to think of something and turned the hammer back again]

[Then he winked at Loki and smiled:]

["Come on, Loki, let me see if you can lift it up"]

[Usually it's him who takes the hit, but today I also want to see Loki suffer.]

[In his opinion, Loki's character and strength are not suitable for Thor's hammer and will certainly not be recognized.]

[Loki glanced at Odin and asked with his eyes]

[He is indeed a little curious]

[But what he cares about is not the hammer itself, but what is the principle of curiosity?]

[Odin nodded without stopping. ]