
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

The End of The Tournament

After the awesome battle between Ultra Instincts and Jiren, Goku was blasted down to be eliminated and just like that, Zetari rose out of the depths and held Goku in his arms. He carried his master and placed on a rock before hopping down and standing by Frieza's side who had gone golden.

"Goku is useless to us now other than extra insurance in winning this" Frieza stated.

"Agreed, we will have to finish this by ourselves" Zetari said.

He powered up with a pale aura around him still not strong enough to maintain any of his transformations after taking such a massive blow. Jiren got mad releasing a cry destroying the floating rocks around him and sending gusts of wind towards the powered-up duo.

"GO GET EM GUYS!!!!!" Rixxa yelled.

"DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!" Raza added.

Jiren appeared in front of Zetari seeking to strike a blow, the Saiyan blocked the punch as he punched Jiren in the gut.

"I may not be in my Rage Mode, but my strength has not deemed" Zetari said with a confident look as he locked eyes with Jiren.

His words angered Jiren as he kicked Zetari hard in the chest sending him of the rock they stood upon. He then engaged the shooting Frieza who shot multiple blasts at him, Jiren gave a raging roar strong enough to push back all his blasts with a shockwave. Frieza then advanced forward engaging the behemoth in battle, they traded blows with Frieza looking to come out on top. They blasted down to another level of rocks with Frieza breathing heavily rearing to go another round.

"Smile for me Jiren" Frieza said cockily.

Instantly Jiren stumped down on his tail and began to unleash furious blows to the Frost Demon. Frieza groaned loudly and was unable to escape with his tail pinned.

"You insignificant creature. Your trust in one another will get you nowhere, my shell of power has been cracked. LET'S SEE HOW FRAGILE YOU THINK I AM NOW!!" he said with an aggressive tone.

He raised arm with a blast in hand to strike him down, but Frieza had other ideas. He took up two rocks with his power and slammed them into Jiren from the side as he grits his teeth as his blast ceased.

"Your rage has made you sloppy" Frieza taunted.

Zetari after buying his time and making his run, shot forward with a flying kick through the dust kicking Jiren away.

"You can't even handle rage, how pathetic" Zetari said still midair.

Zetari threw his arms forward as if he were commanding some unseen object and like a dream, a huge Ultra Sphere and massive Ki Disc appeared by his side. Jiren stretched out his arms and held the two attacks at bay from hitting him.

"I've mastered your puny tricks; they do nothing to me!" he raged.

"You may have mastered them then but now, they're on another level" Zetari said with a cold voice that even surprised Jiren.

The two attacks blew up destroying the rock they were on sending them to another one below, even the two fighters from the seventh were thrown aback by the blast.

"That sure was something" Toma remarked.

"They've got him!" Beerus cheered to the demise of the other universe.

"Good job Saiyan, you didn't just blast him but managed to inflict far more damage than you've ever accomplished before" Frieza stated.

"That's the power of rage for you. the only thing that's keeping me going right now and the source of my blasts" Zetari answered.

Jiren fell to his knees drained by the blast as he collapsed to the ground.

"We can't lose now. Eliminate him so we can win!" Beerus said with enthusiasm almost tasting victory now.

Frieza walked forward with pride and arrogance in each step, he stood in front of the fallen pride trooper and raised his right arm with a pointed finger as he charged up a blast.

"You no longer have the courage to look me in the face, how shameful. You put so much faith in your strength and became so self-centered that that ultimately led to your downfall" Frieza said.

"Your time in the ring has come to an end"

"Is that how you're going to let him talk down on you?!!" Top screamed to Jiren's hearing.

"Kneeling down at your enemy's feet, is this honestly the way you want your fight to end?!!" he continued.

"Is this you want to be remembered?! As the one who just surrendered to his enemies?! For the sake of your own pride keep fighting to the end" Top said trying to stir his teammate up.

"You are the strongest Jiren and the only capable of finishing this here and now" Top said.

"What are you waiting for FRIEZA eliminate him!!!!" Rixxa screamed.

Her scream woke Goku up as his eyes slowly beheld what was going on. With inspiring words from Top, Jiren began to rise as his power and aura grew.

"That's enough!" Jiren said standing to his feet covered by his aura again.

"What the-" Frieza said not believing his eyes.

With a swing of his arm, Jiren hit Frieza back and unleashed a devastating blaze from his aura. Frieza landed next to Zetari and the two began to push back against the blast heading their way.

"Now would be a good time to do a power up or do that Rage thing" Frieza said gritting his teeth.

"Like I told you Frieza....." Zetari said as he pushed back. "My body can't handle its full power yet and even worse now. I'll die just drawing on that type of power again" Zetari answered.

Just then, there was a blue flash on their force holding back the blaze, it was Goku.

"Goku?!" The two said shocked that he was back up so quickly.

"You guys needed help so I came to help out" Goku said joining them as they pushed back.

"You aren't supposed to be up now, your body needs to rest Goku" Zetari stated.

"Yes, Saiyan go sit somewhere and watch and let the both of us handle it" Frieza added.

"You and I both know we can't let that happen" Goku told Frieza.

Frieza looked at him mystified then suddenly understood what he was talking about, Goku will never let him win knowing how evil his heart was.

"Zetari" the older Saiyan said catching his attention. "You stay back and support, Frieza and I can handle this" he said.

"No way, I'm not going to sit back and support, we need every hand available out here. Plus, I used most of my energy in my blast attacks" he answered.

Goku shut his eyes and giggled a little bit, the Saiyan spirit was evident in him.

"Alright then, let's go" Goku said.

With concurrent cries, the three pushed back against Jiren's attack as the force of their push grew brighter and brighter until it engulfed the red blaze and shattered it like glass into thousands of pieces. Jiren stood atop a rock giving a cry as he prepared to battle them and so did the other three as they prepared to give it all they had for these final moments of the competition.

"Come on guys, you got this!" Gohan alongside Raza cheered.

The three sprang forth at Jiren as the trooper landed gut blows to Zetari and Goku after exchanging blows. The two held his fists back as Frieza landed a kick to his face. That allowed Goku to get a hold of Zetari and spun around throwing him at the fighter. Zetari spun in the air gaining more momentum as he landed a devastating kick to his head. Frieza ran in to land another hit as Jiren caught him and slammed him into the ground kicking him towards Goku. Goku caught him as Zetari went head on to engage Jiren ultimately to get punched away to the other three.

"Come on guys, let's do this!" Zetari cried with all three powering up in their base forms.

They shot out hopping from rock to rock quickly so that Jiren couldn't trace their movement.

"HYAAAAAA!!!!!!" Frieza screamed from above Jiren seeking to strike him.

That was all part of their plan distracting Jiren long enough for the real threat to emerge as the two Saiyans kicked Jiren from behind. Jiren screeched on the ground turning to face them as he unleashed devastating blasts at them.

"I can't believe it, all three of them fighting together. Frieza and Saiyans working together" Gohan pointed out which shocked Vegeta.

Mortal enemies casting away their differences for the sake of their universe.

The three ran forth in interchanging diagonal movements as they advanced to Jiren. Zetari got caught out with a blast hitting him with the other two making it to land a serious punch on Jiren sending him to the timer on the ring. Zetari then shot forth kicking Jiren in the chest as he sunk deeper into the timer, the pride trooper groaned angrily catching Zetari by the leg and swinging him into the timer as he slid down the timer. Frieza and Goku came from both sides and Jiren used Zetari like a fly swatter to swat them back as the other groaned and screamed in pain. Jiren slammed him into the ground then blocked Goku's kick with his arm allowing Frieza to kick him away.

"Fling me Saiyan!" Frieza demanded.

"What?" Goku said confused. "Right" Goku said realizing what he meant.

Goku held Freiza by the tail spinning him quickly before getting thrown at Jiren, he flew in with a cry hitting Jiren in the forearm with a kick. The force sent Jiren back as the two traded blows. The two Saiyans jumped from opposite angles with Goku's hair interchanging between his standard hair and super Saiyan and so did his aura. They flew into the two as they wanted to push Jiren and themselves out of the ring.

"FRIEZA!!!!!!!!! GOKU!!!!!!!!! ZETARI!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" their teammates cheered them on.

"DO IT!!!!!!!!!" Beerus yelled.

The three fighters screamed on top of their voices pulling out whatever they had left in the bank as their voices synchronized and they let out all their energy in a last effort to takeout Jiren. Goku went Super Saiyan as Frieza remained in his form as they was a loud explosion due to their energy. Zetari was covered by a pale white aura too giving it all he had. The four descended and Jiren finally realized something.

"So, this is the power of trust, this is the secret of the seventh" he said.

Goku and Frieza with a cut tail appeared next to the others bruised and battered then Jiren appeared alongside his own fighters seconds later. The eleventh had gloomy faces accepting their fate.

"I guess you win this time Beerus" Belmod remarked with a bowed head and closed eyes.

"If Goku and Frieza are here, what happened to Zetari?" 18 asked.

"That's true, didn't he go down with Frieza and Goku?" 17 added.

"Hey guys look over there" Toma said pointing at a rock.

On the rock, fingers clung on with Zetari being held up by them.

"Zetari!" Raza yelled.

"How on earth did they manage to keep him in the ring even though he went down with them?" Vegeta said shocked.

"We knew someone had to stay back to win this for us" Frieza said.

"So, we hit Zetari away from us as we went down hoping he would latch on to something" Goku added.

"Incredible dad" Gohan said.

Zetari climbed up the rock piece he held on to and stood there realizing he had won the tournament.

"Fighter Jiren from the eleventh universe has been eliminated" the Grand Priest announced.

"You know what that means" Past Zeno said.

"Thank you, Jiren, for giving it your all" Top thanked as the others bowed.

"You thank me...…. but I ignored you all throughout this tournament, my ambitions were my only goal" Jiren answered with a weak voice.

"We all had ambitions too Jiren but, in the end, seeing you fight not just for yourself but for all of us, is what really mattered" Top said.

Jiren looked at them all and nodded having redeemed himself.

"Hey Jiren" Goku said catching their attention. "I hope to see you again someday" Goku said.

Jiren closed his eyes and nodded with a smirk before vanishing from their eyes.

"What an extraordinary warrior" Vegeta remarked.

"Yeah, he really is" Goku added looking ahead.

The Grand Priest then descended to the battle damaged Zetari who was looking at how beautiful everything was.

"You have prevailed" The priest said as Zetari turned to face him. "What shall you wish for?"

Then the Super Dragon balls appeared in all their glory.

"Wait are those the-" Toma said helping Goku up to his feet.

"Yeah, the Super Dragon balls" Goku said.

The priest spoke the ancient tongue to summon the super dragon and then turned to Zetari.

"The time has come Zetari. So, have you thought about what to wish for?" the Grand Priest asked snapping Zetari back to reality as he admired the sheer size of the balls and the dragon.

"Yeah, I have" he answered with the Zeno's arriving as well.

He looked at his team each and every one of them standing eager to make his wish and he couldn't help but smile.

"I wish...…...I wish for...….in...infi....."

"Stop that crap and get to the point" Rixxa yelled.

"I wish for all the universes erased to be restored" he said.

"Are you sure?" the present Zeno asked.

"You really, really sure that's what you want?" the other asked.

"Yes, it's what I want. What fun would it be if we're the only ones around? Not to mention that there is someone I would really want to see again" Zetari said turning the other way and looking up.

"Oooooooo, looks like Zetari has a crush" Raza said mocking him.

"I swear Raza, I'll knock you out myself if you utter another word" Zetari answered.

"If that is what you wish" the Priest said.

He then proceeded to tell the super dragon of his wish and the dragon carried out his instruction in an epic manner. Immediately, all the universes were restored, Champa was seen staring into the sun as the Saiyans behind him talking about reaching super Saiyan three and all. The appearance of the others and the eleventh wanting to face the seventh again so that they may come out on top.

As the seating area neared Zetari, Rixxa, Raza and Toma jumped out eager to see their friend.

"Zetari!" Rixxa called.

He turned only to be tackled to the ground by her.

"The way you hit that transformation was so cool....."

As she flooded him with questions, Toma helped him up to his feet.

"What you did back there, was pretty epic" Toma said to his friend.

"I admit it was pretty cool but not as cool as you eliminating both Top and yourself. Super Saiyan 4 is pretty incredible" Zetari answered.

Toma smiled seeing his friend was okay. They all got chatty until Frieza wanted to get back to hell, as a gift in honor of how well he fought, Beerus rewarded him by having Whis bring him back to life. The Zeno's met Goku and the Grand Preist told the gods and angels that the Zenos knew who was going to win right from the start and what would've happened if Zetari made the wrong wish.

Fast forward to their trip home.

"Zetari, before you wished for the other universes to come back, what were you going to wish for?" Vegeta asked.

"I was going to wish for infinite power" he answered shocking everyone as the gasped.

Without warning, he received a slap from Beerus.

"Hey what was that for?!" he said rubbing his cheek.

"That's for stopping you from making any stupid decisions in the future. Your wish for infinite power would've gotten us all killed" Beerus said.

"But I'm glad that wasn't his true wish" Goku said.

"Indeed" the Kai's chorused.

After dropping of the Kai's, they returned to Earth to celebrate and have a feast. They began to tell the others about the tournament and what went down as their words tingled their ears each eager to hear what happened next. Jiren, Top and Kefla caught their attention the most until they decided to head home. Beerus decided to go rest on his world with the four retreating to Zetari's house to spend the night. Toma walked out to the front deck catch Zetari starring into the stars lost in thought.

"Got something on your mind?" Toma asked.

"Well not really" he replied.

"It doesn't have to make sense to me, so you can spill it"

"Just the thought about the type of fighters and how powerful they are wants me to keep on going and training until I'm the strongest of them all" Zetari said.

"Me too. I've decided to go train on my own for bit after recovering from this tournament, I suggest you do the same as you have unlocked the powerful Rage mode form" Toma said.

"I think I will, the form still has plenty to offer, But I'm not sure my body is strong enough to harness it anytime soon" Zetari said.

"If you two are gonna train up, so will we" Raza said from behind them as he and Rixxa stood leaning on the doorpost.

"Then let's do it guys. Toma. Raza. Rixxa. Let's get stronger, together!"

Sorry for the wait guys, hope you enjoyed my version of the tournament.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

shola_noahcreators' thoughts