
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Here We Go Again

It had been two years after the Tournament of Power and the group of four did anything but relax after seeing the type of fighter's other universes possessed. Raza and Rixxa set out to the hyperbolic time chamber sharpening their skills then going out into their universe to bring peace by liberating worlds from the Frieza force. Toma took time training on his own then going on to help Broly on planet Vampa to master his transformations and battling him would in turn improve his own strength. Zetari trained with Whis and Goku and was able to bribe Whis with delicacies to take him to the sixth universe for about a month or so. All in all, they had made huge strides in their quest for power reaching new heights.

Zetari and Toma were currently on Girt taking a little break from all the training they had been doing for months and were looking forward to doing nothing for the next couple of weeks before heading back to fight. The two sat down on lawn chairs at the back of Toma's house soaking up the sun's rays in nothing but shorts and glasses.

"We have come a long way from the tournament of power haven't we Toma?"

"Rightly said. Having power houses like Jiren, Top and Broly around has shown us we can't slack" Toma answered.

"Yeah. Just when we thought we had reached our peaks in power. Speaking of Broly, how is he?" Zetari asked.

"Broly is doing great. Bluma's inventions are making their stay on Vampa hospitable and I'm still trying to convince him to come visit Earth or at least Girt sometime"

"That's cool"

"He's also getting closer to going Super Saiyan without losing his mind after mastering his Wrathful state"

"I bet working with him has opened your eyes on primal Saiyan power"

"Yes, it's safe to say I have evolved into a new fighter working with Broly. Speaking of training, I heard you went to the sixth universe" Toma said with an inquisitive tone.

"It was for training purposes only" Zetari replied turning his face to the side and crossing his arms.

"Are you sure?" Toma persisted.

"Yes Toma, it was for nothing more"

"Well why did I hear you were staying with Caulifla on planet Sadala?"

"What the, who told you that?" he questioned.

"My lips are sealed"

"Dang it"

"Well, that would explain why she's pregnant now" Toma said raising his head to the sky and holding his chin with two fingers.

"WHAT THE- We never-"

"I knew you were with her!" Toma exclaimed.

"Okay you got me" Zetari gave up on denying.

"Zetari was with who?" a female voice said from behind him.

They turned to see Pea walking towards both of them.

"Oh God" Zetari said sinking into his chair more.

"He was with his girlfriend in the sixth universe"

"Bro there's nothing going on" Zetari mumbled.

"What?!" Pea said full of excitement. "Please tell me all about her, when did they meet? How long have they been together?"

"Forget it Pea, nothing's going on between us" Zetari protested.

"Well, I know they met at that Tournament we went for two years ago, and he has been visiting her frequently, but I don't know if she has come to our universe before. But your brother is hogging all the details to himself" Toma said.

"Come on Zetari do tell" Pea said trying to persuade him to talk.

"Don't even try that" he warned his sister.

"Okay, I rest my case" Pea said giving up on her endeavor.

As if timed, a Capsule Corp ship damaged and stuttering blasts from the thrusters crashed into the streets causing damage to the road.

"What the hell! Isn't that the ship I gave Raza and Rixxa?!" Zetari exclaimed.

"It looks like it" Toma said.

"Well don't just stand there, let's go find out if they're okay" Pea said rushing towards the ship.

People gathered in the streets looking at the crashed ship as Zetari, Toma and Pea rushed to the crash pulling off the door with ease and rushing in. Getting into the ship they found Raza on the floor knocked out and a stream of blood on his head.

"What the hell, Raza!" Toma said rushing to him and immediately began to check if he was breathing and had a pulse.

"He's still alive" Toma said with his fingers on his wrists.

"Did I land good?" Raza said with a faint weak voice.

Zetari and Pea immediately rushed over to the pilot's seat finding Rixxa sitting there motionless with blood streaming down her forehead and mouth.

"Rixxa" Zetari said seeing her.

Laying his eyes on her, he discovered that she had blood on her abdomen which stained her shirt.

"What on Girt did they get themselves into?" Pea said seeing Rixxa's condition.

"Zetari" Rixxa said.

"It's okay Rixxa, you just need to conserve your energy"

"No Zetari, a great danger is coming. *Cough cough* You need to get everybody of this planet, they are coming"

"Who's coming?!" Pea and Zetari demanded.

"Bagar and Zuki"

Those were her last words as she passed out.

|One Month Earlier..........|

"Lord Frieza" a purple alien with a very similar look to Sorbet said kneeling before his presence.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm plotting ways of conquering worlds?!"

"I-I-I'm sorry sir but the scouts find something that you might find very interesting"

That piqued his interest as Frieza raised an eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

A door opened up as Frieza walked through the door with Sorbet's look alike behind him.

"Lord Frieza" all the soldiers said bowing at his appearance.

"Now tell me, where are these being you found" Friza said.

"We found this shuttle drifting in deep space with no pilot. It's old technology, thousands, maybe millions even billions of years old" a soldier reported.

"So, what is so interesting that you found in this ship?" Frieza questioned.

The soldier bowed and stretched his hand towards two capsules covered by little droplets of water on the glass blurring what was inside. Frieza cleaned the water on the glass and what he saw scared him almost to death that he stumbled and fell backwards.

"What in tarnation's?! How is this even possible?!" Frieza said astonished.

Frieza's gave was still on the being within the capsule and then its eyes opened scaring Frieza even more, the being kicked down the glass and walked out moving its head from side to side as bones cracked into place.

"Who are you?" Frieza asked.

"I'm the one to be asking questions" the being said.

The other capsule soon burst open as the other being appeared.

"What unfortunate beings are these?" the second being said.

"I don't know but they sure are weak looking to me" the first replied.

"How dare you disrespect Lord Frieza" a soldier said.

Without warning the first being rose a finger and a finger blast went through his head instantly killing him.

"You dare strike one of my soldiers?! I will have you head!" Frieza yelled moving towards him with the intention to attack.

The first emergent being smirked dodging Frieza's multiple attacks then moved clearly out of the way and punched Frieza in the gut causing him to cough out blood as he was sent through multiple floors until he flew out of his mothership unconscious.

"Now if you do not want to end up like your master, point me to an escape pod" the second said.

The soldiers fearfully pointed to an escape pod and before the second entered, he gave them a warning.

"Whenever you hear the names of Zuki and Bagar, be sure to flea for your lives" he said before entering the pod.

"If my calculations are correct Zuki, a legendary Saiyan should have been born by now"

"Then let's go find him"

"But we have no way of locating him?"

"Don't worry Bagar, we will locate this Saiyan and then our age-old plan shall be put into motion at last"

"Yes Zuki, I was getting tired of all my dreams"

With a despicable smile on Zuki's face, they blasted through space in search of the legendary Saiyan.

Happy New Year guys

shola_noahcreators' thoughts