
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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Starting to convert all might

All might was runing around the city, patroling with that permanent smile of his

You were using your powers to stay inside his shadow, while watching him, i started to think how to do this

'Mmm... i need to make him see the dark side of the world... but how to do this? I know i can just brainwash him but thats not fun... and i dont really wanna use my powers to brainwash people unless i dont have a choise. Toga doesnt count, as i just changed her side, i didnt changed her personality nor her ideals' While stalking all might i thought hard about the issue

'I know! this is going to kill some innocents but after this i will just revive them. Obviously without the memory of their death. Also, i will defeat a main villain of this world!' I start to smile

'First, lets see where all for one is... okay, he is in a prison called tartarus... releasing him will be the first step' i concentrate and all for one is teletransported outside tartarus. Right now he has a very shocked expression... atleast thats what i think, as he has a transge helmet.

A person comes out from the shadows, All for one recognise him immediatly.

"Tomura! So you released me huh, thanks for that" All for one said after recovering his calm

Thats of course is not Tomura, he is just a illusion made for All for one to think that he still has Underlings.

"Now that you are free, we can finally strike all might... That bastard fooled my plans everytime!" The fake tomura said with rage on his face

"Sure, lets go to your hideout so we can start the plan of his demise" All for one answers and follow Tomura to his hideout... which right now is completly fine, like it was never attacked by Rob. Even the villains he killed are mere illusions to fool him.

'Now, lets wait for them to act... its funny to see All for one speaking alone while gazing the empty air. Tomura basically tells him what he want to hear' I start to laugh while seeing All for one, if he didnt know whats happening, he would think that he has schizophrenia.


Some time pass. The next day, all might receive news that All for one escaped from prison

He is very concerned about this, after all, he is the strongest villain, while all might is the strongest hero.

While all might was pondering about all for one, i suddendly enter his office

"Hello all might, something bad happened? i see a frown in your always smiling face"

"Nothing boy, just some villains that escaped prison. Nothing to worry about. So, what brings you here my boy?" All might just gloss over the question and change the topic

"Im here to have a talk about heroes!"

"A talk about heroes? Sure, lets talk! What do you wanna know?! As you know, im the strongest superhero! HA-HA-HA!" All might does his characteristic laugh

"I want to talk about what morals the greatest hero has. Like, for example, What do you do after beating a villain?" I start with a simple question

"After beating them? Of course tie them, then give them to the police so they go to prison" All might answers as if that wasnt his view but a fact

"Well, what do you think about prisons? Do you think they are secure enough to contain them?" I asks while starting the plan

"Of cour-" All might was about to answer when he remembers the escape of All for one from the most secure prison in the world

"I... I think that they are secure enough for most criminals..." He changed his answer to a dubious one

"Then im going to ask you something that maybe you will not like, but what if a villain escapes prison and kill inocents? are you going to arrest him again?" I made my second move in the plan

"Of course! What do you expect for me to do?" all might asks with a curious face, as if he didnt even thought of killing them

"Well, what if the they escape again and kill more people? You waste more time catching the escaped criminals while you could have spent that time catching the others"

"What... are you insinuating? do you..." He asks with a stiff face, as if he doesnt want to hear my answer

"Yes, why dont you kill the villains? Have you ever tought about it? A escaped villain kills innocents, then goes to prison again... then escapes and kill more innocents." I start my third move!

"Wha- you... you are speaking like you want to really kill them" He is denying my answer, like he didnt even listened to it

"I know you never kill but... have you ever tought about that people? You catch a villain who then escapes prison and kill a family... have you ever tought about that?" Cmon all might, fall for it

"Enough! I wont talk about this topic anymore! Killing is bad! End of the topic" He now has an angry face

"Okay sorry, i just tought about it on the run... im really sorry all might, im going to forget about it!" You make a bow and leaves the office

All might stay still in his chair... while thinking about what you said.. Normally he wont have doubts about his morals, but the escape of All for one made him concerned about civilians.

'What if... no... i need to stop thinking about this' All might was about to think of the poor civilians getting killed by All for one when he stops and goes for some fresh air

'Phase 1 completed, i planted the doubt inside of him, now its your turn All for one' I smile as i walk in the hallway, hoping that All for one starts


2 days later, All might office.

He was just about to sit and sip some coffe when his phone starts to sound. The ringtone is a military alarm, making him change his face and quickly answers

"All might, quick! All for one is here, he is in ******** and is about to start killing civilians! Heroes are already fighting him, but we need yo-" The call goes off... while all might has a very angry face.

He jumps from the 5th floor... leaving another broken window in his office

"ALL FOR ONEEEE!!" He screams at the top of his lungs while running to his maximum speed


Direction: *** of ***.

All for one is grasping a hero by his neck and steal his quirk, the simply throw him to the ground like trash. Not before breaking his neck

Around All for one are the bodies of 5 heroes, they were the first team to come help. Now their team is no more

He starts to walk and exits the ruined house where they fought. In the middle of the streets, in the corner, everywhere around him where civilian corpses.

"Ha, such weak heroes. Only him can face me, the others are simple trash before me" He says to the fake Tomura who is standing on his side. In his view, tomura killed people with him, while in reality he killed everyone.

"--FOR ONE!!!!" A mighty scream is heard and all for one gaze at the sky. From a roof all might is seen jumping to reach him

When All might landed, the first thing he does is to gaze around, seeing many civilians corpses fills him with fury

"WHY?! WHY THE CIVILIANS?!" He shouts with anger

"Civilians? I see them as simple trash, so i simply cleaned the trash"

"You... im going to beat you!" Just when All might was about to pounce at him... a sobbing make him stop

"Mom... wake up... mom... dad is waiting for us at home..." a little girl no more than 10 years old is crying while grabbing her mothers body

All might dash quicly to her. He is going to bring the child to safety before fighting All for one

Just when he was about to reach her... a ice spike impales her to the ground

"NO!" All might grab her and see a hole the size of a fist on her chest

"Mommy... im... freezing... lets go home...daddy is waiting... he said we were going to have dinner together..." Then she stops moving in All might arms, making stay silent on the place

"So i missed a little bug... eh? you forgot about her? No problem, i just killed her so its okay" All for one speaks to the air like talking to someone

"Cmon all might, lets fight, stop caring about tra-" A ultra fast fist is what he receives, he crashs on the wall of a ruined house.

"You... you are gonna PAY FOR YOUR SINS" All might screams and pounce at him and start to pummel him on the ground. He just made 2 strikes when invisible force push him back

"Yeah... this is what i wanted, a real fight with a real hero... not those trashes that call themselves heroes" He starts to laugh like a mad man

All might landed with a backflip. Around him are more corpses, he recognise them as a heroes team, making his already somber face even more somber

All might stikes at All for one, and he answers with a different quirk every time

The fight goes for another 30 minutes, until All might decides its time to end this

"How shocking, to think that you are now healed... Its seems that the hero assosiation has more talented people than before" All for one is shocked to find that the permament injury of all might is healed, making him just fight equally with him

"Now, im going to end this.... 150 percent... 200 percent... 300 percent...!" All might starts to flex his muscles and steam starts coming out of his body. He is going to end this fight in a single strike

"500 percent! aaaAAAAAA!" All might skin is now all red, veins popping on his arms, legs and face. A great amount of steam coming out of his body, while his fist is starting to shine

All for one its not standing there doing nothing. He is now concentrating and aplying many buffs on his body with the many quirks he has

All might press on the ground and starts to run at All for one, leaving a trail of destruction and steam. His shining fist more shining than ever

"Ultimate United States of Smash!" he shouts as his United States of Smash has recovered to the ultimate form, making his strongest attack even stroger

His fist impact with water, air, fire, earth, invisible, thunder and many other barriers, breaking them like nothing. shocking All for one, as he was even stronger than his peak

All might punch impact All for one. The impact is so huge that he is left standing in place, after a few seconds a huge force destroy everything on his back, to the point that the ruined houses behind him exist no more.

*GAAH* All for one cough a lot of blood and falls to the floor

*Cough cough* He keeps coughing blood, like he was about to die

All might, although exhausted, grabs him by his neck

"You... even if i wont kill you, im going to break your legs and throw you to the most isolated cell in this world. You are not going to see the light of the sun anymore. You... are going to pay for yours SINS!" All might furiously says

"*Cough* Ha...ha-ha*Cough*-hahaa... to think that even now... you are not going to kill me... im going to escape again... its just a matter of time... haHAh- " Before he finish, All might punchs him in the face, knocking all for one unconscious.

After this, all might fall to his knees. Finally able to relax, he is assaulted by extreme fatigue.

While All might was trying to recover, high in the sky, i was watching from a screen the whole fight.

"Part 2 completed, now is phase 3... i hope this makes him change, if i get to phase 4... i think that will break him" I says while watching all might

'Now... lets wait. With the vitality of All for one, he is going to be all right in two days... minus his legs, thats going to need a healing quirk' I smile while thinking of phase 3

Hello again, Granax desu~~

This the first real fight i wrote, so i expect some errors or critics... please be gentle uwu.

Also the sad scene with the child, i hope some people cry with that

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