
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Starting to change the world

While walking to school, i start to think about my objetives to this world before leaving:

-Make the ship canon, meaning to make deku x ochako

-Change all might anime ideals of not killing

-Heal all might

-Give mineta some love, as i started to pity this guy

-Give some free wishes to characters i like

Now for some secondary objetives:

-Find toga a couple, i think i can pair her with Todoroki, as they have a little conection after the battle event

-Make deku embrace the dark side- i mean, the side of killing villains. If not then its okay, just all might will work too

-Help Todoroki beats endeavour because fuck him, i never liked that guy

-Give a sleep bag to teac- wait, i already made that

I think thats all... lets start with the first thing... being a wingman!

While i was walking, i spot a naked girl waving at me... the exhi- i mean, invisible girl

"Hello Toru, i see you are not more shy so you talk to me" I gaze at her and... see a blush on her face... while she is breating heavier...

'I she going full exhibisionist mode?! Well, i think thats gonna happen sometime, as she is always naked'

"Yes, in fact i get a bit dizzy when i see you because i remember you can see me. But all of that its to make my embarrasment dissapear!" She says with a smile and a excited voice

You blush is not helping you! i think as we walk to school

"Hey, you know, i wanted to make deku and ochako a couple, because by this point everyone knows they like each other. Wanna help?" i ask her when we were walking

"Sure, lets do it! this is gonna be fun!" She seems very excited by this... Does she just wanna have fun? its better that i just do this alone

"Wait, i suddednly remember a tool that can make him confess! Sorry for that, i hyped you for nothing"

"ah well, dont worry, i just hope they can make it together"

We finally reach the classroom and i start to search for deku

after i found him, i approach him and asks

"Hey deku, i have a very interesting propose" I put my arm around his shoulder and asks

"A propose? What it is?" Deku asks in confusion

"I will help you to find true love!"

*Cough cough* deku almost falls while coughing after hearing that. Then he goes deep red

"l-l-l-l-l-love? how... are you going to help me in that?!" He asks after stuttering

"Look here, this is a new item i found" I wave my hand and a pistol appears

"What?! Rob, thats ilegal! you cant have firearms, especially not at school!" Deku says shocked at the sight of the pistol

"Dont worry, this is not a real pistol. Its a magic pistol! This can help you confess to ochako and make your dream of love true!!" I say with a grand meaning, like speaking of the will of gods

"It can... help me confess? ... how?"

"Like this, look" You point the pistol at deku's head and *bang* deku falls to the floor

Silence... everyone is shocked looking at you

"You killed deku!" Random student A

"You monster" Random student B

It was at this moment that deku gets up, with a flame in his head and *boom* His clothes except for his underwear are gone

"aaaAAAAAAAHHHH IM GOING TO DO THIS!!!" Deku screams like he is on drugs and start to run at ochako

"OCHAKO" Deku shouts after reaching her

"Y-y-yes" She stutters after seeing his intensity while speaking and his semi nude body

"OCHAKO, I LIKE YOU, WANT TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Deku screams at the top of his lungs his confession, making ochako blush and all girls in the class scream like they where seeing romance story

"i-i-i-i.... okay... just... please be more quiet... its embarrasing" Ochako answers while lowering her head

"I FINALLY FOUND TRUE LOVE! YEEA--" Deku start screaming when he falls to the floor again

More silence...

"u-uh? whats happening?" A confused deku get up and then start to remember everything

He goes deep red and looks at ochako

"The...the answer.... was yes...?" He asks while uncertain

"im.. em... yes...i like you too..." She says with a shy face and make a run for it to the outside of the classroom

Deku is there, half naked with a idiot face watching her run

*slap* you slap the back of his head to awake him

"Hey dude, its time to put some clothes, take this" You snap your finger and summon a copy of deku previous clothes

"Ah, thanks" Deky gets dressed and then asks

"So, what was all about with the pistol?"

"Well, its just a magic pistol, the important thing are the bullets. They are called Dying Will bullets. In a nutshell, they give you the will to do anything without shame or fear. You basically remove all your safety barriers. Right now it helped you to remove you shame barrier, so you confessed to her in a simple and direct way" I explained to him

"Dying Will... so they dont kill you and just give you a powerfull will?" Deku asks

"Nonono, they really kills you, its just that you revive in that no safety mode if you have regrets, and basically every normal living person have regrets" I answer him with a smile

"Well... thanks for that, it really helped me... although i would have liked to do it for myself" Deku say with a sad face at the end

"Dont worry, it was just a matter of time until you did it, so i just accelerated the process"


After that, the Deku x Ochako ship finally became canon.

Also, the story of his confession became popular. Him shouting aloud didnt help in making it secret.

They are a happy and cute couple... *blegh* fucking couples... i know i made them but still hate them

By the way, now that ochako its deeply conected to deku i wanna see if her status changed


[Name: Ochako Uraraka]

[Race: Human]

[Tittle: Shonen protagonist lover]

[Karma&Alignment: Hero in training. Good citizen | Lawful good ]

[Realm: Superhuman lvl.1 ]

[Status: Alive]

[Powers: Zero gravity quirk ]


'As i thought, a new tittle, lets see what it does'


[Tittle: Shonen protagonist lover: The user of this title is one of them or the only recognized lover of the shonen protagonist tittle holder. Gives the user +50% all stats while fighting while helping the protagonist. +100-300% to the user's potential so he/she can get closer to the protagonist power, the weaker the lover is, the more potential the user gets. Gives the power {Damisell in distress}: The user has +200% more aggro and its more likely to get captured alive by enemies, in which case, gives a buff of +50% to all stats to the protagonist until rescue]


'As expected, its op as fuck, not so much like the protagonist, but in some parts its even more crazy.' I thought after seeing the info

After this, i started to think about what objective to complete... i think im gonna do the mineta secondary, its fast as he is here

"Hey mineta, i have a gift for you!" I approached mineta and said to him

"A GIFT?! a gift from a god! Could it be a true love?! a sexy onee san?!" Mineta start to say perv things like a minigun

"... ... ... No, but it can help you get those things... somewhat... someday..." You snap your finger and grows taller until he is the same as deku and every male in the class. Then he starts to get more handsome and his ball hair starts to get inside of his head... well, thats disturbing... and normal hair grows out of him. He now looks like a handsome man with a semi long black hair

"Wha... im taller?" He is shoked by the change, as everyone in the classroom

"its that... mineta?... holy jesus mother fucking christ!" Random student A

"Take it and see for yourself" you give him a mirror so he can see his appareance

"Im... normal? im a handsome man with normal hair? im...*sob*" he starts to cry at the end, it seems that he has a height and appareance complex

you pat his shoulder until he stops

"Dont worry, you are now okay. By the way, you can still summon your balls, just think about it and they will grow from whatever body part you want"

"Thanks.... thanks you so much man, you are now my best friend...*sob*" He is starting to cry again...

"Just let it out, now you just need to stop acting like a pervert and be a normal man. I think true love its not without hope for you" I say with a smile

"Thanks... i... i acted like that to forget about my complex... i wanted to forget about it making me concentrate in other things... i just... *sigh* Okay! From now on i will be a new man! Thank you so much, by new Best friend!" He gives you a hug after getting motivated and goes to his chair.

You see him experimenting with his quirk to see how it changed

'Okay, now i think i will complete the most easier and faster one, which is healing all might. Then i will start with chaning his views to a realistic person' I thought while teleporting to all might office

All might was in his weak form sitting on his desk when you appeared

"whoa, you startled me boy, wha*cough* what do you need?" All might asked after coughing some blood

"I came to give you a gift all might" And the all wonder finger snap comes

All might starts to feel his body getting hot then he started to change his form to the muscle one

"My... power... its back...Althought i can still feel it falling due to passing the one for all i can feel that my strenght is no longer capped... you... healed me" All might start to grip hard to test his strenght and is impressed, then with a very and great smile, he thanks you

'Lets see his new status'


[Name: Toshinori Yagi]

[Race: Human]

[Tittle: -]

[Karma&Alignment: Ultimate superhero. Excelent citizen | Lawful good ]

[Realm: Superhuman lvl.9]

[Status: Alive ]

[Powers: One for all lvl.7]


'Wow, he is Superhuman level 9, he is just on the edge to the next power level, no wonder he is the strongest hero. Now lets see... the permanent injury is no longer there... and one for all is at lvl 7... that means deku must be at lvl 3... but all in all i think he got very stronger now' I watch his info and then show it to him

"Look at this, all might, this is your info, i think you should want to know"

"mmm? let me see"

"Okay... i understand most of that... but what is that superhuman level?"

"It means your power level, for example i think deku should be at half superhuman, as he is still having problems to control his power. Eraserhead should be a superhuman lvl.2 or something like that. You are on the peak of the Superhuman level, just one more step and you will transcend this world power level" I explain to him in a very detailed way

"By the way, before i healed you, you were Superhuman lvl.6 and and got a permanent injury in the status part" i add

"Thats an interesting power you have there, you can basically have the power level of any person... what concerns me its the level of one for all, do you know about that? Although i have my suspicions" All migh asks whit wonder

"its pretty much what you guessed, before, in the battle trial on the first days, you had the One for All lvl.9, while deku had One for All lvl.1, now he has 3 and you 7. And as you expect, when you reach 0 you will lose its power and deku will had One for All level MAX" I continued to explain

*sigh* "I hope he gets it faster, because villains are starting to act" All might sighs and then smiles at you

"Above all, thanks for healing me, im gonna go patrol the city with my recovered powers. HA-HA-HA" A happy all might jumps from the... 5th floor while laughing

Okay then... Healing all might.. Check!

Now its time to change some of his views... lets follow him

Then you dissapear in the shadows... prepared to change the Ultimate Superhero

The world is not aware of what is about to happen, something that will shock every citizen.

Hello. its a me Mar- Granax!

I wanted to thanks the people who got here and keep reading.

Just wanted to remember people that they can comment what they want to happen in what world so i can get more ideas!

Less objectives means less time for the next world!

Granaxcreators' thoughts