
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

The born of a True Hero

I was still flying high in the sky while watching the emergence team help

'Well now... i think atleast All might made progress, before he would just give him to the prison, now atleast he broke his legs... ouch, thats gonna hurt tomorrow' You thought while watching all might break All for one legs

'Ah... now that i think of it... lets see the info of the main antagonist of this world' I concentrate on All for one


[Name: Shigaraki ]

[Race: Human]

[Tittle: Shonen world Antagonist | Last boss]

[Karma&Alignment: Quirk Stealer, Sole member of the villains league | Chaotic Evil ]

[Realm: Superhuman lvl.8]

[Status: Alive | Crippled]

[Powers: All for one lvl.MAX(10)]


'Wow, first time someone has 2 tittles... lets see it!'


[Tittle: Shonen world Antagonist: The main Antagonist of a shonen world. Gives the user +100% all stats while fighting anyone but the user of {Shonen world Protagonist}. Gives the user the {Go, my minions!} power, making the user underlings have a buff of +50% all stats when trying to attack the protagonist. The user of this tittle receives the effect {Taunted} when near the protagonist, making him a easy trigger near him. As the main antagonist, the user gains a very high opinion from all Evil characters, while also receiving the opposite from Lawful Characters. Gives instant enmity with the user of {Shonen world Protagonist}]


'oh man, although its not op as the protagonist, its like a cheat for anyone. Of course the potagonist needs to be better, because he wins at the end. But the antagonist tittle is also very OP... and he also has a second one! lets see the other!'


[Tittle: Last boss: The user of this tittle is the last boss of a world, be it a shonen, chinese, seinen, etc. Gives the user permanent +100% all stats per underling alive or not beaten by the protagonist, to a maximum of +1000% all stats. Gives the user the {Second form} power: On death, revive once, recovering all lost HP and *type of energy used*, while also gaining +100% to all stats. The user, while being the last one alive or not having lost to the protagonist, gains a debuff of -50% all stats. Also, while fighting the protagonist, the user is permanently taunted]


'And... thats it, thats op as fuck! ...until he is the last one standing, then its just a debuff tittle... but before that you are literally the most strongest person in the world! and that second form power... man, to revive once and gain a buff of stats... thats so broken. Okay, enough of this, lets starts phase 3'


All might was not happy. In fact he was very, very angry, even more as the words of a student keep resounding in his head

"If i just... NO! I CANT!" He shakes his head to deny that idea

Then he starts to remember the corpses of many civilians... then the death of a crying child in front of him

"I... i just need to rest, yeah... thats it...." All might enter his office and starts so sip some coffe

*Sigh* "I hope its the end for him... the most secure prison cant be escaped that easy... right?" He takes a sip of his coffe

'Lets go to bed... yeah, i need to recover so i can patroll tomorrow!' He tought to his insides and then goes to sleep


Next day

"Okay, nothing wrong yet, i just catched some villains... nothing serious, nobody died." All might says while patrolling


Next day

"Good, without All for one the city is going back to normal... lets hope it stays like that" A concerned all might says while patrolling

... ... ...

1 Week later, all might have been going full patroll mode, he was still thinking about those civilians who died... so many families broken

He was just about to enter his office when his phone sang... its a... military alarm

All might body goes stiff... then he quickly grabs his phone

"All might... sorry, we couldnt stall him.. All for one... is free again... please, come to ******, the people hopes... are now in your hands..." Then all might hear something falling to the ground... and then silence...

"No... it cant be... how? HOW?!" A furious all might broke another window in his office as he goes to help


"Now now, you all are simple trash... but even trash has its uses..." All for one is tying civilians and heroes to many poles, while leaving bomb quirks on their heads

*CRASH* Suddendly a man falls from the sky, emitting an aura of pure rage. A silent all might gaze at All for one, then at the hostages. There are more than 30 civilians and around 8 heroes

"You... didnt you hated the normal people?! Why are you taking hostages now?!" All might shouts after a few seconds of silence

"I didnt have a choise, as right now, for some reason i cant beat you, so i need to use some trash to have an advantage" All for one calmy says while gazing at all might

"Leave those people out! This is OUR fight!" All might starts to approach him

Just as he takes a few steps, the head of a hero explodes

"Stop right there if you dont want to see you precious civilians die" All for one waves his hand as another hostage head explodes

"NO!" All might is frozen in place with shaking fists. He is so angry that its almost tangible

"Now, if you want them to live, then start to punch yourself, do it until you cant stand anymore. For every 10 seconds you are not on the ground, im going to kill one"

All might its furious... Just when he is lifting his arm and about to punch himself...

"All.. might... please beat him... dont worry about us" A hero who is tied regained consciousness. He starts to persuade all might to beat all for one... *BOOM*. His head explodes just when he finish to talk

All for one didnt say anything, he is just standing there, watching all might

"STOP! i will do it, so dont kill anymore, even if they regain consciousness!" He yells and start to punch himself




For more than a whole minute, all might just punch himself, while the civilians are starting to wake up

"Thats... all might!" Civilian A

"He... is doing this of us..." Sobbing civilian A

"Mom... im scared..."

"Dont worry, all might is going to rescue us"


More than 5 minutes lates, all might can hardly stand upright... he is bleeding and coughing

Just when he is about to punch himself again... he falls to the ground

"So touching, the most powerfull hero right now is sacrificing his life to protect a bunch of weak trash..." He starts to approach all might, as he feels he can win a fight right now

He looks down at all might, who answer with a look full of rage

"Ive done my part, now release them!"

"Sure, i dont wanna have those trash in my presence any more" All for one waves his hand and half of the people explodes

"NO!" All might screams

"How pitiful, now lets clean the trash before i kill you" All for one waves another hand

"All might! save us" Random civilian A

"PLEASE DONT LET US DIE" Random civilian B

"All might please save-"


The rest of them explodes is a cloud of gore and pieces

All might is stupified watching this... The screams of the people wanting to be saves echoes in his head

Then he starts to remember the group of heroes who wanted him to be the hope of people

He remembers the civilians who cheer for him

He remembers the civilians who All for one killed last time

He remembers... the child who died in his arms...

And now... as he see their falling pieces... something broke inside him

Something that has been chaining All might for a long time, ever since he saw how a villain killed a innocent for the first time... the rage he felt that time was atrocious

Since that day, chains have been holding him.

And now, those chains are broken

"SHIGARAKI!!" All might for the first time, called all for one by its name

An aura of danger and power emanates from him

High in the sky, i was watching when i saw something that let me shocked, something i could see inside all might

Going back down, all might is standing up slowly, while All for one is walking back in shock

"You... what... what is that power?!" He asks in fear as all might gives him a very dangerous feeling, a feeling that even with his monstruous vitality, all might could kill him right now

"You... you are not a villain... not a human anymore.... you are a monster...." All might slowly starts to walk

"You dont deserve to redemn you sins, you dont deserve human rights..." As he walks, the floor cracks

"You... i will end you today. You will not kill anymore!"

If all might could see the system info, right now in tittle, he would see [Tittle: True Hero]. He also upgraded his realm, going from Superhuman lvl.9 to Transcended lvl.1

He dissapears in front of All for one, going at a speed he never had before.

All might makes his ultimate technique

"Ultimate United States of Smash!" He makes his fist hit the ground. going through All for one torso

His strike was so powerfull that a deep crater the size of 3 houses appeared below all for one

All of his interal organs are destroyed, all of his bones broken.

He cough unhealthy amount of blood

The crater keep expanding while the floor shakes.

All might gaze at his fist, that right now is impaling All for one

"a...igh...*cough*...." All for one is barely breathing

"You, you were a monster in life, and also died as a monster" All might retract his fist while gazing All for one

".....i....." That was the last thing all for one said, All for one stops breathing, he is now, finally, dead.

All might is just staying there, gazing at the corpse of All for one

"Now i know why villain act so freely, they have no consquences except for prison. This was a example of what crazy villains can do. To thanks the people who wants my protection... the people who cheers for me... i need to become a True Hero, a hero that can eradicate the evil from its roots. Even if people judge me, i will prevail. From now on, i am a True Hero" All might gives a heroic aura, while also having violence inside. He has become a hero who will destroy the very evil of the world, even if that means killing people


"All might! i heard you were fighting and i came to help!" i teleported beside all might, who is now sitting on the ruins

"Haha boy, its over, you are too late" All might gives me a smile while talking

"Boy... you know, if i killed all for one last week when i could... no before that, the first time i won... if I had done it, maybe a lot of innocent people would still be alive" He now has a sad face, lamenting with guilt inside

"All might, you can still change the world. Do it for the innocent who died, and for ones you need to save in the future" I says while giving him a 'you can do it' sign with my fist

"Yeah, from now on, i will change this world. I will remove every villain from this world, so we can have true peace. Even if they come back, i will be here, just to stop them... HA-HA-HA" All might was all serious saying this, when he started to laugh with his pattented laugh

I smile at him while seeing his status


[Name: Toshinori Yagi ]

[Race: High Human]

[Tittle: True Hero]

[Karma&Alignment: True Hero, The strongest hero | Neutral Good ]

[Realm: Transcended lvl.1]

[Status: Alive]

[Powers: One for all lvl.6]


Its me again!

We finally changed all for one to a true hero! yaaay! also sorry for those game like descriptions, i love to make them. And i really think it can help understand how powerfull a character is

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