
Causing chaos in the multiverse by running a Internet Cafe

Waking up in a strange place the mc gets reincarnated with wishes, but unlike everybody else who wants to be a king,God or both he chooses to be a simple cafe owner

Jhuncho_ · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

First mission amd new world

Batsy pov


Looking at the White screen i called the league on the comms "did you all get the message" i asked

"Yea" they all answered

"So it seems all cafe members can see it"

"Zombie huh that sounds easy" said Wonder Woman

"If it was The bonus objective for Casualties would'nt be there, We don't know everything so be ready" i said


Yuno POV

Seeing that there would be reinforcements from the cafe i smiled slightly

"YUNOOOO GOD IS COMING TO HELP USSS" i hear asta screaming

"Be quiet" i say to him

Before he could responde Four people next to captain Fuegoleon. All captains summoned thier grimoires ready to fight

"Calm down they're reinforcements and before you ask we'll explain later" I said

Fuegoleon stared at me before looking at the vistors "who are you and what is your purpose" he asked

"Didn't you here the kid we're here to help" said a woman carrying a shield and sword"

"Which one of you is Fuegoleon" asked a man in a black bat suit

——10 minutes later——-

Wonder woman(WW) pov

Cutting a zombie into pieces I look at the little girl behind me "it's going to be ok" i say

"Are you a magic knight" she asked with hope in her eyes

"Yes and i Will fet you out of here" i said

Nodding her head she followed behind me


Rob Pov

Watching the Participates fight undying zombies was fun, wondering what rewards i should give them i got a message from the other me 'hey cloney how are ya doing'

'Pretty good you?'

'I'm gooding great i basically created a werepire kingdom then took over the world making all beings that weren't a vampire or werewolf our personal blood bags'


'Oh and we have Children'

'….with who'

'Twin boys with a vampire named emma and a girl with bellatrix'

'So an oc and a crazy lady?'

' precisely, have you had anymore customers'

'Well the trio from aot came over' i said

'Oh well what arc is it and what'd they but'

'Well i think it's around the time armin got his titan i dont know how long he's had it tho

And Mikasa bought superhuman Physiology and a custom titan and they Boys bought titan enhancers and the same Physiology , what are you going to do now' i asked him

'Well first i'm going to transfer my memories to you then tranfer the kingdom after all i can't leave our wives and children and after that i'm going over to the mha verse'he said before sending me a shit load of memories

'Did you get them?'

'Yes i got them jackass next time send a warning'

'Great i'm sending the kingdom now' he said cutting the mental link

"Great children" i said sarcastically


Raizel pov

'System transfer me to mha as baby at the door step of an orphanage in Deku's neighborhood'

[right away]

'Make my quirk all of spider-man's powers but way better and give me retracable spider legs and my back'

[Ok] was the last thing i heard before disappearing


Rob pov

Watching batman kick the zombie maker's ass absolutely hilarious, Looking at them come through the door i greeted them " congratulations on getting 100% completion on your firet mission"


Wonder woman: Lighting Manipulation

Batman: Wolverine's powers

Eren yeager: Titan size manipulation

Sasuke uchiha: Rinne-sharigan

Bonus reward 1: 3,000 MD to everyone

Bonus reward 2: Obito's mangekyou sharigan(eternal)}

"Well everyone i hope you like your new powers"I said


Raizel pov

Waking up in a old woman's arms i look around, seeing my up the old lady spoke

"So your up little one you've been sleep all day"

Staring at her i giggled which made her smile "i could'nt find anything with your name on so from now on you be orion black"

Giggling again she spoke once more "we'll get you registered tomorrow and after that this will be your home"

————timeskip(4 years old)(quirk doctor's office)

"Well ma'am he has a quirk and a pretty good one if you ask me

His quirk seems to the power's of a spider including climbing walls,shooting webs from his risk,8 retracable spider legs on his back,fangs filled with acid venom and paralyzing venom,some type of bio energy blaster and his body strength was enhanced by alot"said the doctor talking to the old lady who turned out to be the matron

"So can i be a hero" i said looking at the matron with hope

"Yes little orion and a strong one" she said with a smile

The doctor looked at my and said "since this is a new quirk you can name it, do you have any ideas"

"Spider Physiology" i said

"Spider Physiology" he said writing in down the name

Getting back to the orphanage, everyone was waiting around. The moment we walked in one of the older quirkless kids asked "so do he have a quirk"

"Yes he has a quirk, the doctor said it's strong too" said the matron

"What is it" asked all of the kids

I shot a web at a wall and said " i have the powers of a spider" and pulled out my legs

Some of the girls made a grossed out face

"Well that's his quirk"

I played around with my quirk and the other kids until it was bedtime

———-U.A entrance exam——-

That's all from me" said present mic ending his speech, looking around to see if i recognized anyone from the show and to my luck i spotted the grape head mineta

The gates opened up and we were off spotting a couple 1-pointers in rushed to the front of the crowd and unleashed my legs, i started wrapping them in web cocoons then ripping the heads off

——-All mights pov——

Watching this kid orion take down robot after robot i think to myself 'young Midoriya you have along to go before becoming the number 1 hero

———orion pov——

Saving participants and fighting robots was fun but easy though i did like swinging around building. As i was swinging i saw an unaware girl about to be smashed by a falling 2-pointer

Swinging to the girl i grabbed her right before it hit the ground "are you ok?" I asked

"Yes thank you for saving me"

"No problem" i said swinging away

———timeskip(Extrance exam results)——

Looking at everybody i ask "are you ready"

They all nod smiling i open the letter

And all might appears

{i am here as a projection, Dear young orion i am glad to inform you that you passed the entrance exam at 1st with 167 villian points and 90 rescue points come young orion this is your hero Academia}

Looking at the matron i see her crying "you did it orion, you did it" she says hugging while in the background i here all the kids talking about all might

Smiling at the scene i say "well of course i'm going to be the number one hero after all


A/n: rushed chap and sorry i rushed the kingdom arc but the mha one will do better since i'm involved with the plot