
Causing chaos in the multiverse by running a Internet Cafe

Waking up in a strange place the mc gets reincarnated with wishes, but unlike everybody else who wants to be a king,God or both he chooses to be a simple cafe owner

Jhuncho_ · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Changing plans

(Orion pov)

"Take your feet off of that desk now"


"It's already the first day and your already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property"

I'm Sitting in class 1-A watching iida and bakugo argue about a desk when the door opens

"Ah hi" said a timid green haired kid

Iida walked over and "good morning my bame is tenya iida from…"

"Yea i know i'm izuku midoriya it's super nice to meet you"

As the three talked at the door i thought about the future 'hmmm what should i do, i've took over a world before so that's out maybe i should just follow the plot this time' coming out of my thoughts i heard

"If you just coming here to make friends you can pack you stuff now" said a man in a sleeping bag

"I am your teacher Shōta Aizawa"

"Right let's get to it, put these on and head outside" he said


Once we were all outside he told us we are going to be doing a quirk assessment test

"But we're going to miss orientation" said a girl in the front

"If you really wanna make the big leagues you can't waste your time on pointless ceremonies,here at ua we're not Tathered to traditions that means i get to run my class how ever i want" aizawa said

"You've been taking standardized test for the most of your lives' orion you got first place in the entrance exam how far could you throw im middle school"

"150m" i said

"Throw it now and use your quirk"

Grabbing the ball he gave i threw it with full strength

"1005m"'said aizawa

After i walked back to the class i heard my classmates talking "1005m cool" "this seems like fun"

"So you think this is fun?, the person who score the lowest will be expelled from u.a" said aizawa

Instantly everyone started complaining but couldn't do anything about it. The test went on as the same in the show the only difference was me being on top

As i was walking iut the class room bakugo called out to me

"Hey Bug boy"

"If you speaking to me i have a name"

"So what, i just want to tell you this i'm the best one here and it'll stay like that loser" and he turnt and left

"So stupid , it was ok when it was an anime but now i think he's an idiot" i thought to myself

————-Rob/clone pov——-

'It's boring' i thought to myself, since the last mission i haven't had any new customers and tge only people who really came was asta and noelle

*ching* i heard the door open "luffy don't just walk into random doors"

"But it was on our ship"

I see a orange hair girl yelling at a clueless looking boy "welcome" i say

Finally seeing the girl got on guard while the boy waved his hand "who are you?" She asked

"Hang on" i said send pamphlets to them

"Awesomeee" screamed luffy

"A g..god" said nami

"Don't be scared" i said

"Can the meat really make me stronger?" Asked Luffy

"Everything in here can make you stronger" i said

"Namiiiii can we get some meat"

After going back and fourth luffy was finally able to get his meat

———-Orion pov——

"Tch this was boring" i said after experencing my first day

'Maybe i should be a villian' i thought(i'm sorry to all the people who wanted a Hero mc but i don't remember alot of the beginning)

"Hey kid give me all your money" said a guy with a lizard head

"Are you speaking to me?" I ask

"Yea now do it"

'Yep villian it is' i think pulling out a spider leg and stabbing him through the heart

"Ahhhh" panick errupt and people started running. Walking into a alley i climbed a wall and ran

'That was dramatic' i thought walking off