
Causing chaos in the multiverse by running a Internet Cafe

Waking up in a strange place the mc gets reincarnated with wishes, but unlike everybody else who wants to be a king,God or both he chooses to be a simple cafe owner

Jhuncho_ · Anime & Comics
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2 wafius and fun

Waking up in a giant bed i smiled "today is my first day as king and to think i use to be a normal person"

Calling my servents which i had the system make for every noble house

"Call everyone to the Arena" and with a nod she left

Getting out of bed to get dressed, i wore a white shirt with black pants and a red trench coat with gold lining and black buttons. Standing in the Balcony i stared at all of my subjects "Today is the first day of Training, i will train you in magic,Unarmed combat, armed combat, and using your vampire and werewolf powers"

'System give every one a strong suitable wand'

"Everyone now that you have your wand i will start"

Explaining the history of magic and how it works was surprisingly easy and everyone picked it up pretty quickly,teaching combat next it was fun being able to kick somebody ass in the name if learning.noticing it was getting dark i called it a day "Ok everyone today was good but we will do this eveyday for a month after that i will create books for everyone to learn by themselves, everyone but the heads if the noble houses may leave"

Once everyone was gone i looked at the nobles "come to the throne room" and with that i left

Sitting on my throne i looked at the kneeling nobles " i have created Books and magic and fighting for each of your houses that only yours and mine bloodline could use"

"Thank you your majesty" they all said

"Now could up and get them" i said

One by one they came and got their books

"Ok since everyone has their things you all execpt Emma can leave"

"Emma what i'm going to ask you is very important do you understand"

"Yes my king"

"Would you like to be my first wife"


"Would you like to be my first wife"

"It would be my honor, your majesty"

"Great but since we're married now be more intimate"

———-7 years later——-

Its been seven years since i became king. Flora was doing great we started using currency after a year if the kingdom being Established. The population has grown alot from wild vampires and wolves joining after hearing about us, The kingdom's strength was probably the strongest in the world, Me and Emma got married a month after i asked her to marry me, out relationship has grown alot and we have two sons named arthur and alexander both twins. Right now i was standing on the balcony in armor giving a speech "everyone today is the day we talk the world starting with the wizards"


"I know there's a battle happening right now in a school called hogwarts thats where we will attack first are you ready"


"Then let's go" i said breaking the barrier

"Everyone stand still" i shouted 'system telport us to hogwarts

Arriving to the battlefield our presence alerted everyone " surrender now and you'll be able to keep you lives"

"Avada Kedavra" a snake face man said firing at me

"Well that disappointing, kill them all" i said

Rushing towards the voldemort i sent a slash towards his right arm which sucessfully cut of his arm

"AAAHHHH you bastard i'm going to kill you" he screamed

Seeing he was weak i decidedto end the fight cutting off his head and destroying his soul

Looking around the battlefield i saw a ine sided battle with my soldiers slaughtering wizard after wizard

After about ten minutes all deatg eaters were dead looking at albus "well goodbye and did the same to him as i did voldemort"

"My soldiers are there any casualties on our side" i asked

"NO" they shouted

"Good gather all the bodies"

'System get a a devouring skill'

As the last body was brought i raised my hand "devour " all the bodies turned into a black smoke and started gathering in my body

Feeling my magial prowess grow i was happy with the outcome

'System telport bellatrix to me'

"Where am i" she asked before she could doing anything i grabbed her and bit her pumping full of venom

"From now on you are a subject of flora do you understand"

"Yes your majesty"she said kneeling

"Gather all surrender wizards and bring them to me"

Watching my army subdue all of the wizards i smiled then i heard my clone in my head 'hey you won't guess who just walked in'

'Who' i asked back

'The f**king Justice league'

'It's diana there?' I asked the only important question

'Yup' he said i could feel the grin on his face mocking me


'Haha have fun traveling'

————Rob(clone) pov——-

Looking at the five superheros walking into my store i welcomed them "welcome to my cafe"

Bruce glared and looked around Clark spoke up "so where are we"

Sending the info pamphlet to their minds

After processing everything bruce spoke "we've fought many who have claimed to be gods can you prove it"

"Yea sure" 'system buy me divine aura and max it out'

[host to use divinity you need to be a god of something or a demigod]

'Can you make me a god'iasked

[of course just choose what kind of divinity you want]

'I want sun & moon divinity, Dark divinity, and blood divinity'

[divine aura bought]

Looking at the heros i leaked my aura and they all kneeled "ahh sorry about" i said

"So if this cafe is connected to a multiverse can we meet ourselves from another universe here" asked batman/bruce

"Maybe who knows" i said not knowing

"So do you want to buy anything"

"Haha we have no money" said superman /clark

"I'll pay" said bruce

"Well in that case i want everything" said barry/flash

"How about i give you guys recommendations" i said

"Go head"

"Well batsy you should buy shadow control which gives you control over shadows, superman you should a weakness remover which removes all weaknesses, Green arrow you should buy Hawkeyes which enhances you eyesight buy 20 times, diana you should buy should something that will enhance all your body strength, and flash you should buy superstrength since your speed can be trained"

"Don't ever call me that again" said batsy with a glare

"Ok batsy"

"So how much will all of the cost" asked diana

"10,000 MD"

"Why is it so expensive" asked barry

"Did you think superpowers were going to be five bucks or something" i answered

Bruce went to the Cash converter and came "here and can you move the door to the watchtower"

"No can do batsy this door is for all heroes and vigilantes but don't worry villains can't get in"

From the look on batsy face i could tell he didn't like that, before he could speak the door opened again "hello"

"Eren come back"

"Hello Eren,armin, and mikasa" i said

Before they could say anything i sent the phamplet to them, after about a minute of shock eren asked "Do you have anything to help me kill all titans" with hate in his voice

"Well no but i do have something that could strength your titans or strength your self"

"Can we do both" asked armin

"Sure i could even give mikasa a titan but everything cost in here"

Running to the converter as fast as they could they came back with stacks of Md (i'm not sure if they use Currency in Aot but just imagine they do)

"So what do you want"

"I want a titan"said mikasa

"What kind"

"Can it be a mixture between the attack titan,the armored titan, and the female titan"

"Sure they'll be 1,500 MD"

"Can i buy superhuman Physiology(basically superstrength,speed,etc)"

"3,000 MD"

"How about you guys"

"We both want Titan enhancers and superhuman Physiology" said eren

"7,000 MD"

"So your selling powers to children"said superman

"Their world is pretty fucked up so yea🤷🏽‍♂️"

I said

"We're leaving" said mikasa

"Come back soon"

"We're leaving too" said batsy

Walking out with the JL, so i was here bored once again 'hey system'


'Make a phone and make it able to connect everyone that's come to the cafe, give it a website to Access the cafe without coming all the way here'

'Ohh great now i'm not bored' iseeing what was happening in the black clover verse i had a idea

{Mission: Help save the capital}

Description:The capital is being attacked by the undead sent by a terriost Organization help the Magic knights fight back

bonus objective 1:Keep the death rate under 5%

Bonus objective 2: Keep Fuegoleon from getting injured

Participants:Sasuke uchiha,wonder woman,batman, and eren yeager


A/n: I know the the relateionship between raizel and emma was really forced but i do t know how to write romance the next one will be way better i promise