
Causing chaos in the multiverse by running a Internet Cafe

Waking up in a strange place the mc gets reincarnated with wishes, but unlike everybody else who wants to be a king,God or both he chooses to be a simple cafe owner

Jhuncho_ · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Flora kingdom

"You know us"asked yuno getting ready to summon his grimoire

"yes and no fighting in the cafe" i said sealing his magic

"Now here are the rules and guides to everything inside the cafe" i said sending a pamphlet to their heads

watching their faces change over and over again was kind of funny

"y..y..your a god?" asked asta with stars in his eyes

(saying im a god is in the pamphlet easier to explain)

" Technically yes"

"Awesome can you give me really cool magic so i can become the wizard king"

"Well of course i can and you can keep your anti-magic"

"Please Give me magic" he said slamming his head into the floor

"Do you have money?"

"I have to pay?" he shouted

"well ofcourse everything here cost"

he quickly ran to the MC(Money converter)

running back he screamed "i exchanged my entire paycheck"

"good now let me see what magic to give you"

'hey system bring up all magic"

[ok host]


Fire magic

Water magic

earth magic

wind magic

Earth magic





'You know what never mind buy me the Fish-Fish Fruit, Model Azure Dragon(kaidou's devil fruit) and make it work like black clover magic also remove the weaknesses'

[ok host]

A crystal ball appeared in my hand, After looking at it for a while i said "Here kid eat this"

without any question asta stuffed the crystal ball in his mouth and ate it "What does it do? what does it do" he asked

"well it boost your regular full body strength, allows you to transform into a full serpentine Azure Dragon and a human-dragon hybrid at will, Gives you flame clouds, and you can breath fire,lighting and wind"

"🤩🤩🤩Awsome" he shouted

"i know"

"Um can you give me something to control my magic"Noelle asked with her head down

"Yea sure" 'hey some give me the best controlling item'

[right away host]

After about a second a Silver liquid appeared in my hands(get the reference?)

"here drink this"

after swallowing it noelle started breathing hard, after a while she was back to normal

"thank youuuu" she said hugging me

"your welcome"

realizing what she was doing she let me go and shyly looked at the ground

"do you guys need anything else" i asked

"Crap we gotta get back or captain yami is gonna kil us" screamed asta

rushing out of the door they said "we'll be back"

lookinh at yuno "aren't you going to leave"i asked

"i guess he" said leaving


"After everyone had left i started to think about what i wanted to do

' Running a cafe is kind if boring so what should i do' as i was thinking an idea hit

'What if i made a clone to run the cafe while i travel the multiverse'

'Yes that's great, hey system make a clone of me and make it so we could talk to eachother in our minds no matter the distance or universe '

[right away]

—10 minutes later—

"So you created me to run our cafe while you travel themultiverse until your ready to run the cafe" ask my clone

"Exactly" i said

"Fine but i want to travel the multiverse after you"


"So where are you going first"

"To the potterverse"

"Good choice but are you going to the books or the movies"

"The movies you know we never read the books"

"When are you leaving"

"Right now" i said as i disappeared from the room

"Muthafucka" screamed my clone

————Random forest filled with magical beings

'System where am i' i asked

[Host your are in an unknown forest filled with magical beings]

"That's good the can be my base of operations"

'System give the all the powers and abilites of mazaku, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, the primordial vampires,primordial wolves and guardian wolves from vampire diaries fanon,powers of alucard from hellsing, sung-woo jin, Acnologia, and Veldora'



[Host is there really a need for the much power]

'Of course not but since i can why not'


[right away]

I felt Immense pain all over my body it felt like the world had slowed down, every second i felt worst until it stopped

'Hey system give every type of magic from this universe,instant mastery and what point of the story am i in'

[yes host and your at the start of the first movie]

'Hmm great i have 7 years then i will start my plan'

"Know let's find a place to build my kingdom"

Running around the forest i realized this place was huge, i saw all types of creatures from vampires and werewolves to fairies and trolls. After a hour of searching i settled for a piece of the forest the was spacious enough to build my kingdom

'Hey system build my a giant kingdom right here and make my castle huge'

Watching kingdom form before your eyes is a one of a kind experience

'Hey system i need clothes, a pair of dual swords, a chained scythe,a crown and can you mark every intelligent vampire and werewolf in the forest'

As soon i stopped speaking everything i asked for appeared before me and read dots started appearing on the map. It seemed there was no other kingdom of settlement in the forest as every dot was by it self or in small groups.Rushing to the first group i saw about 10 vampires "excuse me" i called out

"Who are you"Asked one of them as the other put their guard up

"I'm Raizel Di Alucard and i mean no harm, I'm starting a kingdom and i need subjects"

"And why should we join you?" Asked who i assumed to be the leader

"Are you the leader of this group"

"Yes i am, my name is emma now answer the question"

"Ok emma joining my kingdom will bring my benefits such as A home since from what i can see you and your companions seem to move around in the forest alot, Human blood since i can see your a vampire such as myself,And Nobility since you'll be the first to join my kingdom"

"You lie, a human haven't been in these forest for years"she said

"I know but i can get you out"

Emma eyes widen "But what about the barrier"

"I can break it easily"

She looked at her group before looking at me "give us a few minutes

10 minutes later she came back and said

"Tell me more about your nobility system"

"First it's me the king,then the queen my wife once i get married, then archduke which only you will have, then 2 Dukes,2 marquess,3 Counts,3 viscounts,6 barons, then knights which are commoners with knighthood, and then commoners" i stated in a single breath

"So basically i'll have the highest power after you?" She asked


"Deal" she said with a smile

"Ok can you guys line up" i asked

"Why?" She asked confused

"So i can give you my bite"

"But we're already vampires"

"Well i'm a special case you'll see once you get the bite"

Biting each of them on their necks i started to feel a bond with them

Wanting to test this out i started pumping more venom into Emma and the bond got stronger

"Emma how do you feel"

"I feel stronger and like i have more powers" she said replying to my question

"That's because you a vampire, werewolf mixture now" i said


" i'll explain later but now i need more subjects come with me" i said cutting her off

After about two hours of convincing others to join i finally had my kingdom

I had Emma and her group of ten:Archduke and her family

James a lone werewolf:Duke

Jaspar another lone werewolf:Duke

Richard a pack leader of 40:Marquess

Lunar leader of a vampire group with 12 peopel:Marquess

Edwin: A lone vampire:count

Royce a vampire with a group of 50 :count

Hailey A pack leader of 35:Count

Camron a lone werewolf: Viscount

Emily A lone vampire: viscount

Avery a pack leader of 10:viscount

Heath A lone vampire: baron

Leah lone vamp:baron

Freya lone wolf:baron

Edgar lone wolf:baron

Derek lone vamp:baron

Ronald a lone vamp:baron

273 vampire commoners

300 werewolf commoners

Looking down at my subjects i spoke " welcome to the kingdon of flora"

"Now some of you have noticed the change in you and some of you haven't but when i bit you i changed each and everyone of you to the werewolves your strength has boosted around 20 times, you can now keep your sanity during a full moon and your wolf forms look better not only that you guys are niw part vampire but you do not have any weakness"

"To the vampires, your strength has also been boosted by 20 times but now you are part werewolf and some of you should have gained a special ability, now you guys can turn into bats, create a smoke-screen, control weather a little bit, and have a petrifing stare"

"Now to the nobles, your strength have been boosted by 30 times, you have all those powers i just named, and you should have a soul weapon which only you can use"

"Today is the day that starts off our conquest, i will be teaching you how to fight and use your powers for the next 7 years after that we will take over both worlds the human side and wizard side but we have to be strong enough we can't run into battle unprepared."

The more i spoke the more determined they got. My bite makes then a hundred percent loyal so i don't have to worry about betrayal. Staring at my kingdom i smiled 'this is gonna be fun'

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