
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 107 - The Great Harvest

 Zhang Yi didn't have that much time to think here, the day was long and the night was short, if he didn't hurry up and find the weapons dormitory, he was afraid that it would be dark when he went back.

 But digging into the dormitory, at least there is a reference point.

 Zhang Yi climbed onto the snowy surface from inside the dormitory, and then began to re-compare the surrounding references.

 In his mind, he recalled the orientation that Uncle You said yesterday.

 The excavator continued to start working, and this time, it did not take long before Zhang Yi found the location of the weapons depot.

 The weapons depot was tightly blocked, due to being sealed by the heavy snow, it was not clear to see the whole picture, but it felt like a concrete box.

 Zhang Yi found the iron door with a big heavy silver-colored lock hanging on it.

 Zhang Yi took out a crowbar and with a lot of effort, he was too busy to pry the door open.

 "The weapons storehouse in the army really isn't that easy to pry open! But I don't dare to use a gun either."

 Zhang Yi crossed his arms and was pondering when he suddenly remembered that he was driving an excavator.

 With a slap on the head, he hurriedly got into the excavator and directly used the machine to break the door lock.

 Then, he couldn't wait to enter the armory.

 Opening the steel-reinforced door that stopped in front of him, the sight inside was enough to make every man's blood boil.

 Zhang Yi saw a real weapons depot for the first time, and unlike what he had imagined, there were no mountains of bullet boxes placed inside large iron cabinets.

 There were a lot of iron racks against the wall, on which were placed a handful of dark guns, all rifles!

 There were also some gray-green boxes made of unknown metals on the iron racks, which looked very heavy.

 There were some camouflage uniforms and helmets hanging on the wall, and Zhang Yi even saw some camouflage spray paints placed underneath the iron rack.

 Zhang Yi took a deep breath and first put all the rifles into his alien space.

 Right now, he had too many guns in his hands, to the point where he simply couldn't use them all.

 Unless he was going to form a Doomsday Survival Squad one day in the future, none of them would have a chance to see the sunlight again.

 But Zhang Yi didn't care about that, he would put them away first in case they were useful in the future.

 He was not really interested in these firearms.

 He was mainly looking for bullets, as well as equipment such as grenades and even RPGs.

 Since he was in the weapons room, Zhang Yi's movements were very careful.

 He opened those iron boxes one by one, and sure enough, there were various types of different bullets.

 Zhang Yi had learned about firearms at the shooting club, and he still understood the basic bullets adapted to the type of firearms.

 Inside this armory, there were more than 2,000 rounds of pistol bullets and more than 5,000 rounds of various rifle bullets!

 Sniper rifle bullets, on the other hand, also had more than three hundred rounds.

 In addition, he also found a military sniper rifle.

 Unlike the police model he used, this military sniper rifle had a much stronger ability to adapt to the environment, with good waterproofing, sand and dust resistance, and even frost resistance.

 However, the accuracy was a bit worse than the police model.

 But for Zhang Yi, this is not a problem at all, and he can make up for it with his supernatural ability to shoot accurately.

 What surprised Zhang Yi even more was that he found ten boxes of grenades, five per box, which was fifty!

 This search was already a bumper harvest for Zhang Yi!

 "If they all go out on a mission, they do need to bring their equipment with them. That's why a large portion of the equipment inside this warehouse is missing."

 Since the snowstorm had come out of nowhere, they had left in a hurry and did not have the time to dispose of the remaining supplies.

 But these amounts were already completely sufficient for Zhang Yi personally.

 "However, there should be more than just this one weapons warehouse in the barracks."

 According to Uncle You, the troops stationed in Tianhai City had a regiment's strength, which was around 1,500 people.

 So it couldn't be that there was only this small weapons warehouse at the moment.

 Zhang Yi gathered the things at hand and went out, continuing to use the excavator to start clearing the snow along the concrete wall of the house.

 Sure enough, he soon found another weapons depot next to it.

 The weaponry inside this armory was a bit less than the one just now.

 But Zhang Yi also found a few thousand rounds of bullets and two boxes of grenades.

 "It's completely enough if we look at it so far!"

 A satisfied smile appeared on Zhang Yi's face.

 Relying on these weapons and equipment, basically no one could pose a threat to him anymore in Tianhai City if it was a contest of force.

 The grenade was something he had never used before, but afterward, he could ask Uncle You for advice or go online to find out how to use it.

 As for other heavy firearms, Zhang Yi had not found any.

 After all, Tianhai City was stationed with an infantry army, and there were no artillery or chariots.

 As for other weapons such as heavy machine guns, they must have also been taken away when they were on a mission.

 If it wasn't for the fact that the snowstorm had invaded so quickly, I'm afraid that Zhang Yi would have had difficulty in leaving behind all these weapons and ammunitions that he had picked up.

 "Anyway, these weapons are enough for me."

 "And it also points me in the direction that I can obtain weapons through police stations and troops everywhere in the future."

 Every city of a certain size had a police station and troops stationed there.

 Zhang Yi had transportation, so in the future, he could completely cross the city and look for weaponry in the nearby satellite cities.

 Zhang Yi left the barracks on his motorcycle after searching some more in the neighborhood and confirming that there was nothing else of value left.

 He did not go far.

 The neighborhood was all wilderness, and there were quite a few trees planted that just fit the criteria that Zhang Yi needed.

 He directly used the excavator to break these trees and then stowed them away in his space.

 This time, he was busy for a long time, and he didn't go back until the evening.

 And at this time, the neighbors of the entire building were waiting for him to come back and distribute the food.

 But this time, Zhang Yi came back empty-handed.

 After seeing the neighbors, Zhang Yi spread his hands out, ''I searched through many places today and didn't find any food. Everyone just bear with it for now!"

 People could not be fed too much, and when they were full, they were prone to having a messy mind.

 For example, yesterday, there were some people who had gotten the better of themselves and started asking for clothes.

 Zhang Yi purposely didn't take anything back today, just to let them remember: you are all bred by me, don't give me a nose! If you want to eat, then behave yourself!

 Hearing Zhang Yi say that there was no food, these neighbors muttered then.

 "What? Why is there no food today?"

 "No way, there are so many places outside, can't you find more?"

 "There's nothing to eat here, how hard it is at night!"

 "You've been working all day and you didn't get anything?"

 Zhang Yi looked at the chattering crowd with a smile.


 Everyone looked aghast and shut their mouths with displeased faces.

 "You guys seem to have drifted a bit lately. Forgetting that it was you guys who begged me to save you in the first place."

 "It's hard to believe that it hasn't even been a few days yet, and you guys think that I, Zhang Yi, deserve to help you bring food?"

 "In that case, then why don't we all just part ways! In the future, you guys will take care of your own food."

 The crowd was shocked.

 Li Chengbin hurriedly said, "Brother Zhang, everyone doesn't mean this. Everyone understands your hard work! It's not good to search for food when it's so snowy outside. You go back and rest first!"