
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 108 - Tweaking the Neighbors

 Zhang Yi spread his hands, "That's it for today then."

 After saying that, he waved his hand, allowing the crowd to leave individually.

 However, Luan Qiang, who had been in the middle of the crowd, suddenly spoke up.

 "Zhang Yi, it's certainly not good for you to go out alone to look for it. Otherwise, it's better to bring a few more people with you!"

 "I see that motorcycle of yours, it's not a problem to sit on three people. If we all do you a favor and look for it together, it'll definitely be faster!"

 The others turned their heads and looked at Zhang Yi with strange eyes.

 For being able to go out and look for supplies, they were also very excited.

 Especially after seeing Uncle You help Xie Limei and her mother and daughter retrieve their clothes last time.

 As long as they were able to go out, wouldn't the things outside be at their disposal?

 "Zhang Yi, if you need help, everyone will definitely be happy to help!"

 A woman said boldly.

 Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

 He smiled.

 "What, you guys are also thinking about my electric motorcycle? If it really has to be like this, then why don't we just part ways. I won't care about you guys anymore in the future!"

 Luan Qiang hurriedly tried to explain something, and at this time, Zhang Yi no longer continued to talk nonsense.

 He just pulled out his pistol.

 "Ka da!"

 Skillfully pulling the safety.

 Everyone burst into color and hurriedly backed up a long way to the back.

 "Zhang Yi, don't mess around! We're just discussing with you, we don't mean anything else."

 "Right, right, if you don't agree, let's forget about this matter. Okay?"

 "We're actually thankful for you helping us find food, and we're also saying that because we're afraid that you'll get tired. You must not misunderstand!"

 Zhang Yi smiled contemptuously.

 "Don't say such words that are not conducive to unity in the future."

 "Or maybe I've been feeding you guys too much lately."

 After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he raised the gun in his hand and "Bang!" The sound killed Luan Qiang.

 No one had expected that Zhang Yi would just shoot at the drop of a hat.

 They thought that Zhang Yi would reason with them, and then they would utilize the advantage of having more people and words to make Zhang Yi speechless and finally agree to their demands.

 However, they had forgotten that they were never on equal footing with Zhang Yi.

 Conversation was something that required sufficient capital to do so!

 A scream rang out from the scene, and the neighbors were so scared that they immediately fled to the back.

 However, the hallway was just too narrow, and with people crowding around, they immediately tripped and fell over a large number of people.

 "You won't understand what status you have until you kill a few people."

 Zhang Yi's eyes were ice-cold, and he randomly fired several shots in succession, and another four people were directly killed by him.

 Only then did he call it quits and watched as these people fled like dogs.

 Only Uncle You and Xie Limei did not run at the scene.

 Uncle You was on Zhang Yi's side.

 Xie Limei, on the other hand, was hiding behind him as usual, pretending to be an ostrich.

 Uncle You said to Zhang Yi, "They're so fed up now, they've forgotten who they are!"

 Zhang Yi thought to himself, "If it weren't for the fact that there was still a use for keeping them as cannon fodder, I would have killed them all long ago!

 On the surface, he shrugged magnanimously, "It's alright, I'm a person who has always been kind. Forgive them!"

 Now that he had plenty of firepower in his hands, he did things much more recklessly.

 Xie Limei pulled Uncle You's arm and looked at Zhang Yi with some fear in her heart.

 Kindness?You better be ...

 Let's go, let's go back!"

 Zhang Yi carried his gun and walked away with a six-fold pace.

 The current him was almost ready, and these cannon fodder wouldn't last long.

 Even if they didn't die in the ensuing fight, Zhang Yi would still clear out most of them, if not all of them.

 So he didn't really care whether these people were dead or alive.

 Moreover, he knew that even if he killed a few of them, in return, these people would still have to beg him for food.


 As expected, as Zhang Yi thought, the people of 25# were scared out of their wits by Zhang Yi and fled back to their homes in a panic, then closed the doors tightly.

 At this moment, they recalled the fear they had been subjected to by Chen Zhenghao.

 At that time, they were also so hiding in their homes every day, not knowing when death would come.

 These homeowners privately built a new group, just without pulling Zhang Yi and Zhou Keer in with Uncle You and Xie Limei.

 Since the arrival of the glacial end of the world, dozens of groups had been pulled up inside a building at least.

 The distrust and false accusations between people were manifested to the fullest.

 "What should we do, now Zhang Yi is pissed off and wants to kill us!We don't have guns, how can we fight him"

 Someone nervously inquired.

 After a while, the neighbors who had recovered from their panic began to talk.

 "Zhang Yi ... He's not reasonable at all! We're just discussing with him, and he doesn't move to shoot."

 "The scary thing is that he's killed so many people with his gun these past few days. Just how many bullets does he have in his hand? Why would an ordinary person have so many bullets and even a sniper rifle!"

 "I told you long ago that Zhang Yi is an urban soldier king or a retired special forces soldier. You guys still don't believe me!"

 A certain heavy web novel fan expressed his opinion.

 "Forget about what he is, in short, we shouldn't have had any illusions about him a long time ago!"

 "This is a very selfish person, and everything he does for us is going to cost us."

 "What kind-heartedness to help us is all a lie! He's not that kind at all."

 "Right, he just wants us to be cannon fodder under his hand to charge into battle and seize supplies and territory for him!"

 The group cursed Zhang Yi inside, and even Zhou Ke'er, Uncle You and the others beside Zhang Yi were cursed as well.

 They couldn't beat Zhang Yi and were as humble as ants when they were in front of him.

 But on the internet, they were able to pick up their self-respect and transformed into war gods to bash Zhang Yi.

 After cursing for a while, the guys got a breath of fresh air and felt a lot more comfortable.

 But a new problem came.

 "Although Zhang Yi is a very selfish person and gives us food for a purpose. But if he doesn't give us food, what will we eat in the future?"

 After this sentence was sent out, the chat group fell into a very long silence.

 The owners hiding in the various rooms were stunned, and then an extreme panic began to build up within them.

 They thought of how the days were going before Zhang Yi provided them with food.

 Everything that could be eaten inside the home was eaten, even including some belts and jackets made of genuine leather, which they had cut up and boiled to eat.

 The worst of the worst, after starving their eyes, thought of the fact that dogs could survive by secondarily digesting their excrement. So started eating shit.

 The last thing a man can endure is to go from hope to despair again.

 If they had never seen the light, they would not be afraid of the darkness.

 But with Zhang Yi providing them with food for the past few days as a precedent, it made them never want to go back to the past.

 Finally, someone spoke up, ''Actually, if you think about it, Zhang Yi is quite a good person. Those few people he killed also deserved to die on their own."