
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 106 - Heavenly Navy Battalion

 At this moment, those neighbors of 25# were holding the food given by Zhang Yi and curled up in their homes to eat their dinner.

 They hadn't bathed for almost a month, and their bodies were itching unbearably, and some of them even had dermatophytosis.

 But there was no way, they couldn't get that much hot water, and even if they could use a kettle to boil water, they had to save it for drinking, so how would they dare to take a bath?

 After the bath as long as the sick, now only waiting for the death of the share.

 Jiang Lei and Li Chengbin is a roommate, they are good brothers in college, graduated and also work in a company, the relationship can not be iron.

 This evening, the two were in a good mood, because Zhang Yi gave them a box of lo mein rice.

 These two boxes of meat and rice are from the supermarket shelves, has long been frozen hard.

 However, it is not difficult to defeat them, they will marinated meat rice stuffed under the down jacket, heated a few minutes, the rice can bite.

 In the dark room, two people wrapped in thick blankets and quilts, only revealing a head.

 Jiang Lei with a spoon laboriously pick out a piece of meat, stuffed into the mouth and chewed for half a day, finally ate out the flavor of meat.

 He was filled with a happy expression, being able to eat this at this time was like eating a top-notch meal!

 "It's fortunate that we followed Zhang Yi in the beginning! We can even eat lo mein now!"

 Jiang Lei said happily.

 However, on the side, Li Chengbin was silent, stifling his head and gnawing on the rice in his hand.

 That's right, it's not eating, it's gnawing.

 After all, the rice and meat are frozen together, he dislikes the trouble of using a spoon, and directly put his face on it to nibble and eat.

 Jiang Lei saw that Li Chengbin didn't say anything and thought that he didn't hear him, so he poked him with his elbow.

 "Hey, do you think I'm right? We'll follow Zhang Yi from now on."

 "Didn't you see Zhou Keer? That guy, he's still glamorous now, his clothes are all name brands, Canada Goose!"

 "The scariest thing is that she seems to be able to take a bath!"

 Jiang Lei's eyes were full of envy, the way he cleaned himself now was by rubbing ash on his body with his hands, one long rub.

 But then he couldn't even be bothered to rub it anymore, because keeping it would still keep him warm.

 Li Chengbin glanced at him and said in a muffled voice, "What's the use of you envying people, you don't have that condition."

 Jiang Lei sighed: "That's right, we don't have that part! Otherwise, high or low I'd have to try it."

 He looked at his brother and hemmed and hawed; "But before that, I'll let you have a good time first."

 Li Chengbin didn't have the good sense to say, "Get lost, with this look, you don't even want to give it to me for nothing!"

 Jiang Lei argued, "Don't think you're dirty yet, big deal, I'll use my mouth."

 "Shut up shut up, the more you talk, the more disgusting it gets!"

 The atmosphere between the two started to become a bit subtle.

 After a moment of silence, Li Chengbin said in a deep voice, "Jiang Lei, do you have the feeling that Zhang Yi is actually using us as cannon fodder by giving us something to eat? He doesn't even want us to live."

 Jiang Lei's eyes widened, "What do you mean by that?"

 Li Chengbin told Jiang Lei what the neighbors said during the day.

 Jiang Lei also fell into silence.

 "Saying those useless things, what can we do?"

 "It's not like we didn't think of getting him killed in the first place and then robbing their house and food. But we couldn't do it, and we were almost killed by him."

 "In this world now, whoever has a hard fist is the father. If he can give us a mouthful of food, we have to be obedient."

 Li Chengbin was silent.

 Just at this time, their cell phones rang.

 Li Chengbin pulled his cell phone out of his arms, and after glancing at the message, his gaze instantly became serious.

 This seriousness was mixed with a hint of meaningful tension and excitement.

 The next day, Zhang Yi rode his motorcycle out of the neighborhood as usual.

 Since he was sneak attacked once yesterday, he made a big detour this time and went out in a different direction.

 Today, he didn't call up Uncle You because he was going to the military camp to dig up those buried weapons and equipment.

 Then along the way, he would look for some trees to cut down and keep for future use.

 During last night, Jian Li and Chen Lingyu and the others contacted him once again.

 They only asked Zhang Yi how he had considered the matter.

 Zhang Yi just gave them a perfunctory answer and said that he had to think about it again.

 However, he could clearly feel that some people's temperament was starting to become impatient.

 Zhang Yi did not care about their attitudes, he only looked at when these people would start their actions.

 After all, it would take some time for the people in the 29th building to unify their fronts for consultation.

 This period of time was enough for him to make all the preparations.

 After spending two and a half hours, Zhang Yi followed his memory and arrived at the place where he came from yesterday.

 Under his feet was a large area of white snow, and apart from a reference point not far away, the surrounding area was empty and devoid of anything.

 Zhang Yi took out the excavator from the Other Space and started digging down just like last time.

 After having the experience, Zhang Yi's technique of maneuvering the excavator became a lot more skillful.

 After another busy day and half a day, he dug down to the house below.

 Zhang Yi didn't know if this was a weapons depot, but after digging to the house, even crashing through the wall to make a hole was more convenient than digging snow.

 So he jumped down and searched carefully, only to realize that this place was not a weapons depot, but a dormitory for soldiers.

 Although he was looking in the wrong place, but at least seeing the building meant that the weapons depot was not too far away from here.

 However, Zhang Yi noticed something odd when he entered the dormitory.

 It was reasonable to say that with the heavy snowfall, almost all land transportation could not be used.

 Then these soldiers stayed here and could not leave once the snow fell heavily.

 So many corpses could definitely be found inside the barracks.

 But when he entered the dormitory, he found that the quilts inside were neatly folded and the sheets were smoothed out. And not a single soldier who had frozen to death did he find.

 "How strange, how could there be no one?"

 Zhang Yi was a bit puzzled as to where all the soldiers here had gone.

 He came to the next few dormitories to check again, and the same scene was inside.

 "Could it be that they all left this place?"

 An idea arose in Zhang Yi's mind, and he felt that it was most likely.

 After the snowstorm came, those top management must have been the first to obtain accurate information and knew that the coming of the end of the world could not be avoided.

 That was why they needed to head to the shelters, and these soldiers were the ones who were transferred by them and were responsible for protecting their safety as well as carrying the supplies.

 Thinking like this, Zhang Yi's head cleared up.

 Combined with those empty warehouses in the warehouse area he saw earlier.

 The truth of the matter was that a small number of people from the official high level had probably completed their transfer on the night when the snowstorm fell.

 Only that the ordinary people hadn't gotten the slightest bit of news about all this.

 They were hiding somewhere at the moment, waiting for the disaster to pass before coming out and continuing to rule the world.

 A trace of vigilance rose in Zhang Yi's heart.

 This was because he knew that the disaster would not be able to pass for a while, and after a long period of time, everyone's heart would change.

 At that point in time, a portion of forces with arms might appear and become a huge threat.

 But that point in time wouldn't come too soon, because right now they had a minimum of order to maintain.