
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 105 - Mandarin Duck Bath

 Zhang Yi finished handing out today's food, and since more than a dozen people had died in the past two days, the food had been saved quite a bit.

 Many of his familiar figures had disappeared from sight.

 For example, Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining had not seen each other for several days, so they had probably frozen and starved to death.

 When Zhang Yi returned home, Zhou Ke'er walked out from the kitchen wearing an apron and smiled gently, "You're back, master!"

 Looking at the gentle and virtuous Zhou Keer, Zhang Yi's mood was slightly better.

 After a long time, Zhou Ke'er had gotten used to this role of Zhang Yi's servant.

 She was a smart woman and knew that being a vine climbing a big tree in the end times was the happiest thing.

 So for Zhang Yi's various requests, she would fulfill them.

 Even the things that Zhang Yi did not mention on his own accord, she would work hard to accomplish.

 "What are you doing?"

 Zhang Yi asked so as he took off the winter armor on his body.

 Zhou Keer squatted down and helped Zhang Yi bring over his slippers, and put his snow boots on the shoe rack to the side.

 "Stewed beef brisket with potatoes, don't you like eating this a lot? I'm trying to make it! I just don't know if it tastes good."

 Zhang Yi also wanted to eat something hot at this moment to warm his stomach.

 He sat down on the sofa, and Zhou Keer brought him foot washing water.

 Stepping his feet into the warm hot water, the cozy and relaxing feeling instantly made all of Zhang Yi's body less tense.

 After braving the wind and snow to run all day today, even with all kinds of cold-proof equipment, he still felt a little cold.

 Only at this time would he feel how comfortable it was to have a warm home.

 Today, his mood was generally very good.

 With the exact location of the barracks, the next time he could go over there alone and excavate the weapons depot below.

 There must be many times more weapons and ammunition among the barracks than in the police station!

 Moreover, there might also be some powerful military weapons.

 For example, grenades, RPGs.

 Or even tanks and armored vehicles?

 Zhang Yi shook his head, those things were not something that an ordinary troop would deploy.

 And with their tonnage, taking them out in the snow and sinking them directly inside the snow pile was not good.

 "However, weapons and ammunition can definitely be gotten quite a bit!"

 "With these weapons, no one here can pose a threat to me."

 While being happy, it was natural to think of some unhappy things.

 For example, being secretly attacked by someone from the Mad Wolf Gang.

 Fortunately, his body was wrapped tightly in equipment, and he still had a gun and plenty of bullets in his hand.

 Otherwise in close combat, how could he possibly beat ten people in a snow pile?

 "Wild Wolf Gang, I must exterminate them! However, they are also quite meticulous, knowing the firepower I have at hand, they are all cowering and not coming out. I don't dare to attack them easily, so how can I deal with them?"

 Zhang Yi was caught up in his thoughts.

 "Attacking a tall building is definitely foolish. There's a lot of space for them to retreat, but the attacking side is backed by snow, making it difficult to move around, and there's no cover."

 "Plus the building is relatively narrow and the environment is complicated, so it's very hard to make a move from below."

 "In case they use Molotov cocktails for a fire attack like me, even if they don't get burned to death, they will be smoked to death."

 When he thought of this, Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly lit up!

 "Fire attack? Yeah, you can use fire attack!"

 He recalled the news that he would often see before.

 A fire broke out in a certain residential building and the smoke rolled out, causing the people on the upper floors to be unable to escape and ended up choking to death.

 The more Zhang Yi thought about it, the more he felt that this matter had a door!

 "There's no way for people to get in, but the smoke can! And the smoke is all floating upwards, it's useless for them to escape to the upper floors."

 "The temperature outside is too low, on weekdays they block the doors and windows, this will make them choke to death faster."

 "If they plan to open a window to escape, jump down one and I'll kill one!"

 Zhang Yi happily clapped his hands, this method was very good, an excellent means to deal with enemies hiding in buildings.

 "But the problem comes again, if we want to start a fire, it must be a big fire."

 "The wood that can be used for fire in each building has already been removed, except for the doors that have not been removed."

 Zhang Yi also thought of a way.

 "There are a lot of trees outside, I'll cut down some more in the next few days."

 "It just so happens that these trees are moist and cannot be fully oxidized when burned, generating a thicker smoke! Just need to splash some gasoline on it, absolutely!"

 Zhang Yi figured out how to deal with those who hid in the house and didn't come out, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

 Zhou Keer brought the prepared dinner, Zhang Yi tasted it and praised with a smile, "The craftsmanship has improved!"

 Zhou Ke'er's face was filled with joy when she heard Zhang Yi's praise.

 "Really? If you like it, I can make it for you every day!"

 Zhang Yi smiled and nodded.

 As the two of them ate, Zhou Keer sat across from Zhang Yi.

 In Zhang Yi's mind, he was still thinking about how to solve the problem of those troublesome neighbors in the district in the recent period.

 He had a preliminary plan in his mind, not to get into a large-scale conflict with them for the time being.

 Even if he wanted to fight, he would have to wait until he had finished collecting the wood for setting the fire, as well as digging out a large number of weapons from the barracks.

 Only then would he have 100% certainty that he would be able to kill those who intended to be unfavorable to him in one fell swoop!

 While he was eating his meal, Zhou Keer suddenly said to Zhang Yi, "In the past two days, the number of people who died in our unit seems to be a bit high."

 Zhang Yi's thoughts were interrupted by Zhou Keer.

 He glanced at the woman in front of him, his tone flat: "Oh, really? Then what?"

 Zhou Ke'er continued, "I think that they seem to have some grudges against you. You better be careful."

 Zhou Keer's eyes showed her concern for Zhang Yi.

 Women were all very sensitive.

 She was keenly aware of the changes in the neighbors today.

 Zhang Yi smiled gently as he reached out and rubbed her soft face, "Don't worry about it, if I still need you to remind me of this kind of thing, I wouldn't know how many times I would have died long ago!"

 Zhou Keer said seriously, "The percentage of their deaths these days is too large, and someone might change their mind. I'm worried that they'll collude with people from other cell blocks and turn against you!"

 Zhang Yi nodded, but his expression was unimpressed.

 "It doesn't matter, they can betray if they want to. I haven't trusted any of them from start to finish anyway."

 "It can even be said that sooner or later, I am going to get them all killed."

 This group of son of a bitch neighbors turning against Zhang Yi was nothing new at all.

 Zhou Keer covered her mouth in surprise before saying in a deflated voice, "I was worried about you here, but it seems it was all for nothing. You're much more ruthless than them!"

 Although there was some regret on her lips, her heart was solid.

 With such a reliable man by her side, her safety was guaranteed.

 Zhou Keer suddenly thought of a problem.

 Zhang Yi said that he didn't trust anyone, so what about ... her?

 The two had been living together for a while, Zhou Keer had given him all her most precious things, and she had developed a strong dependence on him inside.

 Women are sensual animals, even if they are extremely intelligent, it is difficult to pull themselves out of it.

 Therefore, she wished that she was different from others.

 "Zhang Yi, do you trust me then?"

 Zhou Keer looked at Zhang Yi with a touch of expectation in her eyes, which could even be described as pleading.

 In such years where human feelings were thin and no one could be trusted, she also longed for a warmth.

 Zhang Yi looked at her and said without hesitation, "Ke Er, you are the only person I trust in this world!"

 Zhou Ke'er's eyes seemed to have stars twinkling in them, and her face quickly flushed.

 "You ... are lying again to make me happy, right?"

 Zhang Yi shook his head, "Of course not, you are unique! No one but you!"

 His gaze was firm, as if what he said was true.

 Zhou Keer's eyes were slightly moist, and she couldn't help but be touched as her heart somewhat believed in what Zhang Yi had said.

 Zhang Yi smiled gently and gave her a piece of beef brisket, "Come on, eat something!"

 Looking at Zhou Keer's happy face, Zhang Yi sighed softly in his heart: women turned out to be all so easy to deal with, just don't be vain when you tell lies.

 Zhang Yi did love Zhou Keer.

 But the only person he loved was himself.

 But he had to make Zhou Keer believe that he loved Zhou Keer.

 In this world, the best way to CPU someone was of course with feelings.

 It's just like when you go to work in a company, doesn't the leader of the company talk to you about your feelings? They even call their employees "family"?

 Only when people dismiss you, they will sympathize with the ruthlessness.

 Only let Zhou Keer so think, and Zhang Yi dead heart, Zhang Yi's rear can be stable.

 After eating, Zhang Yi planned to take a bath.

 Zhou Keer blushed and stood up, asking, "Do you want ... me to help you rub your back?"

 Zhang Yi looked at her, and Zhou Keer's eyes looking at him seemed to have more affection in it than in previous days.

 Zhang Yi nodded, "Good, it's true that it's not too convenient for a person to take a bath and rub his back."

 "It's better to be happy alone than to be happy together, let's wash together!"

 He hadn't tried a mandarin duck bath yet.

 Zhang Yi walked over and helped Zhou Keer take off the clothes on her body one by one, then picked her up and entered the bathroom.
