
Buying Marvel to become the king of Hollywood

hollywood 【American Entertainment】 【Chinese Reborn in America】【Director's Text】【transmigration in the past A third-rate director in his previous life, he was reborn as a 23-year-old genius director in the United States in the 1990s. Since then, titles such as the king of the Hollywood box office, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel have all been added to him. And his first movie, he chose Chainsaw... Well, it's a story about a modern third-rate director who crossed over to the American entertainment industry to stir up trouble. (t/l notes: It's a translation so I don't own anything, all copyrights belong to their original creators and owners. It's a chinese fanfic so you should be ready to the usual cliché, potential racism and patriotism.) tl notes 2: please vote and review. For every 350 power stones an extra chapter is realesed apart from the daily one

crazyspecter · Movies
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Adding Kevin's clip.

The whole movie is just two words, cool.

The flaming skeletons that pull the wind run wildly on the road to eliminate sin.

With the style of Zack Snyder.

Enough to make a man's blood flow.

This is a romantic movie only for men.

Kevin can predict that this movie will be a big hit among men.

In the shopping world, men may not have as much purchasing power as dogs.

But in the film industry, men have always been the mainstay of the box office.

With the support of men, Ghost Rider's box office will not be too bad.


This summer, there are many blockbusters released.

Among them, Paramount Investments and Steven Spielberg's film Saving Private Ryan is scheduled for July 24th, which is a prime time to directly and confidently win the summer program.

And the movie Peerless Catastrophe, invested by Bowei and directed by Michael Bay, won the July 1st schedule.

And, of course, a big Fox production.

I'm crazy about Mary.

These three films were originally the top three in the box office this year, all of which were released in July.

This allowed Kevin to adjust the schedule appropriately.

If it is his own movie, Kevin is definitely not afraid.

So far, in the same period of competition, Kevin has not lost a battle.

Anyone who comes, Kevin dares to touch it.

However, Ghost Rider and Iron Man are not his works after all, let alone other things, at least they lack the support of his fans.

And his fame.

These two points make these two films lack enough competitiveness compared with other blockbusters.

By the way, Kevin recently took a look at his reputation among film critics.

It turned out that more and more people criticized him.

The one thing that criticized him the most was that he gave up making films with deep meanings such as Get Out, Chainsaw, The Dark Knight, and The Matrix.

I chose to shoot Harry Potter and Spider-Man movies that have no depth.

This left Kevin somewhat speechless.

However, the huge group of movie fans let Kevin know that the path he took was not wrong.

He's like a hybrid of James Cameron and Michael Bay right now.

It combines the advantages of many directors, removes the shortcomings, and strengthens it.

In this situation.

Ghost Rider is out.

The day of the premiere.

Schneider nervously pulled Mitt and Kevin and sneaked to a movie theater to watch the movie live.

Although a few days ago, he patted his chest to make a ticket, and he looked very confident.

But his performance on the premiere day betrayed him.

After the premiere ceremony, he forced Kevin and Mitt to help him come over to see the audience's reaction.

Sit in the last row.

Watching the movie start playing, Kevin looked at Snyder helplessly.

"Trust me, I edited it myself, don't I know how the quality of the movie is?"

Schneider smirked.

"Just to watch a movie, I have no other intentions."

Kevin shook his head and relaxed.

Start enjoying movies.

Ghost Rider, as the starting play of superheroes, is essential to how the protagonist becomes a superhero.

How to make the audience expect the protagonist to become this superhero?

At this point, Kevin was very dissatisfied with the handling of Ghost Rider in the original history.

The protagonist is deceived and has no choice but to become a ghost knight. As for justice, it is the nature of the ghost knight and has nothing to do with the protagonist.

These elements, placed in a superhero movie, are undoubtedly unqualified.

To this end, Kevin made drastic adjustments to the plot.

Adjust the protagonist into a superhero who is first deceived, then awakened, and finally obsessed with eliminating criminals at night.

One of the most important points is to adjust the initiative of the protagonist.

The protagonist takes the initiative to eliminate criminals, rather than being controlled by evil spirits.

Combined with the background of Marvel, it is the protagonist who controls the spirit of vengeance, not the spirit of vengeance that controls the protagonist.

The plot quickly progresses to when the protagonist transforms for the first time.

Nicolas Cage swayed his acting skills recklessly on the big screen. From his acting skills, the audience could feel that there seemed to be a demon that was about to break out of Cage's body.

Immediately afterwards, cracks appeared in Cage's skin, and traces of flames emerged from it, and then the flames exploded, completely burning Cage into a burning man.

The flames retreated, and a skull with special effects, not so scary, but very cool, appeared in front of the audience.

The skeleton let out a silent roar, shattering the glass bottle, and then driving a motorcycle and wandering around the city.

At the beginning of the plot, Cage used his acting skills to make the audience realize that the first appearance of Ghost Rider was actually controlled by the protagonist.

From this point of view, it is impossible to play the role of a Ghost Rider with sufficient charm without sufficient acting skills.

Nicolas Cage, in the original history, although there are countless bad films.

But unlike other actors who will be bad, even if it is a bad film, all the audience can see it. Cage treats every film seriously, and his acting skills never pull over.

Chapter 260 The Ghost Rider's First Day Box Office Is Freshly Released

Cage's acting skills have been recognized by countless people.

Kevin still agrees with this.

With the appearance of the Ghost Rider, there was an exclamation from the scene.

In this era, the special effects produced by Industrial Light & Magic, representing the highest level of special effects, have successfully shocked everyone.

The lifelike Ghost Rider walks on the big screen.

Even in a few shots, Ghost Rider seems to be coming out of the screen.

Some of the timid audience members huddled, fearing that the Ghost Rider would appear in front of them.

Of course, most people's reactions actually felt that this scene was very cool.

Inexplicably poke to the cool point of the male audience.

There is an element of yearning for violence in men's nature, which is determined by genes.

Is there any man who doesn't want to become a Ghost Rider.

Immortal and immortal, riding a cool locomotive.

Cool undead warhorse.

Each of these elements is aimed at the coolness of male audiences.

The movie ends quickly.

But the audience didn't go that fast.

Spider-Man's easter eggs let people know that the superhero movies produced by Chenxi Film Company have surprises.

Only less than 10% of the audience chose to leave.

Everyone else is waiting for the movie's final Easter egg.

When the employee table is finished, the screen turns.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., a strange Rubik's Cube appeared in front of everyone.

The layout of S.H.I.E.L.D., which appeared in the TV series for a long time, was recognized by some audiences, plus the Braised Egg Man played by Samuel L. Jackson.

Confirmed this speculation.

Immediately after.

Coulson, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. played by Clark Gregg, came to the director and asked with a calm look:

"Director, Cosmic Rubik's Cube, there is an abnormal reaction. Every few days, a strong energy wave will be sent to the outside world. Do we want to change the placement?"

Nick Fury didn't reply immediately, but just stared straight at the universe cube in front of him with one of the remaining eyes.

After a while, Nick Fury turned his head suddenly and said:

"Colson, I have an important task for you."

Coulson nodded and waited quietly for Nick Fury to release the mission.

"In California, there is a legend that every night, Ghost Riders will walk on the streets to judge crimes. As evidence, many citizens will find traces of burning flames on the roads during the day."

"Go and investigate, and if you can, invite him to join S.H.I.E.L.D."


Colson nodded.

Then, the picture quickly switched from the close-up to the distant view.

In the night sky, Iron Man flies over New York City.

Spider-Man, floating over the city like a swing.

On the other side, Ghost Rider, with flames, walks the streets, destroying evil.

The screen ends.

The originally quiet movie theater suddenly became restless.

The men shared the wonderful scenes from the movie with their friends one after another.

"That locomotive is so cool, you say, is there any place to sell it?"

"I'm afraid the locomotive doesn't cost a few thousand dollars, so let's buy a jacket. I think his jacket is very cool, and a jacket is only a few dozen dollars, so you can buy it."

"that's right!"

Regarding the purchase of the peripherals, there is no doubt that they told Snyder that they were very satisfied with the Ghost Rider movie.

Schneider, who was sitting in the back row, listened to the audience's discussion and breathed a sigh of relief.

In these discussions, almost no people made bad comments.

Although the most likely people who come to watch the movie on the first day are Marvel fans and fans of commercial films, they are the best audience for the movie, but it is also a success to get their unanimous praise.

After the fans had all left, the three finally left.

Looking at Schneider's proud look.

Kevin couldn't help but complain: