
Buying Marvel to become the king of Hollywood

hollywood 【American Entertainment】 【Chinese Reborn in America】【Director's Text】【transmigration in the past A third-rate director in his previous life, he was reborn as a 23-year-old genius director in the United States in the 1990s. Since then, titles such as the king of the Hollywood box office, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel have all been added to him. And his first movie, he chose Chainsaw... Well, it's a story about a modern third-rate director who crossed over to the American entertainment industry to stir up trouble. (t/l notes: It's a translation so I don't own anything, all copyrights belong to their original creators and owners. It's a chinese fanfic so you should be ready to the usual cliché, potential racism and patriotism.) tl notes 2: please vote and review. For every 350 power stones an extra chapter is realesed apart from the daily one

crazyspecter · Movies
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Schneider, don't you feel ashamed?"

"You're an old director. You've made so many movies, and you're still afraid of being like this. I, an investor, are not afraid. What are you afraid of?"

Schneider just smiled and said:

"Come on, I'll invite you to dinner."

Schneider in a good mood is rare and generous.

Mitt and Schneider, who were on the side, laughed wickedly, and they felt sorry for themselves if they didn't kill him.


The release of Ghost Rider has attracted the attention of many film companies.

Starting from Spider-Man, major film companies have gradually figured out Kevin's true thoughts.

Or Kevin's Cinematic Universe project.

Linking the content of one movie with another movie, which is placed in Hollywood, is actually the way of filming a sequel.

But Kevin has upgraded the gameplay.

Through the expression in the Spider-Man content, as well as Marvel and fell into the hands of Kevin.

Other film companies are surprised to find that Kevin is building a huge movie universe.

As soon as this idea came out, I don't know how many people are feeling that Kevin is a genius.

The sequels to blockbuster movies often achieve unexpected results.

If Kevin's plan is successful, all movies included in the movie universe will be able to enjoy treatment similar to movie sequels.

As long as they are fans of one of the films, it is possible to watch the others as well.

And this plan, the more terrifying it gets.

Because they attract more and more fans.

Some big film companies have also seen the subtlety of this, and have begun to study the essence of it and try to replicate it.

But anyway, this movie universe plan, the most important point in the early stage.

That is, the box office of every movie cannot be too bad, and the same is true of word of mouth.

The first few movies are crucial.

And Spider-Man succeeded, and that's a good start for the Marvel Universe.

But the second film, Steve Kevin is just the producer, not the director.

Whether Ghost Rider can succeed or not is a point that everyone else is very concerned about.

If Ghost Rider still succeeds, it means that this kind of movie universe can work.

Then they have to look through their copyright library to see if they can do the same as a movie universe.

For example, Bugs Bunny appears in Cat and Mouse.

It's also an anime universe.

The emergence of the Marvel Universe has provided countless inspirations for film companies.

Under such public attention, Ghost Rider's first-day box office was released.


[Ghost Rider won the box office championship on the first day of this issue, and won an astonishing $33 million. ]

[Dawn Movie's new work, the superhero movie Ghost Rider, has achieved the best first-day box office so far this year. ]

[Steve Kevin's latest supervised production is worth watching. ]

Various naval forces and media propaganda hit the road in an instant.

By promoting the good results achieved by Ghost Rider, the audience is attracted to the cinema from the side.

Chapter 261 Green Lantern and the Three Hundred Warriors

People have a herd mentality.

A film has achieved good box office results and has a good reputation.

So when people enter the cinema, the first choice is naturally this movie.

People will think that a movie that others think is good must be a good movie.

at the same time.

Warner who has the most imitation of Steve Kevin's various operations.

Even more red eyes.

Other film companies have to work hard to dig through the copyright library.

And Warner, itself has a comic company that is as famous as Marvel, no, more famous than Marvel.

DC Comics.

With this condition, Warners is the most likely to repeat Kevin's plans for the Cinematic Universe.

This is the envy of other film companies.

Warner's internal high-level meeting.

Robinov looked at the newspaper with red eyes.

"Guys, Steve Kevin has been successful again, do you have anything to say?"

Robinov said in a low tone.

The executives looked at each other.

How do they answer this.

Steve Kevin succeeds, doesn't it take for granted?

Up to now, Steve Kevin has accumulated more than three billion dollars in gross box office through many films.

Currently, in Hollywood, only James Cameron and Steven Spielberg have such box office results.

These three directors, currently in Hollywood, belong to the only one.

Other directors are subservient to them.

Since the birth of Hollywood, there have only been three legendary directors, and success is simply too normal.

And the characteristics of these three are very distinct.

Steven Spielberg, who focuses on the humanities, shoots films that are both art and commercial, but again, having both means not being proficient.

In terms of box office, it is completely weaker than James Cameron and Steve Kevin.

The characteristics of James Cameron are large output, large returns, and a strong commercial element.

But the cycle is very long.

And Steve Kevin can make two movies a year, and they make a lot of money, which is also a lot different.

In these contrasts, Steve Kevin is currently unique in Hollywood.

A senior executive replied shrewdly:

"Doesn't the success of Steve Kevin just show the feasibility of the Cinematic Universe plan?"

The others answered immediately:

"Yes, it reinforces our plan to do a cinematic universe."

"With the dark style base created by the Dark Knight, as long as we strictly follow Steve Kevin's film style, we will be able to succeed!"

"Yes, yes, with the foundation left by Steve Kevin, we can definitely succeed."

The more successful Steve Kevin, the more they trust the style of Batman The Dark Knight.

As everyone knows, even if Kevin is replaced by himself, there is no way to give other DC superheroes the same style.

These people will only shoot nondescript and completely destroy the DC universe.

The most terrifying thing is that as long as Steve Kevin doesn't fail, the style of Batman The Dark Knight cannot be shaken.

Superstition Steve Kevin, is not one or two.

It can only be said that Steve Kevin has created too many miracles.

If you want to refute him, you must have the same results to be able to refute, otherwise it will sound like sour words and no convincing.

Robinoff also felt that the analysis of these executives made sense.

In terms of resources, Warner Bros. is backed by Warner Times, with abundant funds and extensive connections.

The popularity and IP influence of DC Comics is far more than that of Marvel Comics.

The foundation of the movie universe was also laid by Steve Kevin.

The back of Marvel is also not by Steve Kevin himself.

In these cases, failing it just means they have a problem, or the director they're looking for has a problem.

Robinoff, who has regained his confidence, said to himself:

"Everyone, Green Lantern, which will be released in July, we are going to face all the blockbusters!"

"The next promotion is not allowed to fall behind in any movie!"


The Green Lantern with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, the protagonist is played by Tom Cruise, and the director is Martin Campbell, who has directed the 007 series.

With Tom Cruise's popularity and hundreds of millions of investment, the director is also a little famous.

The movie itself is the well-known IP of Green Lantern among the seven giants of the Justice League.

Everyone is confident that Green Lantern can succeed.

The difference is, three hundred million?

Or 500 million, or even a billion at the box office.

No one thought that this film had any chance of failure.

the other side.

Inside Dawn Films.

As soon as the box office came out on the first day, Schneider was completely surprised.

This means that he is finally able to independently helm the film.

At this time, he was very confident.

Looking at Kevin and Mitt, Schneider couldn't wait to say:

"Kevin, I already want to start directing the next film right now, and I don't want to take a break right now."

Hearing this, Kevin smiled.

From the bookcase on the side, I took down a comic and saw that the comic on the comic was called 300 Warriors.

That's right, this movie is the movie that Zack Snyder made famous in the original history, the 300 Spartans.

Kevin has been collecting various IPs. As long as the price is not high, Kevin will buy it first to ballast the bottom.

When looking at the inventory, Kevin, who accidentally turned to this comic, was going to hand it over to Schneider to shoot.

After Ghost Rider, it takes time to settle before shooting the next sequel.

Always find him something to do.

It just so happens that Zack Snyder doesn't plan to rest, so don't blame him for being too capitalist.

"How about you look at this comic?"

"I've already bought the version, just waiting for you to shoot."