
Buying Marvel to become the king of Hollywood

hollywood 【American Entertainment】 【Chinese Reborn in America】【Director's Text】【transmigration in the past A third-rate director in his previous life, he was reborn as a 23-year-old genius director in the United States in the 1990s. Since then, titles such as the king of the Hollywood box office, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel have all been added to him. And his first movie, he chose Chainsaw... Well, it's a story about a modern third-rate director who crossed over to the American entertainment industry to stir up trouble. (t/l notes: It's a translation so I don't own anything, all copyrights belong to their original creators and owners. It's a chinese fanfic so you should be ready to the usual cliché, potential racism and patriotism.) tl notes 2: please vote and review. For every 350 power stones an extra chapter is realesed apart from the daily one

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However, if you are like this, will Director Steve Kevin really choose you?"

"Who knows, but if you do, you may choose me. If you don't do it, you must not choose me, right?"

This reasonable remark made Tobey Maguire nodded again and again.

Then, after finding that there was not much fried chicken left on the table, he let out a wailing:

"Damn, leave some for me."

After all, he took a big chicken leg from Leonardo's hand.

Grab food, always the most fragrant.


On the other hand, Kevin, who rejected Leonardo, is still filming.

However, Leonardo's appearance still somewhat moved him.

After thinking carefully about the movies suitable for Leonardo, Kevin suddenly realized that he had left out a few big IPs.

Marvel is a comic book IP.

Harry Potter is a novel IP.

But beyond that, there is also animation IP.

Among them, the most famous ones are Pokemon, Transformers, and special forces.

Thinking of this, Kevin immediately called Dawson to arrange for someone to investigate some relevant information.

Chapter 258 The Titanic Is Down

It only took half a day for these materials to be sorted out by Dawson and arranged for them to be delivered.

Kevin spread out the information in his big tent and watched it carefully.

The data shows that the copyrights of Pokémon's toys, Transformers, and special forces all belong to the same company.

That is, Hasbro Toys, one of the largest toy companies in the United States.

The companies that have the closest cooperation with Hasbro are Paramount and Disney.

If Kevin wants to win these copyrights, Paramount and Disney are two mountains that cannot be bypassed. Thinking of this, Kevin can't help but have a headache.

However, these two copyrights are not worth mentioning compared to Pokemon.

As the largest IP in the future, the copyright of Pokemon is still in the hands of Nintendo.

Kevin knew that the Japanese trip, he went to make a reservation.

For such a long time, it is impossible that no one wants to buy the copyright of Pokemon, so no one has adapted it so far, which can only show that Nintendo has no plan to sell the copyright of the movie at all.

Of course, it may also be that others did not impress him.

Still, anything is possible if Steve Kevin goes.

This is Kevin's confidence in himself and his status in Hollywood.

As the boss of MGM, Dawn Films and Marvel, plus the status of a top Hollywood director, Kevin is confident to take the Pokémon movie rights from Nintendo.

Keeping this in mind, Kevin called Dawson and asked him to find a way to communicate with the Japanese side.

Make a charter to go to Japan to negotiate the copyright of Pokémon after the Harry Potter filming is over.

Of course, the main target is Pokémon, and the secondary target is some other copyright.

Looking at the world, in fact, when it comes to IP influence, Japan is a country that cannot be avoided.

The details in the middle will not be pursued for the time being.

Kevin only knows that the IP price at this time is actually not high. For many people, it is an honor that their copyrights can be sold to Hollywood.

Under this kind of thinking, Kevin can reap a large number of excellent IPs at a small price.

By the way, Netflix is ​​already under his command.

Acquired all of Netflix's shares at a premium of $30 million.

Then, 30% of the shares were distributed as dividends and given to Netflix executives for free, and they signed harsh terms with them that they would not be allowed to engage in the same industry for 15 years once they left.

To put it simply, for the boss of Netflix, in fact, this wave of acquisitions by Kevin has made his wealth free.

During this period, more than ten million dollars was enough for him to eat and drink for the rest of his life.

The president of Netflix really can't find any reason to refuse.

Kevin doesn't plan to vigorously develop Netflix until the Internet age has fully arrived.

He just kept accumulating various IPs.

Strive to make Netflix, in the Internet age, get the most market directly as soon as it plays.


Time continued to pass, and in a blink of an eye, it was May.

This is May 1998.

The Titanic set a number of new records.

The longest-running movie, the highest-grossing movie in North America, the movie with the most consistent attendance, and more.

In the case of everyone's dumbfoundedness, Titanic, after half a year's release, successfully earned $600 million at the box office.

This achievement has surprised countless film companies.

They had already blacklisted James Cameron.

Who dares to use a director who can deceive a film company's $200 million investment.

As a result, half a year later, everyone was stunned to find out.

At the North American box office alone, the Titanic has already paid for itself and earned $200 million.

At the same time, the movie Titanic has also been released one after another all over the world.

It also achieved surprising box office results.

In the mainland, a movie ticket warehouse that Hollywood doesn't care much about.

Titanic has actually achieved more than Steve Kevin's films can achieve. In more than a month, it has achieved a box office amount of nearly 200 million yuan.

Not even a Steve Kevin movie.

And the Titanic looks obviously more stamina.

200 million RMB is far from its end.

With this movie, James Cameron's name, for the first time, resounded around the world.

It also let countless people know that there is such a big director in Hollywood.

At the same time, other film companies have removed James Cameron from the blacklist.

Fox was even more responsive, making an early promise to James Cameron of an unlimited investment amount for the next movie.

Facts have proved that although investing in James Cameron will make people regret it, if you don't invest, you will regret even more.

Fox has regretted involving Paramount in the investment.

According to current data, Titanic, if you add the US $600 million box office.

It grossed a total of $1.5 billion at the box office.

The scary thing is that the Titanic didn't end there.

In other words, $1.5 billion is not the end of it.

Meanwhile, in this May.

A superhero movie supervised by Steve Kevin, which belongs to Dawn Films, will be released soon.

That's right, this movie is Zack Snyder's independent film, Ghost Rider.

Nicolas Cage, a collision with a superhero movie.

Just a little publicity, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Inside Dawn Films.

The three directors entered a short rest period.

Kevin looked at Zach and Mitt in front of him and couldn't help but have a headache.

Originally, he was going to use three movies to directly dominate the 1998 summer season.

Let other film companies feel the pressure.

Unexpectedly, it was himself who fell off the chain.

Of course, in addition to the special effects, the film has already been filmed in other aspects.

The biggest problem is that the Hogwarts amusement park...or Hogwarts theme park, isn't finished yet.

As long as Harry Potter sells well, theme parks are bound to welcome a large number of tourists.

It's all living money.

Kevin couldn't just pass up this great opportunity.

For this reason, after some thought, Kevin, who was not in a hurry to recover the cost, decided to put the Harry Potter movie on the Christmas screen.

In the summer, I will leave it to the two movies, Ghost Rider and Iron Man.

He also wanted to see if superhero movies could be so popular without his director.

In Kevin's heart, he believed in the charm of superhero movies themselves.

Chapter 259 The Ghost Rider Released

"Snyder, Ghost Rider will be released in a few days. You should pay more attention to the promotion of several TV shows with Cage, and try to be foolproof."

Schneider patted his chest and said to himself:

"Don't worry, Kevin, Cage and I have been on talk shows and talk shows."

"As long as you're an American now, you know the Ghost Rider movie, and I'm very confident in this movie."

"That's good. I don't think this movie can be released in many places. I don't have high requirements for the box office."

After that, Kevin turned his gaze to Mitt again.

"Mitt, your Iron Man, pay attention."

"As soon as Ghost Rider is released, you will take over the baton to ensure that there is no gap between the two."

"In this way, Iron Man can borrow the heat of Ghost Rider."

The two films, unsurprisingly, made cameos to each other.

Ghost Rider, in Iron Man, has a brief shot of a few seconds.

Among the Ghost Riders, Iron Man appeared unsurprisingly.

Kevin had already seen Snyder's Ghost Rider.

I have to say, it was pretty good.

Much better than the original Ghost Rider.

The original Ghost Rider, what Kevin was most dissatisfied with was undoubtedly the dark scene behind him.

This kind of lens greatly affects the senses of the audience.

He can understand that the flame skeleton will be more handsome running at midnight.

But can't the director use less nether filters?

Just use a dark tone and let the audience know that this is a story that happened at night.

At this point, Schneider did much better.