
Buying Marvel to become the king of Hollywood

hollywood 【American Entertainment】 【Chinese Reborn in America】【Director's Text】【transmigration in the past A third-rate director in his previous life, he was reborn as a 23-year-old genius director in the United States in the 1990s. Since then, titles such as the king of the Hollywood box office, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel have all been added to him. And his first movie, he chose Chainsaw... Well, it's a story about a modern third-rate director who crossed over to the American entertainment industry to stir up trouble. (t/l notes: It's a translation so I don't own anything, all copyrights belong to their original creators and owners. It's a chinese fanfic so you should be ready to the usual cliché, potential racism and patriotism.) tl notes 2: please vote and review. For every 350 power stones an extra chapter is realesed apart from the daily one

crazyspecter · Movies
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Leonardo searched in the bar and finally found Toby Maguire.

Seeing Leonardo's Tobey Maguire very happy, he pulled Leonardo to sit down and introduced the women to the side:

"This is my brother, Leonardo, have you heard of the Titanic?"

"Of course I've heard, he's..."

Someone who has seen the Titanic looked at Leonardo's appearance, immediately covered his mouth, and said in surprise:

"He's Jack!"

"My God, he's Jack!"

"Jack, can you sign my name?"

"Just sign Jack's name."

The courageous woman just lifted up her coat and asked Leonardo to sign on her chest.

Facing these enthusiastic fans, Leonardo said with a smile after being satisfied one by one:

"I have something to do with Toby, why don't you go and play by yourself first."

Several female fans nodded and left for the time being.

Tobey Maguire, who was watching Leonardo's actions, was not angry, just helpless, and sighed:

"Leonardo, every time, as long as you come, the attention of all women will always be with you."

"Tell me, what makes you need to take them all away."

Leonardo said with a serious look:

"I want you to introduce director Steve Kevin to me."

The best brother made this request, and Tobey Maguire naturally would not refuse.

"it is good!"

Tobey Maguire agreed and then called Kevin.

After getting Kevin's permission.

The next day, Tobey Maguire took Leonardo to Harry Potter's crew.


In the Harry Potter cast.

Just yesterday, Kevin suddenly received a call from Tobey Maguire, saying that Leonardo wanted to see him.

As an ordinary Hollywood star, Kevin is really not very interested.

With his current status, any star should be three points lower in front of him.

Leonardo is an exception.

As one of the few Hollywood stars with a good reputation in the mainland, Kevin will never forget the scene where Little Plum was having fun with a water gun under the sun.

For Xiao Lizi, Kevin still has such a layer of filters.

It doesn't matter if you meet Leonardo.

At this time, Kevin is filming a small group scene, Harry Potter, in the school to show his talent as the savior of the wizarding world.

Accompanied by the parents of several children, the small group scene was soon over.

And the whole morning passed along with this scene.

A three-second scene in the movie took Kevin a whole morning to complete successfully.

Film is such a special industry.


I came a long time ago. Tobey Maguire and Leonardo, who were watching the filming of the movie, saw the crew enter the intermission, and then came to Kevin's lounge under the leadership of the crew.

It is said to be a lounge, but it is actually a separate tent space.

In this area, a complete commercial area has not yet been built, and it will take some time to build it.

Kevin plans to build this place into a special amusement park that integrates food, lodging and play, and creates a special competition with other ordinary amusement parks.

Of course, this kind of long-term thing will not be mentioned much for the time being.

Chapter 257 The Missing IP

"Hello Director Kevin, my name is Leonardo DiCaprio."

As soon as they met, Leonardo took the initiative to introduce himself.

As a child growing up from a special family, his initiative is very strong.

This naturally involves actively seeking out various opportunities.

Coming to Steve Kevin is one of them.

As for Leonardo's own biggest advantage, he is very clear about this.

He is handsome and popular with women, and he also has extraordinary acting skills for his age.

"The shooting will resume at two o'clock in the afternoon. What's the matter with you entrusting Toby Maguire to come to me?"

Kevin got straight to the point.

Seeing the little plum in this period with his own eyes, Kevin can be considered a dream come true.

I have to say that the little plums are really tender at this time, no wonder they are so popular with women.

Of course, if you want to see it, you want to see it.

Kevin will never give him any special treatment because of this curiosity.

In the United States for so long, Kevin has become accustomed to measuring everything in terms of interests.

Leonardo's plan, he is very clear.

An actor, looking for a famous director, can't do anything more than ask for a role.

However, the current appearance of Leonardo's little fresh meat makes Kevin really can't think of a suitable role for him.

Now Leonardo, the most suitable role to play, is the kind of romantic movie hero or some youth movies and other movies.

That kind of commercial production is a bit ugly to say.

The current Leonardo is simply not suitable.

For Leonardo's follow-up development, Kevin knows very well.

The big sale of the Titanic did not make him soar.

It wasn't until after 2002, when he starred in Steven Spielberg's film Get Unpunished, that it skyrocketed.

Then he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in 2004, also known as the Golden Globe Actor.

Then it got out of hand.

However, looking at Xiao Lizi's acting career, there is really no such pure commercial film.

More or less with what critics call artistry.

This is in conflict with Kevin's directing philosophy.

"Director Kevin, I want to be the male lead in your next movie."

Leonardo looked serious.

Kevin just smiled lightly and responded:

"Do you know how many people want to be the male lead in my movie?"

"As long as I let go of the wind, even if it is a superstar, I will not hesitate to reduce the salary to play the protagonist of my new movie."

"Why did you let me choose you?"

Although Leonardo is very courageous, this is not the reason why Kevin gave him the leading role in the movie.

Leonardo was not disappointed, but somewhat surprised.

Through Kevin's words, he got an important message.

As for who the hero of his movie is, Kevin actually doesn't care.

What is needed now is that he can bring enough reason to Kevin to let Kevin hand over the male lead to him.

In this case, Leonardo directly gave the best conditions he could give.

"My brokerage contract is signed for a short period of time, and I can freely sign with other companies at any time. I am willing to sign a long-term contract with Chenxi Films!"

Leonardo was able to get the Titanic movie, his agent contributed.

It's a pity that Leonardo can't see what miracles the Titanic can create after the movie has been released for about a month and a half.

Even if the situation is good, it will return to the level of the original.

That's right, who would have thought that the box office of the Titanic would be stable for half a year.

If there are only two or three months, the Titanic is still in a state of loss.

He doesn't have any good ideas for the future either.

The loss of the Titanic made him no longer trust his agent, and he had no other resources at hand.

He had to be self-reliant and come out looking for opportunities.

Leonardo's brokerage?

Kevin was suddenly surprised.

It's like giving him money.

It's a pity that now he doesn't care about this money anymore.

He vaguely remembered that Leonardo was ranked thirteenth on the Forbes Global Actors Rich List in 2016 or 2015.

Revenues of $29 million.

Even if it were a little bigger, it would be $50 million.

Taking the broker's contract as an example, he made a profit of 10 million US dollars.

In this way, can you earn tens of millions of dollars in ten years?

Although it is a big number.

However, compared with Kevin's industry, it is still only a small number.

This is the gap between the actor and the capital.

In terms of Kevin's size in Hollywood today, it can be regarded as a capital title.

Looking at Leonardo, Kevin thought for a while, and then suddenly smiled:

"There is no need for an agency appointment. You are very good. If my movie needs a male protagonist like you, I will let someone contact you."

After all, Kevin put on the appearance of seeing off the guest.

Upon seeing this, Leonardo had to leave here with Tobey Maguire.

The two drove to a restaurant near Hollywood.

After ordering a bunch of food, Leonardo ate his food, which made Maguire, who was going to comfort Leonardo, suddenly wonder, and couldn't help asking:

"Leonardo, was rejected by Director Kevin, aren't you depressed at all?"

"I am ready to be rejected. Next, I will find a way, step by step."

"Today is just to make Director Kevin familiar with me."

While speaking, Leonardo sent the fried chicken to his mouth.

As a star, weight management has always been a very serious matter, but Leonardo is now in a growing age, eating will not gain weight, it will only be converted into more energy, so don't pay too much attention for the time being.

"It's really yours, Leonardo."