
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

Grace blocks an oncoming punch as she takes a couple steps back, dodging backwards as she keeps her balance straight. The LJGM began throwing more punches, this time Grace was dodging around them. Looking for an opening she backed up into the exterior wall, turning to see the wall for a second. Just as she turned to look, she took a punch straight on her abdomen.

She staggered a bit as she held her abdomen, the LJGM giving Grace no breathing time as his hand began to spin rapidly. Grace looked up as she smiled so suddenly, a barrier-like semicircle appeared around them as It grew considerably larger and larger until it covered the entire island.

"What the—"

Suddenly the ground beneath the LJGM flung upwards out from beneath them, seeing the ground soar up to the sky then suddenly stop, floating about 25 feet off the ground. They landed on the floating piece as they looked down, seeing that Grace kept two fingers pointed at it with a smirk.

She then flicked her wrist to her right as the piece of ground went flying, The LJCM hang on for dear life as it went towards Yang. He turned as it nailed him right in-between his eyes, above his nose. Dah! F*ck!! He held his face as he felt something, swiping down on it and flung the LJGM in the process.


A cannonball shot went off as Yang blocked it with the palm of his hand, feeling the impact on his palm. Yang then raised up his foot as he stomped down onto the cannon, smashing it to smithereens. He looked around as he kicked around him trying to sway off any remaining marines that happened to be there.

"That all you got?!?"

Yang shouted, looking around as he turned his attention to the Fort itself, slowly but surely making his way over. Every step he took would lightly shake the island but also stabilize it afterwards.

Meanwhile, Ember was blocking consecutive slashes from the identical twins, barley able to keep the fighting going. I can't land a clean hit if they're doing this! She kept dodging as they didn't seem to let up, her back foot then slipped up as one of the twins swung diagonally.


Ember managed to deflect the hit last second, but in doing so caused her sword to fly out of her hands as it landed a bit far off in the field. She landed on her back and backed up quickly, getting back to her feet as she readies up her spear. They rushed in as their Aura-covered swords clashed against the light spear; she opens her right palm as light begins to charge up.

"Oh no you don't!"

The second twin shouted, swinging from an angle. Oh Sh*t!! She braced until a TING! Sound was heard. Ember opened her eyes to see that it was Grace, coming to her aid as the barrier was still set up. Grace flicked her finger upwards as she tried the same trick on the twins this time.


Both shouted as they went up, however they both jumped onto the roof of the fort castle, looking for a way down. "Why did you come to my aid, I was going to clear them both in one shot." Ember shouted at Grace, but Grace turned her head replying, "You didn't seem like you had it." Rushing off to help Yang. She sighed, picking up her sword and sheathing it.

They both ran towards the front as Yang was covering his face from being shot. "Little help…!" he said, his voice echoing a bit. "Right, sorry!" both replied at the same time, Grace looked at the right edge tower and Ember looked at the other side, seeing the same thing. Grace opens her palm as she grasps the air aiming at the tower.


The tower began to lift as it broke off from the wall that it was connected to. "To the sea you go!" Grace shouted, winding before throwing her arm forward, facing away from the island. VVRRROOSSHH!! The tower then flung itself as it crashed into the sea. Grace looked over at Ember as she threw an empowered spear at the top of the tower. 


The tower blew up as the roof fell and collapsed onto the tower. "Alright what about—" just as Ember was going to ask a loud DOOSH! Was heard, both looking over and seeing yang stomping on a cannon platoon. What a way to go out... They then began to help Yang with the rest of the marines outside.

Meanwhile, Mochiko discovered a safe door, hidden underneath a wooden floorboard covered by the carpet of the room. This is where the map is… He grabbed the safe door as his hand began to seep a little bit into the crevasses of the vault. He then pulled upwards as it budged it, lowering his arm and repeating the process.


The vault door was pried right off the hinges as Mochiko dropped it off at the side. DOOSH! THUD! He looked inside as the vault was filled with a bunch of riches. Gold Bars, Bags of solid coins, old relics, and the map of the sea they're currently in, the first sea.

Here we go.

He took the map as he looked out a window and stood up, running over to it, and jumping out of it. "I got you!" Grace saw, flicking her hand up causing a piece of the cement floor to break off the ground and fly up.

Woosh! BOOM!

The piece of cement crashed into Yangs hand as he had moved his hand fast enough to catch Mochiko. Grace pouted a bit as she clearly wanted to catch Mochiko, Ember looking over as she stood on Yangs head. She looked off to the ocean to see Marine ships on their way. 

"Hey guys, let's hurry and leave the island."

"Do you see backup?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" She questioned.

"It's a Marine Outpost, they always have an emergency signal."

Mochiko then looked at the map, seeing that it was encased in a metal cylinder, he then softened up his body as he began to swallow the map. "Hey hey hey! What the hell are you doing?!?" Yang shouted as he sets Mochiko on his shoulder, kneeling to pick up Grace onto his palm.

"Calm down Yang, it's safer in my body and if they tried, they'd just punch dough."

"You better be right…"

He seemed concerned but he trusted Mochiko, seeing how he's their captain of their crew. Yang began walking as he walked down into the village; hearing people scream and move out of the way. Thud! Thud! Thud! "Sorry, move out of the way!" Yang apologized more as they made their way to the port.

Right when they reached the port, the Marine Backup arrived, some jumping of as one had frozen enough water for them to begin running towards them. Mochiko jumped off Yangs' shoulder and landed onto the wooden walkway, Ember did the same as her landing fizzled a bit, breaking her fall. Yang moved his hand to grace as she got onto his palm and Yang lowered her to the port.

"How are we going to escape this?" Grace questioned Mochiko.

"Just follow my lead." Mochiko Replied.

I'm sorry for a very long update on Blood Shorks. I had to put this story on Hiatus for a long time while I had to deal with other things and take some time to rest. I'm very sorry but now I feel like I can start again. I wish everyone a late happy new year and I hope I can continue this story until the end.

Thank you for taking your time to read it while I was on a posting spree. I hope you can continue reading in this new year.

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