
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 8

While they sailed amid the night, Mochiko was able to see clearly as he saw light not far from them. There's the island… he thought to himself, sailing towards it. Ember yawned as she was slowly drifting off to sleep snapping her head back up whenever she felt herself falling forward.

"Need a nap?"


Ember turned to look, seeing it was Grace with a lantern, swiftly turning away from her. "I-I'm fine…" Ember stubbornly said, looking down at the seawater. "You should get some sleep." Grace commented as Ember sighs, relaxing a little before looking over at Grace. Ember stood up from leaning on the railing as she began heading towards the stairs, bumping shoulders roughly with Graces.

Ember rubbed her shoulder as she sighed, hoping that their friendship could be repaired sooner than later. A downstairs stairway leads to the storage room, a part of the storage room was converted into a bunker room for them to sleep in. Yang was already sleeping as he slept on the top bunk.

"Isn't that convenient…"

Ember said as they took the other bunks on the right, Ember getting into the top one and Grace getting into the bottom. Yang was out like a light as he slept throughout the rough waters, Grace looked upwards as she was thinking about something.


The Crew then arrived at the island, it housed the a few small villages, one large village and a Marine Fort Outpost. Mochiko looks at the night sky as he lowers the anchor. The outpost should have a map… He then heads into his room to get a quick nap in.

The next day Mochiko was up and looking around the area, seeing that it was just as lively as Middle Town. His presence at the fort concerned most MCPO's, however he stood at the front doors looking at the outpost itself. Doesn't look that fortified… Mochiko then heard more footsteps coming his way, turning his head to see who it was. Yawwn… It was Yang, Grace and Ember walking as Yang seemed tired still, rubbing his eyes.

Grace looked like she hadn't gotten sleep while Ember seemed to be in the middle. "What are we doing here captain…?" Yang asked as Mochiko had his arms crossed, turning his head looking up at the outpost. Yang looked over as well as Grace and Ember did. "We're here for this outpost?" Ember asked as Mochiko replied, "Not exactly, but this is part of it.".

"So, how are we getting in?"


Mochiko looked over at Yang as well as Grace and Ember, following where he looked. Yang looked at them and pointed at himself. "W-Why me?" He asked confused, Mochiko replying "You're our distraction.".

Yang sighed as he didn't really want to do it, but he signed up for it, asking Mochiko, "What do I have to do?". "Transform at the front gate, you're a bigger target but you take less damage." Mochiko explained as he pointed at the front gate. "How come I have to do it?" He asked crossing his arms as Ember commented, "You don't have a bounty paper yet, you're hidden as an average joe, we have bounty papers.".

"She's right, I have a 2.5M Beli, Ember has a 4,000 Beli bounty, and I'm not sure about Grace."

"1,402 Beli" Grace replied quickly.

"Alright, Alright, I get it." Yang commented, storming forward to the front gate.

The two marines guarding the gate step in-front of Yang, stopping his from reaching the gate. "Where do you think you're going?" One marine asked as Yang replied, "Where else? I'm heading to the front. Can't a passerby take a photo at the front?".

"A couple steps back would be enough." One of them said a bit irritated as Yang tried to get through. However, they were stopping him as the one on the left said, "Sir! You're making yourself considerably hard to cooperate.". Yang smirked as he pushed them to the side and began glowing, growing, and transforming, a bit shorter than the outpost. "Get the Petty Officer!!" One of them shouted as Yang raised his foot and kicked the gate in.


The front gate was kicked in as an alarm goes off, "Time to get to work." Mochiko said to Ember and Grace as all three of them ran in, splitting up as Ember took the left yard and Grace took the right yard. Mochiko saw two petty officers run out of the building as the one on the right takes out two swords and the other opens their hands, fireballs appearing at the palm of their hands. Mochiko leaped up as he leaped forward off the air and crashed into a window.

He lands as Yang was being the distraction, taking multiple hits and even the blazing fire of the Petty Officer, he covered his face as he swiped his hand, a large gust of wind blowing the fire away as he opens his hand. BZZZRRR!!! A ball of energy then formed into Yangs hand as he slammed his hand straight down onto the ground, BOOOOM!!!! A loud explosion goes off as the explosion chunks out a piece of the fort, blowing up the gate and cratering the ground.

Good distraction…

Mochiko investigated the desks as he checked the ones that he was in. Meanwhile, Ember was dodging sword swings from two Marines, both looking identical as she jumped back, her hand opening to a light spear appearing. The two Marines smile at her as they chuckle at the same time, creating a sort of reverb which creeped her out. "Creepy f*ckers…" she muttered as they rushed at her, both carrying dual katanas.

Their arms and swords were covered in stage 2 Aura, this irritated Ember as she jumped back and fired a barrage of light at them, the twins however smiled as they began slashing the light coming at them. They began deflecting the light as it bounced around them as this caught Ember off guard.

They got around the Barrage?!?

She would then summon her light spear as she blocked a heavy hit from one of the twins. Meanwhile, Grace would be throwing a barrage of kicks before heel kicking a Seaman Marine Recruit. She would turn around seeing a Lieutenant Junior Grade Marine show up as they popped their knuckles.