
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

Yang scaled down as he went out of his buddha form, rushing to the boat as he got on and began to pull the anchor up with a wheel lever. Grace climbed aboard along with Ember as Mochiko jumped up and landed behind the ship's steering wheel. "Anchors up!" Yang shouted as Mochiko thrusted his hand at the wooden walkway, the dough extending his hand and pushing them away very roughly.

Ember and Grace braced as Yang did the same, holding on for a second as they began sailing. Ember lets go of the railing as she looks off at the side, seeing that as they got farther the Ice Marine was slowly being left in the dust.

"The Marines are really giving up that easily—" 


The seas suddenly got rough, everyone holding on as Mochiko looked up at the dark cloudy skies, seeing thunder rumble in the air. "Not him…" He muttered, looking behind them to see a Marine ship still on their tail. Mochiko squinted his eyes as he saw a Marine Commander, standing at the front of their ship with their arms crossed.

"Our target is right in-front of us Commander!"

"Have Ryosuke on standby, if they will try to outrun us, they'll be hit with a thunderstrike…"

"Yes sir!" The marine saluted before running off.

The Chariot of the Seas…I thought I got rid of you along with your crew…

The Marine Commander uncrossed his arms as he raised them up a bit, his hands beginning to heat up. His arms were then encased with a hot and liquid-like substance as it began to melt, cracking as magma began to seep through the cracks. "HRRAH!!" He chucked multiple magma balls up in the air as they began to rapidly expand mid-air. DOOSH! A couple of Magma Meteors fell into the sea as Mochiko adjusted and began to swerve the ship left to right.

"That bastard!!"

Mochiko gritted his teeth as Grace was setting the sails to full sails, making us go faster as the Marine ship did the same, keeping up with our speed through the rough seas. Ember held on as she ran over towards the back, throwing her spear at the marine ship.


The light spear smashed into the deck of the ship, although the Marine Ship was much sturdier than anticipated. "My spear should have broke straight through that!!" she angerly remarked, Mochiko then replied to her, "That's a Commander's Ship, theirs has a special treatment of being sturdier and faster." He spun the wheel as they dodged another meteor shower.

Grace stumbled as she almost fell overboard as Yang grabs her arm and swings her back on, making her fall to the floor. "Thanks" Grace complimented as Yang ignored it and focused on keeping the boat on sail.

"Sir! We're not going to catch them at this rate!"

"hrrgh…Tell Ryosuke to strike down."

"Yes Sir!" The Marine ran off.

The Magma around his arms seeped off as he chuckled while he looked at the rumbling skies. Mochiko also looked up as he shouted, "BRACE FOR IMPACT!!". Everyone on board did what Mochiko said as they all grabbed onto something and braced for impact.


The Ship took considerable damage as the dock was on fire from the thunderstrike, seawater then thrashed up against the ships sides as we continued bracing. RUMBLE! BOOOM!!! Another thunderstrike hit the same point, this time deeper into the ship as all the food, ammunition, and explosives began to explode and break the ship apart.

All of us were flunged from the ship as some of us landed into the water, others caught themselves as Ember became Light itself. She began to fly off as Mochiko, Grace and Yang fell into the sea. Floosh! Grace swam up as she was having a tough time but eventually broke the surface, clinging onto a barrel.

Mochiko was beginning to sink as Yang dived down once again, grabbing onto Mochiko, and beginning to swim up, almost recreating their first situation again. C'mon! Just like last time! This time don't sink! He began swimming up until Yang saw a circular shadow suddenly crash into the waters.


It sank as it looked like a bell in shape, having glass and iron bars along the outside as Marines swam out from underneath and swam over to them. Yang couldn't swim away as he was sinking considerably, however the Marines grabbed onto Mochiko and Yang, dragging them both to the diving bell. They pushed them up onto the bell as Mochiko and Yang coughed, the Marines entering as some had already trained their guns onto Yang and Mochiko. "Crap…" Yang muttered.

Ting ting!

One of the Marines knocked on the diving bell as they began to rise to the surface, once they breached the surface the bell was set onto the dock of the ship, a latch opening as the marines threw Mochiko and Yang out. Thud! Thud! They both landed as the Commander looked at Mochiko.

"Never thought I'd see you again Chariot."

"Never thought I'd have to run into you again Yoshinori…"

"Yoshinori…?" Yang asked.

He chuckled as Mochiko replied, "Bushida Yoshinori… or Marine's Eruption…" as Yoshinori nodded.

"That's me, Although the last time we met you gave me a scar on my neck." Yoshinori moved his collar to reveal a cut on the left side of his neck.

"You deserved that shit…"

"I got cocky. But that's not going to happen a second time…"

Yoshinori whistles as Grace was pushed towards them, her hands tied with a rope as she was forced onto her knees beside Mochiko. "How was the deep sea…?" She joked as Yoshinori shouted, "Next stop! Marine base!" as some of the Marines let out a joyous cry.


"Where was Ember?"

"How should I know…She probably ditched us if she's not here."

They were all under the dock in separate cells as they were all soaked from seawater. "Why would she ditch us?" Yang questioned as Grace replied, "Obviously a grudge, do you think she wanted to be part of another crew who could say, Take Advantage of her?". "Hey! This is my first crew! Why would I take advantage of her!" Yang shouted as Grace shouted back, "Maybe if you chose a better group we would have been in a better spot!!!"

"I should have known better…"

Grace and Yang looked over at Mochiko who seemed to be sulking. Both sighed as they knew arguing wouldn't bring them any closer to breaking out. "So, what do we do?" Grace asks as Mochiko sighs, replying, "I'm not sure, we're all powered down from the seawater.".

They all began searching as above them were graters, not big enough for any of them to fit through as seawater came crashing through those graters, splashing onto them. "Just when I was about dry…" Yang commented as he heard laughter from above, looking up and shouting, "I WILL HAVE YOUR HEADS FOR THAT!!!".

"Shouting's not going to do anything."

"Any better idea then?" He asked Grace, crossing his arms.

Grace began to think as she couldn't come up with a better idea. She shook her head replying, "Nope I'm out of ideas.". Mochiko looked at Grace as he looked at her from top to bottom, seeing her slim figure he then sparked up an idea.

"Grace strip off your coat."

"WHAT?!" She shouted, angry at the request.

"I think Mochiko's lost it now." Yang commented.

"Trust me, we can get out if you trust my idea."

"Like hell I would! I'm wearing nothing but a crop—" She then looked down at herself, suddenly realizing the idea.

"…Fine…But you're owing me something in return you creep…"

She reluctantly agreed as she took off her coat, revealing her black tank top and a scarred-up tattoo on her upper shoulder.