
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

A Buddha…and he's a shark…That's not a combination you see every day…

Mochiko looked up surprised as Yang asked, "Are…you going to stand there…captain?" as he was quite clearly in pain. "Right!" He snapped out of it as he rushed to the front of the brigade, leaping up high as he pointed his left arm at them. Moving his jacket sleeve up his forearm began to expand as a black and almost metallic material covered his left fist and forearm. "Take this!!" He shouted, his forearm detached as it fired off almost as fast as a rocket, colliding with the concrete steps and exploding, causing it to crater slightly.

The marines present had gotten out of the way, including the Commander as They all had gotten up, Hamada standing back up from the rubble Mochiko created. His eyes glimmered a bit as the same black, metallic material began to cover his feet instead.

Sh*t! I forgot he uses Death Step!

Hamada bent down as he leaped, shooting himself towards Mochiko, catching Mochiko off guard. But before he could land a kick, A giant hand tried to swat him away, but his body shimmered, the hand passing through him. What the hell?!? Yang thought as his movements were slow in his Buddha form.

"I got this! Take the Brigade and run!"

Mochiko shouted as Yang looked and nodded very slightly, his body shimmering a golden glow as he shrunk down and landed onto the brigade. This keeping Mochiko occupied, made him forget about Hamada as Hamada flipped and slammed an axe kick on him, sending him straight down into the sea water. CRASH!! He sunk into the sea as something began to shoot up from below. VRROOSH!! DOOSH!!! A giant Spike-like pillar shot out from the sea as Mochiko held onto it, coughing seawater out.

The force of the Dough pillar forced the brigade to almost flip all the way as Yang began to sail the boat, making a maneuver to center itself. Holy sh*t… Yang looked at the giant dough spike as Mochiko stood up, the seawater dripping as well as dough spike starting to fall into pieces.

"Nice save, but that's where the compliments end Chariot…"

Hamada landed on one of the higher spikes as Mochiko was drenched in seawater, unable to use his dough abilities. "Come get some Hamada…" Mochiko raised his fists up almost tiredly as Hamada smirked, taking on his courageous challenge. He fell a bit as he flipped and positioned himself from the dough spike, launching himself straight at Mochiko with no interference this time.

Mochiko's body was then covered with the black metallic material as he opened his hands in a clawing shape, black electricity shooting off his hands and around his body. "ELECTRIC CLAW?!" Hamada shouted as he suddenly flashed around, Hamada landing on where he was as Mochiko's afterimages were flashing around quickly.

Hamada looked around as he looked up, Mochiko shot down and slammed his face straight down into the dough spike platform, causing it to break and a shockwave shoot past it. The shockwave shot straight down into the seawater as the water waves filled it and shot straight up. Nearly the amount of force went onto the back of the platform, enveloping the platform, Mochiko and Hamada.

Yang looked up as he began steering the boat as he used the waves and the newly created gust to get a head start into the seas. He looked up as he tried to see where Mochiko went. C'mon…C'mon… He thought as he saw a glint in the sky, seeing something fall.

"That has to be him!" he shouted, seeing it crash into the water not too far off from where he was sailing. He stopped and anchored the brigade as Yang dived into the water. The heaviness was getting to him as he sunk faster than he thought, reaching the sinking person.

He saw the glimmer of white hair as he reached out and grabbed Mochiko's wrist. I got you! I'm not letting you die in the water! He began swimming up, but he was making little progress, being heavy himself it was draining on his stamina to swim up, about 5-8ft underwater.

C'mon! You can do it…!

He thought as he kept swimming upwards as air wasn't a problem, his gills being present underwater and his skin color changed, his front side being a light gray color and his back half being a similar color to his fin. Yang reached about three feet as he looked down at Mochiko, knowing he'll down if he stays down there.

He then popped up an idea as he transformed, a beaming yellow color as his hand pushed mochiko to the surface. Mochiko went up into the air a little as he landed and began coughing, rolling onto his chest as he coughed out seawater. "Yang…? What the…?" Mochiko said, confused for a second as he looked down, seeing he was on his palm.


Mochiko shouted, getting up and going to the edge of his palm, seeing him trying to keep himself afloat as his hand was starting to go under. "Sh*t!" Mochiko said as he backed up a bit and began running, jumping off the golden palm as he landed on his brigade, breaking his fall, and rolling a bit.

He's off…!

Yang then transformed again as he went back to his normal size, trying to swim up as he stayed too long underwater, the weight getting to him as he was increasingly started to sink. Although he had gills, they were temporary as his half heritage prevented him to keeping his gills out longer.

Sh*t…I can't…breathe… Yang started to sink as he faded out of consciousness.

Just then he heard a faint Splash! Something swam down as it grabbed onto his arm, swimming up at rather a quick pace. Doosh! 

"Get him up there!"

A faint voice called out as a smack across his face suddenly jolted him awake, Yang coughed out sea water to the side as he gasped for air. He looked as he saw Mochiko, sighing in relief as he said, "You somehow scared me half to dead kiddo!" almost angry at him.

"At least he's alive and we're out of the marine's sight."

A rather feminine voice said out as Yang turned his head to look over, seeing a rather slim woman with a marine jacket, painted black as she wore a black crop top, black marine pants, and dress shoes. Her hair was tied into a ponytail as she moved her bangs to the right as I got to see her red eyes.