
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 3

We arrived at the west wing as the houses there were of lower priority, some boarded up but most of them still functional. Instead of a market there was a low prioritized bounty board, a wide billboard with bounties ranging from a couple hundred Beli to nearly 10 million Beli.

"Ah here we go." Mochiko pointed at the billboard.

"What do you mean?" Yang commented.

We looked at the billboard as he took off a bounty paper, looking at it. "Here's a contender…" showing Yang the paper as he took it off his hands.


Ember "Rosendale" Watson


4,000 Beli

It was a female pirate, mainly had her face on it as she had black hair with her bangs covering her left eye. "This is our next recruit?" Yang asked Mochiko as he nodded, heading over to the shady side of the port. Yang followed him as Mochiko entered the shady portside, Yang looked at his ship as it was a brigade, although nothing fancy it was sturdy enough to take a couple of hits.

"What are you waiting for, we're heading out now." Mochiko commanded.


He shouted back as he took his first few steps on the wooden walkway, but as he took his first few steps, he stopped so suddenly. But…What about my Dinghy… He suddenly remembered about his dinghy as he looked at Mochiko, setting the sails up. I looked back at the portside as I didn't want to leave my Dinghy behind.

"Hey captain?"

"What is it new blood?"

"Can…Can We sail around middle town to get my dinghy?"

"Pfft Ahaha!" Mochiko burst out laughing.

"What?!?" Yang seemed contempt on getting his dinghy.

"You want that pile of trash still? You have a brigade, and you choose the DINGHY over it???"


Mochiko smiled at him as Yang fiddled with his fingers a bit, trying to think up of an answer. Oh f*ck it! He finally came up with his mind, shouting "Yes! I have some photos that I left in there!". Mochiko raised an eyebrow as his smile faded, he jumped off the boat and landed on the wooden walkway, walking up to him. Mochiko got up in his face as Yang leaned back a bit, trying to get space.

"I'll give you eight minutes, if you can't get your personal belongings within that time, I'm leaving you here."

Mochiko said coldly, standing straight as he turned with a cold glare, walking to his brigade. Yang sighed in relief as he turned around and began running. Eight Minutes! It can't be that bad right?!? Yang thought thoroughly, running into the Middle town's market. It was now rush hour, it was crowded, Yang saw this just as he was going to enter. Crap…Think Yang think! He began looking around his surroundings as he saw the rooftops.

Rooftops, right. He then ran into the alleyway as he looked up and around the brick walls, seeing some bricks were loose. Alright…I can do this! He ran up the wall as he scaled up and grabbed into a brick sticking out, He smiled as he began looking around and began climbing up. He carefully climbed up as he got onto the roof. Huffing and puffing, he stood up as he began running along the roof, jumping from small alleyways to others.

The ships! Almost to the port! He saw the luxury ships as he kept running jumping as he suddenly came to a screeching halt, seeing a large gap from one corner building to another. Oh sh*t! he thought as he looked behind him, seeing that there were now marines coming after him.

"Hey kid! Don't jump!!!"

One of the marines shouted as he looked down and took a deep breath, jumping down as he crashed into a market stall. CRASH!! THUD!!! The fall was quite high as he coughed a lot, standing up holding his right side. That…was nothing like the plays… Yang ran out as he began running again, a bit slower but still enough to reach the portside. Once he got there, he saw his dinghy surprisingly still afloat and tied where he left it.


He rushed over and hopped into his dinghy, opening the door, and looking into his small and cramped room, he grabbed two photos and a small handheld chest, putting it into his jacket pocket. Once he got out of his room, he looked up to see five muskets locked on him. Five cadets aimed their guns at him.


I raised up my arms as a foghorn sound was heard, we all looked over. It was Mochiko sailing around with his brigade. "I SAID EIGHT MINUTES TO GET YOUR STUFF! NOT EIGHT MINUTES TO GET CAUGHT IDIOT!!!" he shouted on the top of his lungs as I realized he was making a diversion. I quickly jumped into the water as I felt myself get heavier but resilient to the weight. I began swimming towards the ship as fast as possible.


The MCPO shouted as the Cadets aimed their guns at Yang, "REA—" Before the MCPO could say ready, a Dough-like fist punched at the wooden walkway, breaking a piece of it as a floating Donut was above Mochiko's right side. They tried aiming again as Mochiko readied another punch, the donut began spinning as he threw a punch towards the marines. Mimicking his punch, a punch shot out of the middle of the spinning donut, slamming more into the wooden walkway of the port, breaking it more and causing a marine to fall into the water.

Mochiko saw Yang at the Side of the Brigade as he ran over and threw a makeshift ladder down. Yang looked up and began climbing, meanwhile Mochiko looked up and saw commander Hamada walk over, cracking his fists. "Ah sh—" Mochiko said as Hamada opened his hand, a yellow spear appearing in his hand.


Mochiko shouted, seeing a yellow spear fly straight up into the air and dispersing above the brigade. Mochiko braced as he heard a loud BOOM!, Mochiko looked up as he saw a golden arm covering most of the brigade. The commander gritted his teeth, seeing a large golden figure bracing for the brigade. "Yang?" Mochiko asked He looked up and saw that it was in fact Yang as the giant golden figure.