
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 2


He responded so casually, Yang was watching the conversation as Mochiko stood up from his stool, looking at them as he was standing around 5 ft and 7 inches. "S-sir…w-we're going to have to ta-take…you in." the MCPO said as his legs were shaking. Mochiko, however, leaned on the counter as he took a toothpick and picked at his teeth, not caring about the response.

"H-Hey! Listen to me when I'm-"

"You're not worth my time…"

Mochiko responded quite coldly as Mochiko glared at them, his blue eyes locked on them both. "Hey…Chariot, give these newcomers some time to accumulate alright…" A voice called out as another marine stood up from a table and walked over. "C-Commander Hamada-" the MCPO stuttered while Commander Hamada stood face to face with Mochiko.

Mochiko had an emotionless stare at him as Hamada smirked a bit, "How about a drink?" As he taps the table twice, the bartender quickly rushes to get two shot cups, pouring two drinks. Mochiko sighs, sitting down as the tense air loosens up and everyone sighs in relief, including Yang.

"So, what brings you here Chariot?"

The Commander tries to start a conversation as Mochiko takes the drink and downs it, setting it on the table. Wow, this is a once in a lifetime moment. Yang was astonished by how a Marine and a Pirate, two moral enemies, were able to sit so casually and talk.

"I should be asking you that Hamada."

"Haha…Well you know, being a dad is hard…"

Mochiko chuckles a bit, taking another shot of the drink as he moves it away, leaning on the counter. "I heard about your last crew, sincere apologies Mochiko." Hamada was being genuine as Mochiko sighs, replying, "It's whatever…They didn't understand the meaning of a crew anyways…".

The Chariot's crew was demolished…? Killed…?

Yang's thoughts dwindled further as he was now interested on what happened to Mochiko's previous crew. Mochiko stood up as he pats Hamada on the back, saying "Good luck Hamada." As he left the bar. Sh*t! I should go see him! Yang thought, running out of the bar seeing Mochiko taking a turnout of the market.

Yang followed him as he tailed him, going left, right, another left and a right. However, he made a turn into an alleyway as Yang ran in and saw that he was gone. Wh- What the hell— Before he could finish his train of thought he was landed on by Mochiko from the top of a rooftop.


Before he could react, Yang was already on the ground as his arm was being twisted on his back. "Talk…before I snap this flimsy thing off your back…" Mochiko said without effort as he gripped Yang's fin. "OK OK!! I WANT TO BE PART OF YOUR CREW!!!" He shouted, Mochiko raised an eyebrow letting go of his fin as he kept his grip on his arm. 

"Why should I take in a runt like you…" 

"Because…ow…I'm the only one who'd be your first mate!"

"Beat it kid, there are more qualified Pirates, why should you even be part of my group…"

"I promise! I'll be useful!!"

Their exchange of words got to Mochiko as he sighs letting go of his arm and standing up, Yang stood up rubbing his arm as Mochiko added on, "Can you even fight?" crossing his arms.

"Of course! Who can't?!?" Yang replied confidently.

"Show me then."

Yang gritted his sharp teeth as he raised his arms up and threw a "punch". Mochiko moved his head as he saw it coming, raising an eyebrow, saying, "You call that a punch? My grandma can punch better, and she's 87.". Yang grew more frustrated at it as he threw a one two combo, forcing Mochiko to move his head twice.

"That's better, now try and land a hit on me…If you can that is."

Mochiko mocked him, Yang's teeth gritted sharper as he threw a wide right hook, Mochi ducked under it and landed a counter punch to Yang's face. BAM! Yangs back hit the wall hard as a tooth fell out of his mouth. "You're a shark, you'll replace that tooth pretty soon." Mochiko commented, and just on time, his tooth was replaced rather quickly.

"You're gonna pay for that!"

"Hmph, you have a strong grit and will, not something you see every day."

Mochiko crossed his arms again, dodging rather swiftly as Yang couldn't land a punch or a kick on him. Why aren't my punches or kicks not connecting?! He struggled as Yang throws a straight punch. Mochiko catches the punch with no effort, looking at him as Yang takes another punch to the face.


This punch was louder than last time as his back landed harder on the wall, cracking it slightly. Yang held his face as he saw blood dripping from his nose. "That is a punch kid, your punches are like kittens slapping someone." Mochiko mocked him once again. "Stop…MOCKING ME!!" Yang shouted, throwing a punch as this one had an almost yellow glow to it, this caught Mochiko's eyes as he ducked underneath this punch.

Huh…He…He really dodged it this time…

This surprised Mochiko and Yang, he stood up as Mochiko looked at Yang, saying "Aren't you full of surprises…". Full of surprises…? Yang was confused as Mochiko walked over and lends his hand out. Yang looked down at his hand and shook it. "What's your name Mate." Mochiko said wondering, "I-It's Yang, Hakaru Yang." He responded stuttering a bit. Mochiko was a bit surprised at it, replying "Using your last name rather than your first?".

"Y-Yeah, it's just how I've been more known by." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well then Yang, I'm Mochiko—"

"Mochiko Rivera, I was in the bar when they showed your bounty sir." Yang cut off his sentence.

"—Riight…" He seemed a bit put off by that.

"…Anyways, we'll have to look for more crewmates if we want our crew to thrive."

Mochiko remarked, letting go of his hand as he heads out of the alleyway, Yang following behind. "Where do we look captain?" He asked, Mochiko replied immediately, "The shady side of Middle Town…" with a confident smile. Yang raised an eyebrow at it, replying "Shady???" as they walked towards the west wing of the island.