
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

A marine guard walked past each of their cells as they sat in their cells. Each of them was silent as the guard walked away and back upstairs. "Now we got to wait for them to dump water on us." Mochiko said, looking up at the grater hole. Just as he looks up footsteps come over above each of their holes as they dump seawater into the graters, dropping seawater onto them.

"Perfect timing."

Yang said chuckling as he shook his head splattering seawater all over his cell. Grace took a sigh as she rustled her hair getting the excess water dropped onto her clothes. "There, I have seawater on now, both of you look away." She commanded as we did just as she said, turning around to look away.

A guard came walking down whistling as Grace began to clear her throat before they arrived at her cell. "Hey you!" Grace changed her tone drastically, rather than her regular voice she softened it up. "What inmate?" The Marine turned to look as she sat down, still being drenched from the water as her chest shook a bit.

"Do you have a spare towel? I can use one right now…"

She sighed softly, shifting the way she sits as she has one leg on top of the other while leaning back and using her hands to support herself, exposing her entire figure to the marine. "S-Sure thing, I'll go look for one madame…" The flustered marine quickly walked off as Grace immediately dropped her act and leaned forward sighing.

"A Towel? Really?"

Yang turned around to look at her as Grace replied, "this is my first-time using seduction as a method, shut up.".

"Well, it's working." Mochiko commented.

"Yeah, so far so good, until I can get my hands on the keys we'll be out of here in no-time."

Grace confidently tells them as they hear the fast-paced footsteps of the marine heading downstairs. Yang and Mochiko immediately turned around as Grace cleared her throat again and sat exactly how she sat when they left. "H-Here you go…" The Marine handed the towel through the cell's bars.

Grace got up as she exaggerated her hip movement walking towards the marine and took the towel, smiling as she wiped herself down. Just as the flustered marine was about to leave, Grace asked, "Hey, before you go can you come here for a second?".

"W-Wh-What is it?" the marine asked, walking back Grace's cell.

"How about a little bit of you and me time…" She leaned forward on the cell door.

"W-What do you mean by that m-madame…?"

"You wouldn't want to do it with a person like mee…?—" Grace pouted cutely, walking back exaggeratedly as she sat back down with one leg over the other.

"C'mon…You really wouldn't want to?" she said softly biting her bottom lip slightly.

"C'mon…Take the bait…"

"All he needs to do is open the cell door…"

"Just open the door…then I can knock your ass out…"

All three thought as they waited patiently, Grace switching legs to rest as she hoped the seduction method would work. "I…I mean…No! That'll be going against my marine code!" The Marine said shaking their head as Grace chuckled.

The Marine looked over as Grace stood up again, walking over as she grabbed his shirt through the cell door, pulling him forward.

Fine…I'll take the initiative...

"Oh, marine this, marine that…How about you come in here and get working pretty boy…" she said softly as she lets go of his shirt, the marine stood speechless as they seemed morally conflicted.

"Hey, lend your ear over."

Grace told him as he lent his ear over, Grace softly whispering that made his face redden up even more. Yang and Mochiko looked up, hearing someone walk above the grater as water was dumped onto them. Grace felt the water as she smirked, thinking, Great timing you stupid marines…

Her drenched body was the final nail in the marine's moral corruption, he took his keys out as he hastily unlocked her door. Bingo… She smiled as she heard the door open. Skkeeet! The door opens as the marine walks in, but just as they walk in Grace kicks them right in the family jewels.

The Marine drops to the floor in absolute pain as she picks up the keys from their waist. "Thanks Love, hell of a time." She said to him as she stomped his head into the wood floor, knocking him out. "Told you it would work." Mochiko commented as both got up and walked over to their cell doors.

She puts on her coat as she walks over to their cell doors and unlocks them, unlocking Mochiko's first before Yangs. "Alright what next?" Grace asked Mochiko as he replied, "I'm not sure, besides escaping, I didn't think this far." 

"Well, no point on waiting around then."

Grace took the lead as Yang asked, "You're not going to kick the person you love in the nuts, are you?" as she replied, "No, That's ridiculous." Then they go up the stairs and hide behind the entrance to the dock.

"How do we…" Yang whispered, beginning to mutter to himself.

Both looked at Yang as Mochiko suggests, "We'll wait downstairs, they'll be dumping seawater expecting us to be drenched, once we're dried, we'll break out of here.", Although a good idea, Grace replies, "That's not bad, but what should we do against a full on-board ship of trained marines of all ranks?".

"We fight until our last breath."

"Yeah, no Mochiko, I'm not trying to die."

"Hmm…Then what about a disguise?"

Both look over at Yang, who was muttering to himself as he looks at them confused. "What are you looking at?" asking them as they didn't respond. This worries him as Mochiko says, "try on the marine outfit.", seeing that they had a marine knocked out in one of the cells.

"Why me?!?"

"You're fit to spy on them, you're not well known as Mochiko, and you don't stand out like a sore thumb."

Mochiko looks over at Grace as she looks at him, replying, "No offense.".

"What do I get out of this?"

Yang asked but obviously got a stare from both as he realizes that their freedom is at stake. "Right. Right…" He nodded, going downstairs with the other two as they stripped down the unconscious Marine. The Marine outfit bore a Seaman First Class Marine medallion as he sighs, looking at the white clothes he wore.

"A bit tight on the pants but it's okay…" Yang Commented on the outfit.

"Great, now go out and figure out where we're sailing to." Grace added on.

"Alright, see you guys in a bit…"

He puts on the Seaman First Class hat as he walks out of the cell and goes upstairs, pushing the doors open as he sees the fortified dock of a Commanders Ship.