
Bleach: Darwin’s Hollow

The concept behind Darwin lies within the prospect of evolution. Mutation is a byproduct of species adapting to environments not catered to their natural capabilities. While a black sheep in the herd is often used as a symbol of ostracism. Underestimating mutation might cause you to think again.

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I continue walking, searching, scavenging, killing, eating, with purpose. I begin to look back at my existence and question but, these questions could not be answered with my current state.

Serene and calm steps were heard through the grey and dull sand leaving the imprint of footsteps along the way. It's dark yet, I can see where I am going clearly, a bright white moon crescent hovering over me as if it was giving me paths to take.

A small sluggish hollow, the size of a basketball came up to me and started biting my left leg. Green liquid started to ooze out of the small hollow's mouth and corroding the leg it's chewing on. The look on the hollow's eyes is that of a baby yearning for milk, a look of hunger and desperation.

I grabbed the small hollow, tore it apart and ate it. My hunger satiated only while eating it but weirdly, I yearn for more as if my stomach was a bottomless pit.

My leg regenerated at a speed which can be seen with the naked eye, slowly but surely.

My body started to progress with newly equipped features, just so that I can hunt better.

I look at myself and found my two arms formed symmetrical volcano shaped pores spewing out green miasma.

While I inhaled it, I smelt absolutely nothing and nothing happened to my body.

I asked the purpose of my evolution.

Where did it come from? How did it manifest?

But to my dismay, I have no one to ask or have the necessary knowledge in answering my own questions.

As I kept walking, I came across a group of hollows staring right at me as if they were eyeing on their next meal.

A large hollow shaped like a king cobra, another large one shaped like a bat and a small hollow shaped like a dog. Their eyes were bright red. They changed up their posture into a fighting stance.

The concept of fear does not exist in my dictionary.

My mind is in shambles, like unsolved puzzles scattered across and isolated.

My instincts kicked in as soon as I understood their body language.

As soon as they rushed in on me, my pores let out the green miasma clouding myself in the smokescreen.

I dashed back and waited to see what they would do.

As the trio went into the green miasma, their bodies started to dissolve, their hollow screams intensify, the dead spiritual bodies corrodes the grey sand.

For years, I've seen hollows turn to black spiritual dust that I could absorb, or become corpses for my mouth to chew and swallow.

But this was the first time I've seen corroded corpses that was seemingly unappetising to see and eat.

However, a couple of seconds later after observing the dead corpses, their bodies started to twirl, twist and turn, spiral out of proportion, reducing its size and finally, forming a small white ball that would need about ten to fill my mouth completely.

The smell, it's dangerously good.

I licked it, my spirit grew enormously, it felt like I was reborn again.

What if I ate these?

I couldn't help it but ate them.

My body started to increase in size.

I grew taller, and taller, and taller.

My body has no arms, two massive legs, a black cloak wrapped around my body, a long white cone shaped nose attached to a white mask and white spikes around the mid section.

What was interesting is that I didn't stop developing my new bodily features.

My black cloak started to divide and open up, my arms that I never knew I would still have began to show itself. The volcanic pores began to multiply across my arms and torso. The back of my black cloak started to form black wings spreading out like a majestic unicorn flying into the sunset.

As I began hunting for more hollows to devour, I noticed that I could control the green miasma to surround myself or move to a different location.

As I walked pass by insignificant hollows, they started to die in less than three seconds and have their bodies be turned to white pills.

The pills come to me as if I was a magnet, I absorb these pills through my skin and feel a weird sensation grow but couldn't put my mind onto that sensation.

Each hollow pill has a different level of shine to it. So far, the hollow pills I've been absorbing were dim white.

For the next couple of years, I have not met a hollow that could challenge me. I felt mighty and strong. However, I've came across hollows that had a similar transformation as me. But, in the end, they perished at the hands of the green miasma and my destructive cero.

I felt I hit a plateau, the sensations within me increases but the strength seems to not increase but feel restrained.

As I venture into the nothingness, I came across oddly powerful beings. They were in pairs and one of them looked at me weird.

"Aye Ronny, come look at this weird Gillian," A muscular hollow with a very distinct white mask pointed at me who was walking towards them.

As Ronny turns his enormous and slender figure around, he was flabbergasted.

"WOW! This is the weirdest Gillian I've ever seen. He got the similar features of a Gillian but that black cloak wouldn't just divide and have those arms." As the non-aggressive Ronny started to surround and be curious at this evolution. With an intrigued expression and a slight grin, he said.

"He got wings too, and look at that those pores on his arms and chest, looks menacing."

As frustrating as it was, he couldn't vocalise his thoughts.

Gillian? Am I called Gillian. Interesting, I wonder when I can talk vocally.

As they notice that my prescence was without ill-intentions. They greeted me and asked me if I wanted to join their endeavour to becoming Vasto Lorde, the ultimate form of Menos Grande. The muscular adjucha name was Muscles.

I agreed. Hearing my hollow scream that was earsplitting as ever. They understood me and told me to follow them where they started to do hunts.