
Balance In The Force: A Star Wars Story

In the Star Wars Universe there are thousands of different species and almost all are humanoid and look incredibly similar. Why? How? Was there some distant relative they all had or was it just the force at will and whatever it was what if it came back to us at a time when the galaxy was supposedly at peace. I do not own Star Wars and this is to be considered fanfiction/ legends material.

KumaBear27101 · Movies
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In a galaxy far, far away thousands of species exist and interact with each other; Gungan, Twi'leks, Human, Rodian, Kaminoan, Wookie, Chiss, Zeltrons and many more; they all have their own history, beliefs, looks and lives but aside from a very select few species such as the Hutts and a few others they all have one thing in common. They are all humanoid; aside from skin tone and maybe some appendages and height differences all races but a select few in this galaxy are the same, some can even interbreed although that is more the exception than the rule. Worlds that are separated by half a galaxy can look almost identical, some planets in different solar systems being of the same species. How? How can this be, the odds of it happening naturally are near zero. Some believe it is the will of the force, some say it's their gods that did it, others either don't care or say it truly is random, but all are wrong.

Well before the clone wars, the republic, the Sith civil war, the old republic; before the ancient Je'daii, before any and all of the races and history we know, there was one race, one people, one planet of progenitors. These men and women with tan unblemished skin, hair of various colors and eyes of vibrant purple went through many struggles through their history, wars, disease, discovery, and creation. These beings who are one with the force whose essence is the force. They are the progenitors of all humanoid species today.

From the creation of fire, the discovery of the force, the creation of starships and the ability to use the force and ships to travel the galaxy these people set off into the unknown. Why? It might make sense if they just wanted to explore or escape but no. These people are of the force, they understand the force, while beings such as the Father, Daughter and Son and eventually in the future Abeloth are the embodiments of the force, the force separated into its different sections. The Progenitors are creatures of the force, all of the force, Dark, Light, Peace, Chaos; they are all of these and in such they obey the force, they yearn to help the force and the force yearns to help them for they are being deliberately created by the force.

When the progenitors mastered the force and communicated with the force itself, they were given a mission, one that they accepted immediately. Without discussion, without fighting, without deserters. All beings on this planet focuses on their task. From not having any inclination for the stars they built ships capable of traveling them and with the help of the force were able to set off, every single member of their race sent off across the galaxy for one task. Create life throughout the galaxy.

Hundreds of years passed and planets throughout the galaxy were showing signs of intelligent life instead of the various natural animals who inhabited them.

Thousands of years passed and these new worlds were far different now. Some planets were still very primitive, some accelerated at an accelerated pace. The progenitors whose lives run long watched over their creations with no interference, while they weren't forbidden to, they all got a feeling in the force to let these being discover their own ways and not the directly interfere more than needed.

Now why don't all beings in the galaxy look like these progenitors? It is because of how they made life. The progenitors once on a planet take the force itself, the life of that planet, its atmosphere, and condenses it in them during mating. This imbued their child with the will of the force and will the characteristics to survive and flourish on the planet. Progenitor incubation is short and soon the first new species is born. This one is the ancient ancestor of the Twi'leks. This occurred thousands of times on the planet. Once fully grown the Progenitors would disappear and watch over from above, below or just out of sight. The first set of beings eventually forgetting about them as their own lives continued.

The life of a progenitor is long, over ten thousand years after the births of the first humanoid races in the galaxy the progenitors started dying off, from age, natural space or planetary disasters. Whatever the case the progenitor race was dying out and while creating new species with the force was fast and could carry on indefinitely, the creation of new progenitor children was not easy. The force and atmosphere and life force of their own original planet enabled them to give birth to more of their kind and with them watching their creations they never went back all except for a single pair of progenitors. A man and woman who settled on one of the closest planets felt in the force that their race was dying out, they begged the force for help but there was no replay, so they decided to interfere with their creations. They descended down to the world, interacted with their children; taught them, scolded them, brought them together, soon they were worshiped along with the force.

Now with followers to help them they went to their original planet with them and mated but this time was different. They pull all of their hopes, dreams, all of the force and planet life they could to bring new progenitor life to the world and they succeeded. But the cost was great, in their desperate act of furthering their race they doomed themselves accidentally funneling most of their own life force into the new child, they weren't sure what the effect would be as they had never created a life with their own life force before, but it didn't matter to them as long as their child was safe.

They gathered their followers and while the woman gave birth the man gave out instructions to his followers, these would be his last instructions and one that would be followed for Epochs and eras to come. A simple wish. "Put our child to sleep in our ship and protect him until he awakens, and he shall be your new master" shortly after a child was born and two progenitors gave their last breaths. As the followers of these progenitors wept for their gods, they followed their orders and took the child to the ship where they placed him in a medical pod thinking it would help the child. Unfortunately, it put the child in a deep sleep one that would continue for a long time.

As time went on the rest of the progenitors died, civilizations rose and fell, some making it to many new worlds, some finding progenitor ships and using them as bases to study the force and starship building. The galaxy continued living on while on a planet nobody knew about a species of people waited for their new god to wake up, they built, discovered, researched and grew all while keeping to their mission of waiting. Months turned to years, years to decades, decades to centuries. Families passed and new ones took their place all with a singular main goal to drive them, one that brought them closer than any species could. They waited and waited… Until the wait was over.