
Apocalypse of Demons

The world in its current times wasn't really at peace in it's current times and that was because of the beings that lurked in the shadows. Creatures that suddenly appeared in the world and caused destruction wherever they went. An organization was created to hunt them down and help rid the world of demons they were known as demon hunters. Dave a young high school boy in Kyoto who went to the train station to see his uncle is caught up in a train accident. The train was suddenly destroyed killing almost everyone in it. No one on the train knew what happened not even the train driver had seen it but it wasn't long before the demon hunters arrived. The demon hunters had managed to defeat the demon but before its last moment, it quickly ran towards Dave who was in the rubble. Immediately after that day his whole life changed and he became a demon hunter but when things begin to unveil Dave is shocked when he finds out he is something known as a victim of possession. This greatly endangers his life because of the large amount of mana he now possesses, but that was only the beginning of his problems. Turns out the demons weren't after him merely because of the amount of mana he possesses.

Noob3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

First Test

Dave slowly turned his gaze towards her and asked. " What is it."

" Oh, it's nothing," Hoshino said, slowly putting the phone back inside her pocket.

She then stood up from the chair and slowly walked away, Dave stood there and watched as she walked away and after a while, he left as well.

He walked straight back to his room, opened the door, slowly walked in with his head held down, and went straight to his bed.

Ichigo was lying on his bed and reading a Manga when Dave walked in, he slightly lowered the book he was holding and saw Dave slowly walking to his bed with his head held down.

" Here." He said, throwing a Manga at Dave." You should read it to help clear your mind. I have some anime CDs it depends on your preferences."

Dave picked up the Manga which had fallen in front of his feet and then he took three more steps before he was standing at the edge of his bed.

He fell face down on his bed and slowly raised his head as he pulled the Manga towards his face, he slowly opened it and after a few minutes, he turned towards Ichigo.

" I think I prefer the anime."

Ichigo slowly got up from his bed and walked towards a bookshelf which was located at the southeastern corner of the house.

It had a few books inside it and dozes of Manga as well and on top were tons of different anime CDs.

" What's the name of the Manga I gave you," Ichigo said, walking towards the bookshelf.

Dave slowly got up from his bed, walked towards him with the Manga in his hand, and said." I think it's called One Punch Man."

" You're suddenly lively," Ichigo said as he slowly and carefully browsed through the packages.

Dave ignored him and simply looked over at all the anime that were on the bookshelf before picking up one that Ichigo had just pulled out of the pile.

" I think I've heard people talk about this one." He thought as he looked at the package.

" How about we go with this."

Ichigo slowly instantly turned to him and after a good look at the package said." It's been a while since I watched that one so a rewatch wouldn't be bad."

He then took the package from Dave and said." Although it may have a few problems when you start watching it."

They both went straight to their beds and Ichigo quickly put the disk into the DVD player before walking back to his bed.

" Hey Dave, how about you tell me more about what's going on between you and Hoshino."


The next day they all went to the dojo as requested by Tsukasa's elder sister and Ichigo and Dave both had bloodshot eyes.

Tsukasa's sister walked in shortly after, she still had her nightgown on.

" I won't be able to see to your training for today so I had someone else fill in for me and also." She said reaching behind and pulling in a boy with shoulder-length hair that slightly covered his forehead and had a pair of eyeglasses on. " This is Alex, he'll be training with you from now on, try to get along, I'll see you guys in a while."

" So it's four eyes, I bet the next thing he's going to do is come and introduce himself with that irritating tone of his, always getting on my nerves." Ichigo thought while staring at the boy with a slight frown on his face.

The boy looked around the room, completely ignoring the other three, and after a good look around the room he began to slowly walk to the northeastern corner of the room.

When he got there he picked a pair of gauntlets and quickly put them on, after a few swings of his fists he turned towards the others in the room.

Dave was sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall, Ichigo had his hands pocketed and was also leaning on the wall and Hoshino had both hands folded and was staring at the ceiling while leaning on the wall.

" Something tells me that I won't be getting along with those three." He thought as he slowly walked towards them.

The door to the room suddenly opened and an old man with a wrinkled and slightly triangular face walked in and behind him was Tsukasa.

" Alright, you guys, Master Lee will be teaching you guys for a while," Kouye said with a smile on his face, walking towards them. " And try not to get on his bad side."

" So these are the new rookies you told me about." The old man said walking towards them. " I'm looking forward to what they are capable of."

Kouye slowly stepped back and said." Alex, you should join them as well."

Alex joined them and immediately after that, a circle appeared beneath them, a ray of light shot out from the circle and they were instantly teleported away from the dojo.

They had closed their eyes after the ray of light shot out and after they slowly opened it they saw themselves standing on top of a hill.

Ichigo slowly walked towards the sloped end of the hill and looked down, he then turned around immediately and walked back to where the others were with a thought.

" This is one really long hill."

" All right, you four there are bags filled with supplies lying just a bit far to the north from her here, I want you to get it, set the camp, and then come meet me down the hill once you're done." The old man said and immediately began to walk down the hill.

They did as they were told and slowly walked towards the north of the hill, when they got there they saw three backpacking lying on the ground and each of them immediately reached out to pick one up, and just as Hoshino reached her hand the bin front of her was suddenly pulled up.

" What the." She said, instantly raising her head.

She could see Alex with the bag in his hand and he was just about to wear it, her mouth was slightly open and Alex noticing the look on her face slowly turned towards her.

" There's no need for you to worry after all it's only fair that I carry the bag." He said, turning around and immediately began to walk away.

" There he goes again, makes me wanna go punch him in hard on the face." Ichigo thought as he slowly walked away as well.

Not long after they were trying to set up the camp house, it was a long struggle but they managed to finish within thirty minutes.

After they were done with the camp house, just as they were told, they began to walk down the hill and it wasn't the best experience for them.

Due to how sloped the hill was they couldn't walk down it and running wasn't a good idea either, Dave decided to go with the flow and increased his pace, and just as he did that he did see the rock in front of him and went tumbling straight down the hill.

He fell with his back to the ground and his whole body was completely covered in bruises, he slowly turned his head to his right and his eyes and mouth widened instantly with a groan.

" My body hurts so much, I can barely lift a finger." He thought.

Not long after that the other three came down from the hill and staggered a few steps before stopping, they all saw Dave lying on the ground and the old man a little far away from him with his legs crossed and his hands placed together and raised to his chest.

He slowly placed his hands down, opened his eyes, turned towards the four of them, and thought.

" He's the possessed boy Kouye told me about, it seems that the barrier placed on him is too powerful to even allow the demon's power to flow into him considering the fact that those wounds still haven't healed until now."

He then walked towards Dave and knelt right next to him before slowly placing his hands on the boy and a white glow began to emit from his hands.

After a while, he stood up and said. " You four, follow me, your training will commence immediately."

Dave slowly got up immediately after that with a few groans as he moved his body but the pain was no longer enough to hold him down.

The old man led them into the forest and after a little walk, they were now a good distance into the forest, just as they took another step forward a barrier suddenly enclosed them.

They all turned around and stayed on their guards waiting for an attack and that was when the old man's voice.

" This is your first test, put your teamwork to the test and Alex is only to help you if the situation becomes too dire for you to handle."

They all turned back to where they were facing before and standing in front of them now was a demon.