
Apocalypse of Demons

The world in its current times wasn't really at peace in it's current times and that was because of the beings that lurked in the shadows. Creatures that suddenly appeared in the world and caused destruction wherever they went. An organization was created to hunt them down and help rid the world of demons they were known as demon hunters. Dave a young high school boy in Kyoto who went to the train station to see his uncle is caught up in a train accident. The train was suddenly destroyed killing almost everyone in it. No one on the train knew what happened not even the train driver had seen it but it wasn't long before the demon hunters arrived. The demon hunters had managed to defeat the demon but before its last moment, it quickly ran towards Dave who was in the rubble. Immediately after that day his whole life changed and he became a demon hunter but when things begin to unveil Dave is shocked when he finds out he is something known as a victim of possession. This greatly endangers his life because of the large amount of mana he now possesses, but that was only the beginning of his problems. Turns out the demons weren't after him merely because of the amount of mana he possesses.

Noob3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

12: Unexpected Guest

Inside a room, a man was standing in front of a woman who had her hand chained to a wall and nothing but a piece of cloth that was placed over her leaving only her face uncovered, her mouth was shut with a seal tape eyes were red and swollen from crying and so was her face which showed that she had been slapped a few times.

The man was wearing nothing but black trousers and was holding a black jacket in his hand, he reached into his pocket, brought out a packet, and threw it at the woman.

" The others will be here soon so it's best you prepare yourself, cause they won't be going easy." He said, walking towards the door.

When he got out of the room he saw a woman with black hair sitting on a couch in the room with her legs crossed, fingers intertwined together and her elbows resting on her lap.

He instantly pulled out his gun and slowly walked towards her as he said." Who the hell are you?"

She ignored and simply turned her head towards the open door and the man instantly turned his gaze towards the door as well.

His eyes slightly widened the moment he turned his gaze there because a man was leaning on the door and his clothes and body were completely soaked and covered in blood.

" Talk, who the hell are you!?" He shouted with rage, turning his gaze back to the woman.

The woman ignored him once again and slowly brought her legs down from the other with a slight chuckle and the man irritated immediately began to pull the trigger.

" The intense rage burning within you because of your pawns is quite heartwarming considering the fact that they're well, just pawns." She said, stroking her chin with her long nails.

The man became irritated even more and immediately shot a bullet at her but she was no longer anywhere to be seen.

The man gasped and immediately began to turn his head and then he felt his hand being held and when he turned his gaze to his hand he could see the woman standing in front of him.

He tried to pull the trigger once again but just as he moved his finger his arm was immediately crushed, the man gritted his teeth and his skin began to harden and turn black and he then folded his left hand into a fist.

The woman instantly moved to his back along with his hand and then she immediately slammed him to the floor with his hand twisted and placed on his head.

" You may be strong but it still doesn't change the fact that you're nothing but a counterfeit demon now you'll have to pay for your worthless life." She said, twisting his hand Eve more.

" Go to h...."

The man wasn't able to finish his line before he let out a loud scream that echoed throughout the room and looking at his arm now there were visible cracks due to it being black and hardened and blood was slightly dripping out from the cracks.

" I need you to help me with something, after all, it's only fair that you pay for the power which you now possess and it doesn't come at an affordable price." She said, twisting his hand even more.

" Fine, I.. I'll do it! Just let me go!..... Please... I beg you!." He said, his voice trembling.

The woman instantly let go of him and then she stood and said." I'll heal your friends, you'll be needing them along the way."

Holding out her palm, a crystal shining bright white appeared on it and the man's eyes widened the moment he saw it.

She then walked towards the man who was leaning half-dead on the door and slightly bent over before placing the crystal on his chest.

The crystal began to shine bright as she placed it on his chest and then it latched onto it.

The woman immediately let go of the crystal and backed away, immediately after that the light from the crystal began to glow even brighter and eventually lit up the whole room forcing the two of them to close their eyes.


Back inside the dojo Hoshino slowly raised her head and began to rub her eyes as she looked up at the person who was kneeling in front of her.

" Fuji? What are you doing here?" She said, pulling her legs towards her so she could sit up.

" You'll catch a cold if sleep on the floor, that's what Big Brother told me."

Hoshino then slowly turned her head to the side and saw the two boys sleeping next to her and then she slowly crawled towards them.

" Come on you two, wake up." She said tapping Ichigo on the shoulder.

The boy slowly turned over with his back now facing the floor with a slight groan as he opened his eyes and that was when he saw the two faces looking at him, one had a smile on her face and the other had a rather gloomy expression.

The girl with a smile slowly walked up to the other boy who was lying on the floor and gently tapped his shoulder.

Dave slowly opened his eyes which were still adjusting to the brightness of the room, with his eyes slightly opened he raised his head to see the little girl kneeling in front of him.

" Big brother Dave your face is all wet." She said with a slight giggle, turning towards Ichigo, "See big brother I told you I wasn't the only one who their face gets wet when they're asleep."

Dave quickly turned his gaze to the side, his now completely open, and could see Hoshino and Ichigo at the other side, looking at him, their gazes were gloomy and one of disappointment.

Dave rubbed the side of his face and when he looked at his hand, it was now completely covered in liquid and so was the plan where he was resting his head.

" What's with that look on your face it's not like I did it on purpose," Dave said rubbing his hand on his shirt.

" You weren't even asleep for up to thirty minutes and you've already drooled that much," Ichigo said standing up from the floor.

Hoshino got up as well and left the room without talking to anyone wind Dave looked down at the floor as she left, he wanted to call out to her, but the words just couldn't come out.

Dave after a few minutes finally stood up from the floor and walked to his room when he got there he could see Ichigo sitting on the couch, eating a can of instant ramen

There were two more on the table in front of him and Dave slowly walked towards him, took one, and sat beside him before opening the can.

" I should have stopped Hoshino back then, then maybe this wouldn't have ended up happening I could sense the unusual anger within him back when we were both fighting but it changed into guilt the moment we were asked to fight Hoshino he couldn't even look in the eye." Ichigo thought, looking at Dave from the corner of his eyes.

Immediately after he was done with the can of instant ramen Dave stood up and left the room without saying a word to Ichigo.

He slowly staggered upstairs and when he got to the end of the stairs he slowly reached out his hand and opened the door in front of him.

After walking through the door, he saw Hoshino sitting on the same bench as last time, staring at the starry sky and this time she didn't turn her gaze towards him.

He slowly walked up to her and just as he opened his mouth he closed it instantly, his lips continued to open slightly until he finally managed to voice out." Hoshino."

" Huh." She said quickly turning her gaze toward him.

Dave instantly placed both hands together and raised them slightly over his head. " I, I'm sorry for what happened las....."

" Stop it." She said, cutting him short.

" Go get yourself some sleep and don't ever talk about that accident ever again at least not while I'm around." She said, slowly turning and bending her head to face the floor," You shouldn't blame yourself, it was all my fault, I put you in a spot without asking your opinion on it maybe then I would have known that you lost some of your memories."

" How about we go on an outing? The three of us, I'm sure Kouye Sensei wouldn't mind." He said, bringing his hands down.

Hoshino didn't give him a reply and kept her head held down, that was when her phone rang and she slowly slid her hands into her pocket and brought it out.

She tapped and scrolled a few times and her eyes instantly widened.

Sorry about the late update, I had exams to deal with and needed to cool my head.

Noob3creators' thoughts